Daming: I became Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son

Chapter 88 The Wailing Messenger

After returning to the court, Zhu Yuanzhang asked the prince to lead several important officials of the court to draft a joint memorial, imploring the court to promote the crop of potatoes. Ten times that of crops.

As a result, all the officials were blown up, especially the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, their eyes widened even more, it was incredible.

So I asked the prince, is this really the case?

The prince saw all these with his own eyes, so he assured that there was indeed such a crop. He had participated in the management and harvesting of potatoes, and verified its magic with his own eyes.

The ministers were still a little unwilling, and they went to the bottom of the matter, asking who invented these things?

Zhu Biao had already been entrusted by Zhu Yuanzhang, and did not mention Zhu Tao's name, but only said that the person who invented this crop was a strange man with a heart for the world, but for some reason, his name, identity and origin were temporarily kept secret.

When everyone heard that there was such a strange person in my Ming Dynasty, they all praised them, and they all said that the prosperous age will be prosperous, and there will be a phoenix singing on Qishan Mountain.

And when my Ming Dynasty is about to prosper, there will be strange people and strangers who will dedicate miraculous crops to alleviate the sufferings of the people, so I shouted long live to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang was naturally very happy, so he told Prince Zhu Biao.

"Since this is a good thing that is beneficial to the national economy and the people's livelihood, let's do it! Ask the cabinet to draw up an order to promote potato planting on a large scale in all the land that can be planted in two seasons and three seasons in the country. Anyone who dares to slack off and delay the promotion of Tudou will be arrested and questioned immediately.”

At the beginning of Hongwu, the officials in the court still paid more attention to the development of agriculture. Seeing the good things that were beneficial to the people's livelihood, naturally no one jumped over to oppose them.

Seeing that the promotion of potatoes was done so logically, Zhu Yuanzhang was also very happy, and immediately proposed it.

"Although that high-ranking man is indifferent to fame and wealth, the court wants to reward those who have contributed to the country. This is also an attitude of seeking virtuous and virtuous people. All ministers and workers, what should we say to reward that strange man?"

As soon as real interests were mentioned, the cabinet exploded.

A man who followed Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer the world immediately said: "We should give him ten carts of apples."

Another one is not to be outdone: "This is not the first year of Hongwu, he should be rewarded with ten carts of herbs!"

"This is not the second year of Hongwu, and the herbs are out of date. He should be rewarded with 60 taels of silver."

Zhu Yuanzhang squinted his eyes and listened to these people's chattering disputes. Before he figured out his father's intentions, the crown prince couldn't express his opinion.

Seeing these people quarreling, no one has ever asked Zhu Tao for credit, let alone asking him to be an official.

Later Zhu Yuanzhang was really impatient.

"What to fight for, I have already decided, and I will make that strange man Fengtian Yiwei Tuicheng Fu Guogong, with an annual salary of [-] shi."

Before the words were finished, someone suddenly burst into tears.

"Qion Youli, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites, risked his life to remonstrate. The emperor's indiscriminate rewards will only cause chaos for the court. My Ming Dynasty is about to perish! Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed his anger and looked at Qiong Youli, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites with a gloomy face.

"You said that if I become a duke, the country will perish, right?"

The guy cried so much that his eyes were red. Could it be that the emperor asked, he quickly wiped away his tears and stopped his grief.

"Property, righteousness, honesty and shame are the four pillars of the country. There are certain rules for rewarding such titles. The emperor once stipulated that those without military merits should not be named dukes or marquises. Although the hermit has a great reputation, he has not established a Once a person who has made military achievements like this enters the court and is conferred a title, it will only make the meritorious officials of the court feel cold, and the civil and military officials will feel cold."

The reason is presented, and there is no standard for being an official, so what are you waiting for if the country does not perish? "

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted.

"Let me ask you, what is the first thing a military meritorious person needs?"

This guy came as soon as he opened his mouth: "It's destiny!"


Zhu Yuanzhang was originally a bold and forthright man on horseback. Although he had been on the throne for a long time, he still couldn't avoid the galloping military temper at that time.

Hearing this guy chattering about the destiny, and saying that if he became a duke, the country would perish, he was already furious and burst out with a foul language.

"No matter how you deal with people, whether it's marching or fighting, you must first have a full stomach, even if you don't even have a full stomach, that kind of empty destiny is useless. You say that providing military rations to the three armies, isn't it military merit? Without those who provide food, will those who have made military contributions on the front line starve to death?"

This Qiong Youli was robbed by the emperor, and she was also speechless. After thinking about it, she had to find another way to refute Zhu Yuanzhang.

"According to what the emperor said, as long as it is to provide assistance to the soldiers, it is called military meritorious service. Then I have followed your majesty since the emperor's common clothes. When you are marching and fighting, you are often worried about your safety, and you often cry It’s red and swollen, and sometimes you’ll faint from too much grief, is this considered military merit? But you didn’t even give me a viscount or baron?”

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't understand until he heard this.

"I think you have been crying with me for a long time. It turned out that you were complaining that I didn't confer you a title. A useless person like you who can only mourn is worthy of eating my Daming's Lumi, a warrior in front of the palace!"

At that time, a few imperial guards came, and they went to hold down this Qiong Youli.

"Take off his black gauze, strip off his official robes, roll out a hundred Wumen court rods, and send them to the spirit of Emperor Renzu in Zhongdu. Let's go to mourning full-time!"

Qiong Youli was dumbfounded immediately, this guy's lacrimal glands are quite developed, and he immediately felt sad, crying and howling to the emperor to spare his life.

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand.

"Seeing that we are young, I will entitle you to be a 36th-rank Wailing Messenger with an annual salary of three taels of silver. Go down to the palace."

In fact, Daming's official position is only nine ranks and eighteen ranks, the so-called 36th rank, it is simply not as good as not entering the ranks.

This guy wiped away his tears, and he was a little bit unwilling to encourage those ministers.

"The emperor sent rewards indiscriminately, but my Ming Dynasty's national law, why didn't my colleagues persuade me? Do you really want to watch our Ming Dynasty perish?"

Originally, I thought that if I raised my arms, there would be a gathering of followers.

Who knew that he still overestimated the integrity of these ministers, listening to him crying beside him, some of these people looked straight at the emperor, some were dumbfounded, and some were doing things to him grimace.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand impatiently: "Gag this guy's mouth, it's annoying to cry."

Seeing him go, Zhu Yuanzhang said to Manchu Wenwu.

"Don't say that the high-yield crops are not credit. If any of you can make the yield per mu exceed six thousand catties, we can make him a first-class duke on the spot. Oh, I can make him a prince immediately. Who will come? "

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