Zhu Tao just found out a few days ago that the fourth cousin is currently an official of the State Commerce Department, and is responsible for purchasing military rations.

Zhu Di was naturally very happy. At that time, he charged a very high price, and told him that he will soon play to the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and promote the practice of potatoes throughout the country, so that in the future, there will be no hungry people in Ming Dynasty. up.

After exchanging greetings, he suddenly asked a question.

"Brother, has your Zhuangzi been peaceful recently?"

Zhu Tao smiled.

"Cousin Taiping sits here, do you think it can be peaceful?"

Thinking of his elder brother here, Zhu Di suddenly thought that things might be more serious.

Because his wife Xu Wangfei once mentioned to herself that her brother Xu Zengshou had been out for three days, but there was no news, and she didn't know whether she was dead or alive.

At that time, Zhu Tao said casually that he would rebel, but he was so angry that he said a few words to his brother-in-law.

Wan didn't expect the seriousness of this matter, the elder brother is in this village, if Xu Zengshou comes to make trouble, it's not because the birthday star always drinks arsenic and thinks he has a long life.

"There are no thieves coming to make trouble?"

Zhu Tao smiled: "It's all small troubles. These people are now under the supervision of Brother Taiping, so you don't have to worry about it."

From Zhu Tao's mouth, he didn't hear what happened to these people, so Zhu Di was relieved, and asked around what happened.

Zhu Tao smiled: "Father is back, he knows all about this, just now he asked his followers to beat up those boys severely."

Zhu Di frowned, "Is this the case? What's the name of that follower?"

Zhu Tao replied casually: "Xu Da, it looks like you have pretty good skills."

When they met, Zhu Di discovered that the so-called Xu Da was none other than Duke Wei of Ming Dynasty, his father-in-law Xu Da.

It turned out that it was the father-in-law who beat up the brother-in-law. It seems that this incident has caused a lot of trouble, and the father is probably furious, so he must be careful to apologize this time.

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang called him out alone.

"Di'er, did you know that Xu Zengshou came to make trouble? Did you order this?"

Zhu Di gave a wry smile. "I just heard about it from Princess Xu today, and I'm rushing over to teach this guy for my cousin."

"Brother and friend, you have to show yourself as a brother. Do you understand? You have to know that if you behave properly, your brother-in-law will not have such crooked thoughts. Say it first, this is the last time."

Zhu Di only felt that his back was sweating profusely, so he responded obediently.

At this moment, a burst of tangy fragrance suddenly came, attracting the eyes of both father and son.

I saw a big iron pot, and some things were being stir-fried. In addition to the familiar pork, there was also something called potatoes.

When it was served, Zhu Yuanzhang picked up a piece of potato, took a bite, and found that it was full of the fragrance of pork, which was more fragrant than any other dish in his mouth, and he couldn't help but eat it.

"Is this how you eat potatoes? We've learned a lot, Tao'er. Every time we come back, we can feast on your food."

Zhu Tao smiled.

"Potato braised pork, eat slowly, enough for today."

During the meal, Zhu Di mentioned again that he wanted to purchase Zhu Tao's potatoes as military rations. Zhu Tao was about to agree, but Zhu Yuanzhang stood up.

"Tao'er, I don't think these potatoes can be sold."

"Why, Dad?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said with a serious face.

"Now I have a lot of waste to do, and the international people's livelihood is a problem. Since this year, there has been drought and little rain in various places, and the harvest has been poor. If there is no decent crop, it may cause widespread famine. Therefore, my father thinks that this crop It should be dedicated to the imperial court, so that the imperial court can promote planting on a large scale, so that the people of Ming Dynasty will never be hungry."

Zhu Tao looked at Zhu Yuanzhang.

He is not disgusted with the planting method of offering potatoes. Since the cheap father has such a heart for the world, it is not a bad idea to offer the potatoes to the court in advance.

Zhu Yuanzhang chuckled, and seeing that Zhu Tao didn't say anything about Zhu Di's rebellion, he turned to ask Xu Dalai who was beside him.

"Xu Da, do you think the imperial court will adopt this suggestion?"

For Xu Da, this is simply a question of giving points.

"Back to the lord, today's emperor once said: I am a commoner in Huaiyang, so why should the emperor be in my place? He works day and night, and his thoughts are all about the national economy and the people's livelihood. If he hears that there is such a food that can save the people of Ming Dynasty Crops will definitely be promoted as soon as possible.”

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly: "Tao'er, did you hear that? Today's day is still very holy, can you dedicate it?"

At this stall, Zhu Tao couldn't say anything, so he said, "Daddy decides everything."

Zhu Yuanzhang was even happier: "Tao'er, don't worry, any reward from the court will be yours."

Zhu Tao stopped him.

"Father, I'm still young, what do I want those rewards for? I asked you to dedicate them to the court. Of course, it is for the people of Ming Dynasty. Another meaning is that if the emperor can remember some of my loyalty in offering potatoes in the future, he will be as good as you are." For ordinary merchants, some behavioral restrictions will be relaxed."

It turns out that the national policy of the Ming Dynasty has always been to emphasize agriculture and suppress business. At the beginning of the founding of the country, it was stipulated that merchants were not allowed to wear silk, take part in imperial examinations, or be officials.

Although some people are very rich in private, they have always been ridiculed and despised when they walk on the street, so Zhu Tao said this.

Although there was a trace of selfishness in what he said, Zhu Yuanzhang felt even warmer when he heard it.

His eyes felt sour. At this moment, he didn't regard Zhu Tao as a talent, nor did he regard him as the object he needed to win over. There was an illusion that he was his own son.

So he smiled: "Since you have such filial piety, the emperor must be moved too."

Due to the curfew imposed at night in Ming Dynasty, they could not enter the city when they returned late, so they left early after having lunch here.

When leaving again, Xu Da held Zhu Tao's hand in front of Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Young master, that bastard Wang Tiechui, if you dare to be mischievous again, you can tell me Xu Da, and I will tear his bones apart!"

But Zhu Tao smiled: "Brother Xu, do you think anyone can stay in my village? If he continues to be mischievous, I will immediately send someone to hand him over to Ying Tianfu, but the governor seems to know him , this matter is a bit troublesome."

But Zhu Yuanzhang snorted: "The guy he knows will not be Yin Tianfu soon!"

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