Daming: I became Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son

Chapter 265 This is too shameless

Fang Xiaoru already understood Zhu Tao's thinking, but he felt that this matter seemed a little unkind.

"I understand what you mean, but it seems that this is deceiving others and using a way of confinement to complete our final scheduled plan. Is this not good?"

Zhu Tao nodded, it seems that this Fang Xiaoru is really smart.

"What you said is very reasonable. I'm just deceiving them. But for these people, is it still waiting for the New Year if they don't cheat? These overseas barbarians are like livestock in my eyes. Letting them be slaves is to exalt them .”

Fang Xiaoru seemed a little dazed, but he also felt that there was nothing wrong with such a way of thinking.

After all, Daming has always claimed to be a great country, and treats these barbarians as uncivilized people. In the eyes of Daming, they are no different from the primitive people who cultivated by slash-and-burn.

Thinking of this, Fang Xiaoru became slightly excited, it turned out that things could still be done like this.

"Please don't worry, I will go back and prepare to write some related articles, and then spread these articles all over the world, and I will preach to the barbarians through my colleagues in the Imperial Academy. I believe that I will be able to brainwash all the barbarians."

Zhu Tao nodded, it seems that Fang Xiaoru is really clever, he is worthy of being a great talent, and he can fully comprehend it with a few strokes.

"However, this matter is not yet finished. You must do it beautifully. As for the issue of the novel I mentioned just now, there is still some room for maneuver."

Fang Xiaoru has been completely enlightened with Zhu Tao these days, and he also said with a smile.

"Young master, please rest assured. I already know how to do these things. You don't have to worry too much. I will take care of it."

Song Lian watched from the side, not even trying to understand what Fang Xiaoru understood, but telling what he didn't understand would also lose face as a teacher. After all, he is a great contemporary Confucian and a cabinet minister.

After he came out, Song Lian asked Fang Xiaoru.

"Xizhi, what did you understand about the novel that King Dingyuan said just now? In fact, the teacher didn't even think through this level."

Fang Xiaoru smiled lightly and said to Song Lian.

"But in fact, it's very simple. Since those barbarians will like our novels, let's change them through the direction of the novels, such as writing more about our Ming and powerful, and writing more about their dark countries. This will take a long time. Now, they don’t have any cultural self-confidence, so it’s only logical for us to control them.”

Only then did Song Lian understand Zhu Tao's intentions, and he couldn't help but sigh, this strategy is really cruel, and it is really powerful when it is used invisibly.

Besides admiring Zhu Tao, he was even more pleased with Fang Xiaoru's current understanding ability. After being a teacher with Zhu Tao for a period of time, he became so transparent.

Soon, the cabinet received a notice from Zhu Tao, saying that three days later, a class would be given to these barbarian envoys, and all envoys must be present.

The envoys of the Champa Kingdom who were in the station were all frowning, and several people surrounded one of the young people, and no one said a word.

After a while, someone who seemed impatient asked.

"Your Highness, every time we come to the Ming Dynasty to meet, we will be rewarded with a lot of treasures and treated well, but this time we are actually put in a post station, and we don't care and don't ask. What is the intention of this?"

At this time, Cao Bi, the prince of the Champa Kingdom who was called His Highness, suddenly said.

"You ask me, who will I ask, besides, if it wasn't for Daming's reward, who would travel so far to pay him tribute, I'm not idle."

Speaking of this, Cao Bi was also very wronged in his heart. You must know that although he is a prince, King Champa gave birth to children whenever he had nothing to do. There are a lot of princes in the family, no less than 30 to [-] people.

So whether he can inherit the throne is really unknown, and as a prince, he is not rich, after all, Champa is not a big economic country.

So he didn't come to Daming to be an envoy, but just to get some rewards. He didn't expect that after staying for so long this time, he still didn't get any money, and he was a little panicked.

So when the subordinate asked him this way, he was a little confused, yes, if Zhu Yuanzhang didn't give the money, what exactly would he want to do?

Just when he was most troubled, a eunuch who was in charge suddenly came to the post station with a group of entourages, and began to read out the imperial decree.

"Following the imperial decree of Chengyun, the envoys of Zhancheng Kingdom are ordered to go to the Imperial College in three days to listen to Dingyuan Wang Zhu Tao's lecture on the learning of Ming Dynasty for you and others. Be sure not to miss a single person."

Now, the envoys, who were already confused, couldn't find the north.

The Champa Kingdom is not a state of etiquette. In their country, even if they are princes and nobles, there are many people who don't study.

On this business trip, the brothers came here to ask for money. If they were told to study, they would not believe it even if they were beaten to death, but Zhu Yuanzhang just came here.

At this time, Cao Bi asked the chief eunuch cautiously.

"I said my father-in-law, we have been here for a long time, and the Ministry of Rites didn't say to take care of us. Why did you let us go to study this time?"

Although this is very polite, it is basically the same as asking directly why you haven't given us money.

Unexpectedly, the chief eunuch is also a good diplomat, and said directly with a smile.

"This is a matter of the Ministry of Rites. Our family really doesn't know very well, but the emperor asked our family to ask you, are you the legitimate son of King Champa?"

In fact, Cao Bi is still very concerned about his identity. He is indeed the son of the legitimate son, and he is the eldest son of the legitimate son.

So, he said something with a little pride.

"That's right, my father gave birth to more than 30 of our brothers, but I am the eldest son, so I asked my father-in-law to play the Ming emperor for me."

Unexpectedly, the manager continued to ask.

"Since this is the case, then you should be the most likely to inherit the position of King Champa. In other words, you are the future King of Champa."

All of a sudden, Cao Bi was dumbfounded when asked directly. Although he was the eldest son, Champa was not a Ming Dynasty, and he did not believe in the principles of Confucius and Mencius, and there was no system whereby the eldest son would necessarily inherit his position.

So, after being cowardly for a long time, he had to answer truthfully.

"This matter has to be carefully considered by the father. As a son, I can't talk nonsense by myself."

However, the manager said with a smile.

"His Majesty the emperor of Ming said that he thinks you are the most suitable future king of Champa, and that Daming will support you, so he will let you attend the lecture given by King Zhu Tao of Dingyuan. This is an absolute opportunity for you. "

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