Daming: I became Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son

Chapter 264 Fang Xiaoru's Change

Fang Xiaoru was basically stunned. He was thinking that he was used to being a teacher and had no expectations of returning to the court.

Now that Song Lian suddenly came over to tell him this, how could this not make him excited?

"Sir, thank you for worrying about me so much. The students really don't know how to say it."

Song Lian shook his head and said.

"Xizhi, it's actually not what I said for you in the court, but what Dingyuan Wang Zhutao decided to use you."

He told Fang Xiaoru all the things that happened in the court.

After Fang Xiaoru finished listening, she basically understood that almost all of her circumstances were related to Zhu Tao.

In fact, Song Lian knew very well that this disciple was always arrogant, so he was very worried that he would not be able to accept this arrangement, so he comforted him.

"Actually, it is because of your own talent that King Dingyuan recommended you to the court, so you don't have to feel sad."

Fang Xiaoru shook his head and said very sincerely.

"Sir, you don't need to comfort me. In fact, I know very well in my heart that if my arrogance was due to my arrogance at the beginning, I have already smoothed my heart since I came into contact with King Dingyuan. Compared with him, my talent is nothing. What happened, it was just the light of the fireflies."

In fact, when Fang Xiaoru first came to Zhujiazhuang, Fang Xiaoru had resentment in his heart, and he was a little dissatisfied with Zhu Tao.

After all, I am a Hanlin bachelor, an official of the fourth rank, and a subordinate official of the Eastern Palace. I have a bright future, but I was assigned to be a private school teacher.

After staying by Zhu Tao's side for this period of time, he has been more impressed by Zhu Tao's character and talent. This sentence is not modest, but just a sigh after being convinced.

Song Lian nodded, he smiled and said to Fang Xiaoru.

"You don't have to be like this. Since King Dingyuan recommended you to His Majesty to participate in the cultural invasion, he wants to reuse you. You must seize the opportunity and never take it lightly."

The two came to Zhu Tao's study. Zhu Tao was polishing Xie Jin's book on stones. After all, this matter can be regarded as a major event.

No matter how you look at it, although Xie Jin is only a 12-year-old boy, his ghostwriting ability is really good. At least his old lady, Queen Ma, didn't see anything unusual.

When the master and apprentice saw Zhu Tao, they were naturally very humble and polite. After saluting, Song Lian said this.

"The old man brought Fang Xiaoru, the poor apprentice, to listen. You can just give the order. As long as you assign something, my master and apprentice will never be ambiguous even if they are swords and flames."

Zhu Tao scratched his head and said helplessly.

"Mr. Song, you are here again. Didn't I just say that what I want to do is very simple, not as complicated as a knife mountain oil pan."

Fang Xiaoru, a Hanlin scholar, was naturally willing to make contributions, so he couldn't bear his temper, so he hurriedly asked Zhu Tao.

"I heard that King Dingyuan intends to teach these small barbarian countries the knowledge of the Great Ming, so that they will be convinced. I don't know what aspects you want to teach. Can you tell the students so that I can also benefit from it."

Zhu Tao smiled, pointed to the book of stones in front of him, and said.

"I'm going to tell them this. You stay here with me tonight. Let's have a light meal together. I haven't cooked much recently. I'm going to make a red willow barbecue today. Let's have a tooth-beating festival together, and then discuss how to do it. Son."

Although Fang Xiaoru coveted Zhu Tao's craftsmanship, he was more concerned about how to use this book of stones to complete the cultural invasion.

"King Dingyuan has always been far-sighted, and the students admire him very much, but is it too hasty to complete their cultural invasion with a book of stones?"

If you don't ask this question, I'm afraid Fang Xiaoru will really have a hard time understanding it.

Zhu Tao smiled and asked Fang Xiaoru.

"I heard that you seem to be following up on this book, right? And you've been doing in-depth research. It seems that you plan to write some corresponding articles to analyze it."

Fang Xiaoru nodded, and seemed a little embarrassed to say.

"Since following you, I have also gained a thorough understanding in many places. I used to only read the books of Confucian classics and sages, but now I know that there are many interesting things in this novel."

Zhu Tao smiled, and then closed the conversation.

"That's right, even you have started to read novels, if those barbarians know the wit, how can they not read them, and they will imitate them when the time comes, this is cultural export."

Then, before Fang Xiaoru could react, Zhu Tao continued.

"In fact, what I want to export to them is definitely not just as simple as novels. No matter what kind of culture we have in Ming Dynasty, we must make them worship. I can basically identify this culture as a simple idea, which is Elevating the Ming Dynasty and belittling the barbarians, this kind of thing is entrusted to you, so it should be regarded as a familiarity."

Fang Xiaoru didn't even think about it, so he agreed directly. If he was to compare knowledge with Zhu Tao, he would certainly feel ashamed. If he wanted to write some articles to criticize the barbarians and praise the great Ming, he didn't need to use his brain at all.

"Please don't worry, King Dingyuan. This kind of matter is entrusted to me. It is completely handled by hand. There must be no leaks. But if you write it down like this, it will only anger those barbarians, right?"

In fact, Song Lian also has such doubts. After all, you boast about yourself and scold others, and you still want to convince them. I'm afraid this matter is not that simple.

"My lord, please think twice. After all, this matter is not that easy. Those barbarians are all short-tempered people. If they really criticize them, the effect will be counterproductive."

After hearing this, Zhu Tao just smiled and said noncommittally.

"Mr. Song, don't worry, those barbarians don't have such a smart brain, and we will brainwash them at any time, telling them that they are just a group of uncivilized people. If you want to improve your identity and status, you can only change it, such as Let their upper-class nobles intermarry with us Ming people."

As soon as these words came out, Fang Xiaoru and Song Nian were all scratching their heads, wondering why Zhu Tao suddenly had such a brain circuit.

Zhu Tao continued.

"Don't get me wrong, the intermarriage I mentioned simply refers to the intermarriage between our ordinary people and their aristocratic women. As for our nobles in Ming Dynasty, they are not qualified to be worthy."

Song Lian was still thinking about it, but Fang Xiaoru suddenly asked a question.

"But there are ordinary men in their own country. If so, how can they solve the problem of getting married and breeding offspring?"

Zhu Tao chuckled, Fang Xiaoru said.

"In the country of barbarians, ordinary men are not qualified to breed offspring, and even their noble men will gradually become my Ming's slaves."

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