Sui and Tang Dynasties: Beginning with Overlord Inheritance

Chapter 364 Despite Orders, The Little One Will Not Hesitate

At first, the two of them didn't care about it, they just wondered how Cui Rong's plan would remain the same without Liu Fei.

Later, the two gradually discovered the details.

Every time the guard delivered food, Cui Rong would quietly take out a note from the bottom of the bowl.

After eating, Cui Rong would hide in the corner and write something, and then stuff the note into the bottom of the bowl again.

It will be taken away when the guards deliver food and change bowls next time.

According to Cui Rong's habit, he has worked hard to do these things secretly.

However, Feng Deyi's and Lu Qi's cells are too close to each other, it is impossible to avoid them.

The prison cell is also hollowed out, and he has no way to be truly quiet.

At this time, Cui Rong didn't care about these things, even if Feng Deyi and Lu Qi knew about it, they couldn't do anything about it.

Even the guards have colluded with him, and the two of them can't make any trouble.

Feng Deyi and Lu Qi also knew that there was nothing they could do, so they could only endure silently, pretending they didn't know anything.

I just thought in my heart, if there is a slight loophole, they will not let go of the opportunity to take revenge on Cui Rong.

Liu Fei on the other side knocked on Cui's door again with a message.

It was still the butler who opened the door, but this time the butler didn't give money, but signaled Liu Fei to go in.

Liu Fei didn't procrastinate, and followed the butler through the garden to a living room in the middle courtyard.

At this time, an old man with white beard sat on the highest seat inside.

Liu Fei glanced quickly, then immediately lowered his head.

The old man has white hair at the temples, a beard, and piercing eyes.

"This is the patriarch of our Cui clan, Cui Rende, patriarch Cui."

"This is Lord Cui's cousin, Governor of Jizhou, Jie of Cui County."

The butler introduced Liu Fei one by one.

However, only some important figures were introduced, and the rest of the Cui clan did not go into details.

The butler didn't introduce Liu Fei to everyone. Before he came here, he already knew him as a little guy.

"Little Liu Fei, pay respects to the patriarch and the adults!"

Without saying a word, Liu Fei knelt down on both knees, put his palms on the ground, put his head on the palms, and bowed deeply.

Regardless of the identities of the people present, let alone their official positions, no one is lower than him.

I won't suffer a lot this time.

Looking at Liu Fei, who was 'throwing his body on the ground', the patriarch Cui Rende stroked his beard and said with a smile:

"Hehehe, please get up quickly."

"I've heard that you are working for the Cui family. These few days, I have worked hard for you."

Liu Fei immediately replied:

"It is my honor to be able to serve several adults!"

After thinking about it, Liu Fei took out a heavy bag from his arms and offered it with both hands.

"This is the reward for the past few days. I have long looked up to the adults for a long time. Now I am honored to be able to work for several adults!"

Cui Xianjie frowned and asked curiously:
"What are you doing?"

Liu Fei replied truthfully:
"The silver taels will be returned in full!"

Cui Rong has already sent a letter to him, and today he will meet the big shots of their Cui family.

And let him get ready, maybe the action is just a few days away.

What Liu Fei thought was that since he finally met a big shot, he should show a good performance.

80 taels of silver was his entire net worth.

But for Cui Shi, it was just a drop in the bucket, and there was no such item in Cui Rong's order.

This is what Liu Fei came up with.

And he was sure that Cui's people would not accept it, it was just a small amount of money, not that much.

Liu Fei felt that his attitude had to be shown, and he might not be able to gain trust.

Can continue to work for it in the future.

"Hehehe, you are a sweet talker. If the old man accepts it, wouldn't it appear that I, Mrs. Cui, are stingy?"

"This little money should be yours, so take it."

Sure enough, Cui Rende had no intention of accepting it at all, and even knew Liu Fei's careful thoughts.

As the patriarch, this pattern is still necessary.

Liu Fei kicked back silently.

Before coming here, what he thought was that he would go far away after this incident.

But when he was on the road, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

For no reason, a sense of fear arises spontaneously.

Although he didn't know what this group of people were going to do, the situation in the joint prison.

He could imagine that it must be a big deal.

For such a major event, he participated in it as a pawn, and the consequences can be imagined.

The big family has always done things cleanly.

If I don't show my loyalty, I probably won't be able to wait for him to fly away.

The end must be that they cannot escape Cui's pursuit.

Instead, this was the only way he could think of to protect himself.

In the future, I will continue to work for the Cui family. If I am lucky, I will spend my whole life in prosperity and wealth, and I will have nothing to do.

If he is unlucky, he will be on guard, and if the situation is not right, he will immediately run away with the money.

By that time, Cui was trying to find him, like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The current situation is not optimistic for him. As long as he can guarantee that he will not die after this incident, he will have plenty of opportunities later.

"I called you here this time because I have something to ask you."

The butler looked indifferent and said without emotion.

Liu Fei bowed slightly, clasped his hands into fists:
"Despite the orders, the little one will not hesitate!"

Cui Rende stroked his beard, and continued:

"You don't need to be nervous, and it's not a big deal. You are ready to take care of the prison in the past few days."

"Send a few people to protect Cui Rong, wait for our signal, open the prison and let Cui Rong come out safely."

"As for what happens inside, you don't have to worry about it."

Liu Fei froze in place, rubbing his ears to make sure he heard correctly.

His face suddenly changed slightly.

Let him open the cell door?

Before coming here, he thought about many possibilities, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

No, to be precise, I thought of it, but I'm not sure.

I didn't think Cui Shi would be so bold.

After the investigation, it was found that his capital crime would definitely not escape.

Seeing Liu Fei's expression, Cui Xianjie sneered:
"Didn't you just say, don't hesitate?"

"Don't you dare to do such a small thing?"

Liu Fei swallowed, wondering:
"My lord, this is... a capital crime."

Open the gate and release people, not to mention that he is the head of the cell, even the warden would not dare to do such a thing.

He can imagine the situation at that time.

Whether it is an official or a death row prisoner, they are all crazy, and everyone sees the hope of life.

The scene was chaotic, and I don't know how many people died, but he definitely couldn't survive.

Cui Rende seemed to have expected Liu Fei to say this, and said kindly:
"Don't worry, you won't die, we Cui will protect you."

After clapping his hands, four men in black quietly appeared behind Liu Fei.

Cui Rende explained:

"These are the warriors that my Cui family spent more than ten years cultivating. They are all good fighters with one enemy against a hundred. They will protect you, so you can rest assured."

"After the matter is completed, the Cui family will arrange a new identity for you. You can choose to continue working in the Cui residence, or you can remain anonymous and wander the world."

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