Sui and Tang Dynasties: Beginning with Overlord Inheritance

Chapter 363 The Stormy Chang'an City

Cui Rong simply out of sight and out of sight.

No matter how Lu Qi and Feng Deyi called for help, he ignored them.

He can't do anything either.

Cui Rong couldn't calm down either, and the prison was filled with unbearable voices.

Or scream, or howl.

Those officials never thought in their life that they would be treated like this.

At the same time, I hated Xu Maogong thoroughly.

If it weren't for him, I would still be singing and dancing, accompanied by beauties and drinks.

Some are happy and some are sad.

It was time for Liu Fei to return to the prison again.

There was excitement on his face.

Last night, he earned another 50 taels!

This is no small sum.

For the next few days, Liu Fei's small treasury doubled every day.

My heart became more and more respectful to Cui Rong.

At the same time, he also discovered that something was wrong with the officials in the prison. It seemed that everyone was very emaciated.

The next day, some people said they wanted to change the cell, or they would die for him.

When he was in a hurry, he suddenly lost his voice on the third day.

It appears officials have given up on the matter.

He is also relaxed.

For this reason, he also came forward to express his condolences, and the officials all said that he was fine.

Liu Fei didn't think much about it, he was not in the prison at night, and he followed Cui Rong's orders.

Making money is the most important thing.

The jailers did know something.

But everyone kept silent about it, and they couldn't afford to provoke those people inside.

The officials said the next day that they would change the cell. After being tortured all night that night, they finally learned to behave and stopped talking.

Endure all this silently, in order to wait until the day to go out.

At the same time, they secretly decided in their hearts that they would not let these condemned prisoners go easily.

After going out, secretly transport these people out, put them in the mansion and return them back doubled!
Everyone seemed to be very quiet for a while.

There was harmony in the cell.

The only one who felt uncomfortable was Cui Rong.

Because he was the only official who didn't arrange executions.

After a long time, the officials all knew the news, and they were extremely repulsive to Cui Rong.

I felt very unfair in my heart, and at the same time I was wondering why only Cui Rong didn't.

Among them were Feng Deyi and Lu Qi.

Even they were disgusted with Cui Rong from the bottom of their hearts.

Why they have it, but Cui Rong doesn't.

From the very beginning, Cui Rong was obviously the main culprit of this incident, and they were all victims.

It never occurred to them to be in the program.

It was Cui Rong who persecuted them, and they were finally discovered by His Majesty, and they ended up like this.

The seeds of that hatred had already been planted, and it became more and more solidified in their hearts.

It's just that Cui Rong hasn't discovered it yet.

Between the three of them, apart from the lack of words, there was no change in the rest.

Xu Maogong was extremely anxious these days.

As time went by, the gathered gentry in the capital had reached a peak.

Yang Zhao also discovered this, and the rest of the gentry who came to Chang'an were not allowed to enter the city.

All camped outside Chang'an City.

What puzzled Xu Maogong was, since the gentry had almost gathered, why didn't they take any action yet?

Xu Maogong entered the palace more than once, but Yang Zhao never gave an answer.

He believed that it wasn't that Yang Zhao didn't know, but that Yang Zhao didn't want to say it.

This is the key point. Yang Zhao doesn't want to say it, which means that this matter is not simple, and there must be a bigger conspiracy behind it.

The entire city of Chang'an was filled with a sense of turmoil.

Because of Yang Zhao's order, the officials in the prison no one dared to send a message to the officials.

At the beginning, it could be passed on a few times, but now there is no news from the outside world.

Liu Fei is still very busy, his family property has reached 30 taels now!

This is not a small amount!

He also decided that this matter is very risky, and after it is over, he will resign from office.

Find a new place, far away from Chang'an, marry a few wives, start a small business, and enjoy the rest of your life.

30 taels is enough for him to be chic.

"Why do I feel that you have been abandoned? There is no news at all now, are you kidding us?"

Zhang Mazi squinted his eyes, he clearly smelled a conspiracy.

It has been a month since they were assigned together.

No news about Liu Neng can be spread out at all, and no news from the outside world can be spread in.

The jailer seemed to be deliberately avoiding them, and they disappeared one by one.

From morning to night there was not a single jailer in sight.

Patrols are exempted.

Liu Neng also felt something was wrong, facing Zhang Mazi's terror, he explained:

"Don't worry, I spread the news of protecting you from the beginning, and the family also agreed."

"This is just His Majesty's method, just wait quietly."

Zhang Mazi couldn't refute it either. He had heard the news and it was all true.

Liu Tiezhu was not happy anymore, he said;

"If your family abandons you, then we won't be able to get out in the end, then Mazi and I will get nothing?"

Seeing that Zhang Mazi wanted to speak, Liu Neng stepped forward and said:
"Then it's impossible for everyone to be abandoned. If any officials leave here, it means that the family has already started to act."

"If I'm abandoned in the end, then I won't be able to leave either. Why don't I just let you mess with me?"

"I'm still a third-rank official, I won't abandon me, don't worry."

Zhang Mazi and Liu Tiezhu finally stopped talking.

What they are most upset about now is that the jailer is gone, and the money they asked for before can't be spent.

Every day, only guards in armor came to deliver meals, and they didn't dare to talk to them.

The last provocative death row prisoner had already had an arm cut off with a single knife, so they didn't want to provoke him at will.

The guards didn't say a word, and they left after delivering the food every time.

Unfortunately for the officials, the final anger of those condemned prisoners was still vented on them.

At this moment, Liu Neng really understood what Liu Tiezhu said.

He is indeed lucky.

So far, apart from the few big sinuses given to him at the beginning, the two of them are just some money.

Other than that, they all lived in peace.

Looking at those officials who gave money and suffered, Liu Neng really felt lucky.

Meet two reasonable people.

At the beginning, the unhappiness about massaging the two of them dissipated immediately.

Serve them wholeheartedly.

Cui Rong is getting more and more energetic at this time, his plan will be completed soon!
Feng Deyi and Lu Qi have completely ignored Cui Rong.

He was extremely angry with Cui Rong in his heart.

The resentment against him grew heavier as time went on.

At first, Cui Rong was willing to share the news with them, so they put up with it.

But since the jailer disappeared, Liu Fei also disappeared.

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