And as Sun Guangmin continued to observe, the more he felt that there was something wrong with this painting.

Soon Sun Guangmin discovered the clue. In this dancing picture, the dancer's eyes were not right.

One of the eyes is completely black without the white of the eye, and the other eye is completely white without the pupil.

"Zhang Shijia, look at this dancing woman, isn't she wearing something special? It's golden yellow, made up of small squares, a bit like armor."

Huang Ying turned her head to look at Zhang Shijia with a questioning look in her eyes, and the latter said after listening:

"This is the ancient gold-threaded jade garment, which was worn by princes and nobles when they were buried. There are also silver-threaded jade garments and copper-threaded jade garments. The woman in this painting is wearing gold-threaded jade garments. It can be seen that her Status is very honorable."

Sun Guangmin thought for a while, and said: "I guess, this person may be the imperial concubine, this ancient tomb may be the imperial concubine's tomb, we made a mistake before."

Zhang Shijia shook his head: "It's hard to say now, we have to enter the main tomb to take a look. This painting seems useless, so let's quickly choose a door to enter."

Sun Guangmin immediately waved his hand and said, "Wait a minute, I want to continue to observe this painting. I always feel that there is another world in the painting. It is best that we can understand the mystery."

Everyone didn't say anything more, and Zhang Shijia also lowered his head to observe the pictures on the bamboo slices.

Sun Guangmin took a closer look, and then he saw that on the golden jade dress that the woman was wearing, there were several small squares with words written in them, all of which were ancient characters.

Zhang Shijia also saw those words, and said: "This is an ancient Xiaozhuan. I can understand these words. They are gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, five characters."

"Well, this woman's eyes represent a pair of yin and yang, and the five elements are written on her body, which must have something to do with the eight gates we are going to enter."

After Sun Guangmin finished speaking, he continued to observe the dancing picture, still thinking about the mystery inside.

After a while, Sun Guangmin said: "This woman only drew the picture of her dancing when she was about to be buried, and her face was full of resentment. I guess, she will probably be buried at the gate of death, the gate of shock , Injury door, inside the three doors."

"These three gates are places of great evil, which will indeed increase people's resentment. In addition, this woman is of high status and should be buried in the main tomb. In other words, we can enter one of the gates of death, shock, and injury." The main tomb."

After Zhang Shijia finished speaking, Huang Ying continued, "But what does the Yin-Yang and Five Elements on this woman mean?"

"Maybe it has something to do with the layout of the main tomb. We need to enter the tomb to know what it means."

After Sun Guangmin gave an explanation, he then issued an order to the crowd: "All soldiers obey the order and move on."

When everyone came to the eight secret doors, Zhang Shijia pointed out the positions of the gates of death, shock and injury, which were the fourth, seventh and eighth gates respectively.

"Young Marshal, even if we guessed that the main tomb is at one of the three gates, but now we choose one of the three, where should we go?" the fat Taoist asked.

Sun Guangmin looked from left to right, and looked at every door, but for a while, he didn't know which one to go.

Then Sun Guangmin walked to the door of the gate of death, and took a flashlight to shine a light inside. It was pitch black inside, without any breath of living beings, and there was a cool wind blowing out, which made people shudder.

Fat Taoist also followed Sun Guangmin's example, walked to the door of Jingmen, took a flashlight and took a picture inside, and suddenly saw a black shadow running inside quickly.

"Yeah, there seems to be someone in here, I saw a black shadow."

The fat Taoist turned his head and said to everyone in surprise.

"Impossible, these secret doors were all sealed before, and it is impossible for a living person to walk in. Could it be something unclean?"

Huang Ying muttered something in a low voice, with a puzzled look on her face.

Zhang Shijia walked to the door of the wounded door, and also took a photo inside with a flashlight, and said: "There is nothing inside the door here, but there is a cool wind blowing out, and this wind blows on my face, which makes me feel sick. Got goosebumps."

Sun Guangmin stretched out his hand and pinched his chin, thought for a moment, and then said: "Just now, Staff Officer Zhang saw a black shadow, maybe it was a dead soul, and wanted to lead us to the door, maybe the main tomb is inside that door, let's go Shock the door."

The fat Taoist hurriedly interjected: "Young commander, there may be danger inside, let the brothers from the Northern Army go first to explore the way."

Sun Guangmin nodded slightly, agreeing.

Then the fat Taoist asked the Northern Army soldiers behind him: "The young commander treats you well. At this time, who is willing to share some danger for the young commander?"

Several soldiers of the Northern Army raised their rifles and shouted loudly: "I am willing to go, let me go." "I am willing to share for the young commander." "Let me go, I want to repay the young commander."

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