Sun Guangmin was overjoyed, which meant that they had cracked the hanging corpse enchantment array and could enter the short mountain.

After those hanging corpses turned into bones, their bodies continued to rise, and were quickly pulled into the hole above by the rope.

Huang Ying looked at Zhang Shijia and said, "It turns out that the dragon energy on your body can completely destroy these hanging corpses."

Zhang Shijia grinned and said, "Of course, but I still want to see the Qimen Dunjia picture on the back of the hanging corpse, so I spared their lives for the time being."

Just now Zhang Shijia used the Forging Dragon Art to release too much dragon energy in his body, which indeed wiped out the hanging corpses, but it also made Sun Guangmin and Huang Ying inhale some dragon energy, and they felt a little dizzy and nauseous immediately.

Now that the hanging corpse enchantment formation has been broken, there is no need for them to stay there. The three of them quickly walked towards the soldiers of the northern army, and many paper figurine ghost soldiers followed.

After leaving the ball of white dragon air, Sun Guangmin immediately took two deep breaths, and then he felt much more refreshed.

The fat Taoist saw that the hanging corpses had turned into white bones, and they were all pulled up by ropes, so he said immediately, "You guys are back? There are still two doors left that I haven't figured out yet."

Zhang Shijia had already walked to the side of the fat Taoist priest and said, "I already know, give me the dagger."

The fat Taoist handed over the dagger, and Zhang Shijia squatted on the ground immediately, holding the dagger to mark the positions of the last two doors.

Just now, Sun Guangmin, Zhang Shijia and others have found out the seventh door—the location of the door, and there is no need to check the last door.

Zhang Shijia marked the positions of the eight gates, and then said:
"Young Marshal, look at the eight doors. From left to right, they are Jingmen, Shengmen, Shuumen, Deathmen, Dumen, Opening, Hurt, and Shocking. Only one door leads to the main tomb. The other seven They are all traps, if you enter, you will die."

Sun Guangmin walked over, looked at the ground, nodded slightly, and said, "We have a one-eighth chance, but generally speaking, among Qimen Dunjia, Shengmen is the most auspicious."

Huang Ying continued: "That's right, I also think that the main tomb is inside the Shengmen, and the owner of the tomb needs a place of good geomantic omen, so I naturally choose an auspicious location."

Zhang Shijia looked at the simple map on the ground, and then at the short mountain ahead. After the eight secret doors were opened, eight dark spaces appeared in front of everyone.

"Sure enough, this mountain was dug by hand, so these secret doors were built, but these secret doors have been enchanted, so they cannot be blown open with explosives."

At this time, Sun Guangmin also looked towards the short mountain, thinking in his mind, which of the eight gates should he go through?
"Young commander, look quickly, there seems to be something on the ground over there. It's white."

A soldier's voice suddenly came from Sun Guangmin's side.

He hurriedly looked over there, and under the light of the flashlight, the dragon aura over there basically disappeared. Sure enough, a white thing appeared on the ground, which looked like a flat wooden board from a distance.

"It should have fallen from those hanging corpses. When the three of us passed by just now, we didn't see that thing. We should take that thing over and have a look."

After Sun Guangmin finished speaking, General Xiang immediately said: "Young commander, there may be danger hidden there, you all don't move, let the last general go and get it back."

"Okay, General Lao, be careful."

After Sun Guangmin gave an order, General Xiang led more than 20 ghost soldiers of paper figurines and walked over there.

Although all the hanging corpses there were pulled up, no one could say whether there would be another trap there, and even the white thing on the ground might be very dangerous.

Sun Guangmin stared at the situation ahead very nervously, a little worried that General Xiang and those ghost soldiers with paper figurines would encounter an ambush.

However, General Xiang picked up the white thing very smoothly, nothing happened around, and no traps appeared.

General Xiang took the thing, returned to the crowd, and handed the white thing to Sun Guangmin.

"Look, young master."

Sun Guangmin took the white object and looked it over carefully. It looked like a large piece of bamboo.

"This is a bamboo slip, a recording tool popular in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods. It is actually a piece of bamboo, similar to the paper used by modern people."

Zhang Shijia introduced it to everyone, so that everyone could understand what this white thing is.

Sun Guangmin took a flashlight and took a photo on the bamboo, only to find that it turned out to be a picture of a woman dancing.

The woman in the painting has a beautiful face and a slim figure, holding a ribbon in her hand, dancing gracefully, and her golden clothes are very gorgeous.

"This seems to be a dance in neon clothes and feather clothes. I've seen it in ancient books." Zhang Shijia pointed to the bamboo piece and said.

Sun Guangmin nodded slightly, and didn't say anything. He kept observing the painting, and faintly felt that there was something else in the painting.

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