Ye Yang suddenly had the idea of ​​taking over Hydra Cypress.

Thinking about my own small world, it really lacks a guardian like the hydra cypress!
Seeing the tall and mighty Hydra cypress, Ye Yang wondered if he could accept this behemoth?

Try it anyway.

Ye Yang looked at Hydra Bai and said silently: "Take it!"

In the huge tomb, the Hydra cypress suddenly disappeared.

Then I saw the hydra cypress in my own small world. At this moment, it stretched its body and was flying against the wind there!
It seems that it is also very happy, maybe it has long wanted to come to this small world!
Everyone didn't know what happened.

The huge Hydra cypress was gone, which was too weird.

The fat man rubbed his eyes.

He looked and looked, and rubbed his eyes again.

"Hey, I said, no, is there something wrong with my fat man's eyes?

Where is this Hydra cypress, why can't I see it? "

Pan Zi said: "Fatty, can you speak normally?

Such a big Hydra cypress will be gone if it is gone, you are laughing there... eh...

Fuck... Fuck... Fuck...

It's gone..."

The third uncle said: "What are you shouting, you are all sick!"

Then he also looked at the Hydra cypress.

The third uncle was also confused at the moment.

"This... this... didn't we just step on this hydra cypress?"

Dakui said: "Is this hydra walking, or is it invisible?"

Everyone guessed and didn't say anything.

Besides, Ye Yang cast a look at his younger brother.

The little brother immediately understood what Ye Yang meant.

What Ye Yang meant was to prevent third uncle and others from knowing that he had a small world.

And also received the Hydra cypress, which is hard for them to understand.

The third uncle looked at it for a while, then said, "Have everyone come up now?"

Pan Zi checked the number of people, and there was one more Ye Yang than when he first came to the tomb.

And everyone else is.

But just now in the tomb, there was still Tie Mian Sheng, King Lu Shang and the other four did not come up.

At that time, the third uncle and the others were afraid of the ancestor of the black earthworm, and did not pay attention to what happened below.

At this moment, everyone escaped, only to think of them.

Ye Yang hurriedly explained: "My little brother and I said a few words to them, originally we wanted them to come up with us.

How did they know that they didn't want to come up, so they had to go back to their original address.

We can't persuade them, so we parted ways with them below! "

The fat man said: "These King Lu Shang and King Zhou Mu have water in their heads.

That!The black worm ancestor knew they were in the tomb, so he just gave it to..."

While talking, the fat man cut his head off!

At this moment, the fat man suddenly thought of something again!
"I said brothers, why did we let Mr. Tie Mian go.

He can wear jade figurines! "

The third uncle said angrily: "Fatty, I think you want money rather than life.

At that time, if we hadn't escaped and picked up the jade terracotta warriors born in iron faces, eight of us would have died long ago. "

Uncle San thought for a while and said:

"The contents of the tomb cannot be released just now. We must find a way to seal the exit."

Everyone understands what the third uncle said.

This black worm ancestor is really released, so is it okay?
There is also that Phoenix Feather Clan, every single one that comes out is enough for Third Uncle and others to drink a pot.

The third uncle suddenly remembered something and asked, "Pan Zi, how much explosives are there in your bag?"

Pan Zi said loudly: "Third Master, I have three more here!"

The third uncle said: "That's enough, let's use explosives to blow up the mountain.

Fill up the exit of this tomb! "

In this way, everyone placed the explosives.

After the bang, the mountain began to collapse.

Block the exit of this tomb tightly.

Only then did the crowd walk in a single file, heading towards the small mountain village where they came from.

The fat man walked all the way, muttering all the way.

"I said brothers, this time we fought, we didn't catch anything.

It's fucking unlucky, Fat Master's upside-down fight has never been as dangerous as this one! "

The third uncle said: "Fatty, don't say a few words, if it's not for Ye Yang and brother.

We may not even have our lives, and we are lucky to come out alive! "

Wu Xie lowered his head and looked at the purple gold box in his hand.

Youyou said: "We are not entering Lu Palace for nothing, at least we still have this purple gold box.

Let's go back and study carefully, what the hell is here! "

At this moment, Pan Zi suddenly said, "Hey, look at it?"

As he spoke, he pointed at Ye Yang and his younger brother, who were walking side by side at the moment.

Everyone didn't see any difference!

The fat man said: "Pan Zi, are you frightened by the things in the tomb, go back and have a good rest!"

Pan Zi rolled his eyes at the fat man.

"I'm not talking about the two of them, I'm talking about the back of the two of them."

Only then did everyone gather their gazes behind the two of them.

An extremely beautiful little fox with nine tails followed behind the little brother and Ye Yang aggressively.

This has attracted everyone's attention.

This little fox is too pretty.

The fat man couldn't help but wanted to touch it.

Xiao Jiu found that the situation was wrong, and ran directly into the arms of the little brother.

He murmured: "Little master, help me, I don't want that fat man to hug me!"

When the audience heard the little fox talking, they couldn't help laughing.

The little brother rarely smiled.

Caressing the little fox's head, said:
"Okay, you are in my arms, let's see who dares to hug you by force!"

The fat man looked at everyone and said:
"Is it that funny, let me see this little fox,...

Isn't this the little fox in the tomb? "

Ye Yang said: "Yes, it is the little fox in the tomb.

It's not hostile to you, so don't worry. "

Everyone felt much better after leaving the ancient tomb.

Going all the way, the time to come to the mountain village at this moment is already in the afternoon.

They used to live in the guest house in this village, but now no one came to welcome them.

Everyone was slightly surprised.

Pan Zi couldn't help but shouted loudly: "I'm here for business, where's the person?"

At this moment, everyone saw that the door of the guest house was open.

I didn't see the waiter coming out to greet everyone.

Everyone felt something was wrong.

The younger brother was the first to approach the door of the guest house.

Holding the ancient black gold knife tightly in his hand, he listened to the sound.

I didn't feel that anything was wrong, and everyone gathered around at this moment.

The little brother was already walking towards the guest house with a black gold ancient knife in his hand.

A bloody smell filled the entire room.

The little brother said: "There is a situation here, everyone be careful!"

At this moment, I saw that the entire room of the guest house was empty.

Everyone shone their flashlights directly in.

In the darkness, a person could be vaguely seen lying on the table, not sure if he was dead or alive.

Ye Yang approached the person slowly, and when he got closer, he realized that only half of the person was lying on the table.

This person is the owner of this guest house.

What's going on, the boss's injury should be bitten off by something, what kind of animal would be so cruel!

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