At this moment, Tie Miansheng's complexion became more and more ugly, so Ye Yang had no choice but to treat Tie Miansheng with restorative surgery first.

Only this time, the iron face was seriously injured, consuming too much of his cultivation.

Ye Yang's primary repair technique can only heal more than half of his injuries.

The rest of the injuries will take some time to recuperate.

The third uncle called everyone to climb out of this tomb through the Hydra cypress!

And Ye Yang turned around and came to King Lu Shang.

I don't know what to say, my five thunders and mad prison array won't last long.

I'm afraid that after the formation disappears in a while, the Fengyu clan and the ancestor of the black worm will come out.

At that time, it will be difficult to leave here.

Tie Miansheng saw Ye Yang's worry.

He said softly: "Young master, it's not impossible to let King Lu Shang leave here, but you need to use your Soul Devouring Orb less actively."

Ye Yang said in surprise: "You mean that King Lu Shang and his concubine Yao Guang came to live in my small world?"

Tie Miansheng nodded and said, "That's right, not only them, but King Zhou Mu and I can also live in your small world!"

Ye Yang took out the Soul-devouring Orb, he didn't even believe that this Soul-devouring Orb was a world.

Tie Miansheng said: "The young master must now build his own small world.

In other words, you can build a Lu Palace exactly like this one! "

What?Build an identical Lu Palace. is this possible?
Tie Miansheng said: "This is your small world, you can build it however you want!"

Ye Yang closed his eyes and felt it.

This small world is almost exactly the same as the current world.

With a thought, see if it is possible to build a Lu Palace that is exactly the same as the present world.

A voice reminded: "Friendly reminder, the host is currently short of building materials, and cannot build his own Lu Palace."

Nima, this needs materials!
It is impossible to build a palace exactly like this world!
Now Ye Yang's saving lives is the most important thing, so why would he have the heart to build Lu Palace!
Sideways: "How can I quickly collect building materials?"

"The host can directly move things in the current world to your own small world."

That's okay too, Ye Yang looked at the platform where Yao Guang was lying,
With a thought, close it.

Immediately the platform disappeared in place.

And this platform directly appeared in his own small world.

King Lu Shang was overwhelmed by the sudden change in front of him.

"Yaoguang, where are you?

How is this going? "

Ye Yang closed his eyes and sensed his own small world.

I found that platform, and saw Yaoguang on the platform.

I couldn't help laughing, and said to King Lu Shang, "King Lu Shang, come into my small world and reunite with your Yao Guang."

King Lu Shang is now in a state of bewilderment.

"I don't understand what you mean, which world do I go to?"

Ye Yang smiled.

"I won't explain any more to you, you'll know when you go."

Ye Yang looked at King Lu Shang and said, "Take it!"

King Lu Shang disappeared immediately.

At this moment, he has entered Ye Yang's small world.

As soon as King Lu Shang entered the small world, he was immediately stunned by the scenery in front of him.

This place is a paradise.

In a spacious and bright cave, Yao Guang was lying on the platform with his eyes closed.

King Lu Shang didn't know how to communicate with Ye Yang.

In the small world, he bowed deeply to the distant sky and said:

"Thank you, Xiaozhu Ye, if it is useful, King Lu Shang will go through fire and water!"

Ye Yang read through sound transmission: "You are welcome, King Lu Shang, I can only do so much for you. I hope you will stay with Yao Guang forever!"

When King Lu Shang heard Ye Yang speak, it was like a voice from outside the sky.

Can't help feeling: "It's amazing, can you see me? But I can't see Ye Xiaozhu!"

Ye Yang hadn't had time to answer King Lu Shang's words.

I felt a golden light flash in front of my eyes.

A beautiful little fox appeared in front of Ye Yang.

It looked at Ye Yang with pleading eyes, and said pitifully:
"Master Ye, for the sake of my being homeless, you can keep me by your side!"

Ye Yang took a closer look, isn't this the little nine-tailed fox!
Ye Yang quickly waved his hands and said: "This is impossible, aren't you protecting King Lu Shang?

Why are you betraying your master now? "

The little fox tucked its front paws in front of its chest, and said aggrievedly:

"Master Lu Shang is now with Yao Guang with him, and in your small world, he is already safe, and he doesn't need my protection now.

Besides, I am different from him, I can see the sunlight, so I choose to be by your side!

Ye Xiaozhu, just take me in, I'm so pitiful! "

Ye Yang looked at the little fox with a pitiful look.

I couldn't bear to refuse.

Tie Miansheng smiled and said: "Congratulations to the master for accepting another thousand-year-old little fox!"

Ye Yang looked helpless, and suddenly remembered something.

"Well, little fox... no, let's call you Xiaojiu!
You can be by my side, but I don't need you to protect me.

What I mean is, you have to take care of yourself! "

The little fox heard that Ye Yang was willing to accept it.

Immediately, he turned around Ye Yang in a circle.

Bounced and said: "Xiao Jiu knows, Xiao Jiu is so happy!"

Seeing that the little fox was so happy, everyone burst into laughter.

King Mu of Zhou looked at Ye Yang with a bitter face.

She said coyly: "Well, Brother Ye, I...I..."

Ye Yang smiled and said: "You also want to go to my little world, don't you?
You still have unfinished business, and I know it too!

Stay in my little world until you have nowhere else to go! "

King Zhou Mu bowed to the ground and said excitedly, "Thank you, Young Master Ye!"

Ye Yang said silently: "Shut up, King Zhou Mu has also entered his own small world!"

Tie Mian said with a smile: "The young master has recruited a new ghost general, who will definitely make great achievements in the future.

Young master, although I have survived 3000 years in the jade warrior, I still have half the physique of a big zongzi.

Young master, take me in too. When I'm needed, I'll come out to do my best!
As for this jade figurine, it belongs to the young master at any time, as long as the young master wants to use it, just tell me! "

Ye Yang said: "Let's talk about this jade figurine later, since you are also afraid of light, then come into my small world.

Although this is my small world, it is actually yours too.

When you have nothing to do, give it a good construction, and I will frequent it frequently! "

Ye Yang took Tie Miansheng into his own small world.

At this moment, only the little brother was left in front of him, and the little fox who had been standing close to him.

Third Uncle and the others have already climbed outside the ancient tomb along the hydra cypress.

Ye Yang and his younger brother looked at each other and smiled at each other.

The little fox tilted his head and looked at the expressions of the two of them.

Suddenly he said jealously: "That little brother, I will follow you from now on, don't even think about getting rid of me!"

The two were amused by the little fox and laughed.

Ye Yang picked up the little fox, jumped out of the ancient tomb after a few jumps.

Ye Yang turned his head and saw Hydra Cypress.

An idea popped up suddenly, I wonder if this hydra cypress can also be included in my own small world?

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