Wu Xie knew the approximate location of Ye Yang and others, so he was familiar with walking.

Although the ghost market is huge, it is still very fast to find everyone without wasting time.

5 people gather together.

The fat man told the four people about gambling money with ghosts again.

The 5 people discussed for a long time, and decided to go under the No.14 tree to see the specific situation.

It's easy to catch these two old ghosts, but how powerful is the ghost behind him?
It was unpredictable by five people.

Everyone walked slowly towards the periphery of the ghost city according to the route Fatty said.

Sure enough, there is a row of poplar trees among the barren mountains and wild ridges.

It's just that the distance between the poplar trees is very long.

Although only [-] poplar trees were gone, the distance between them was almost a thousand meters.

The five people saw that there was a bare flat land under the No. 5 poplar tree.

I didn't see any grave bags, which is strange.

Could it be that those ghosts are lying?
There is no grave bag here, where are these two old ghosts hiding?
Ye Yang closed his eyes to sense the position of the Xie Zhu Sword.

Suddenly, he looked at the poplar tree surrounded by several people.

This poplar tree seems to have to be hundreds of years old, otherwise it would not be possible to grow so thick.

Ye Yang made a gesture to everyone, meaning that the two ghosts might be hiding inside the thick poplar tree.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, they were now away from the No. 14 poplar tree.

It's only six or seven meters away, if you really speak loudly.

It will definitely disturb these two old ghosts.

The five people walked a further distance, and began to discuss whether to lure these two old ghosts out.

Several people discussed again, even if the two old ghosts were drawn out.

What's the use?
I don't know the messengers behind these two old ghosts, even if they are drawn out, it will be a surprise.

Just when everyone was discussing quietly here.

Ye Yang waved his hand suddenly, motioning everyone to stop talking.

Because he saw a black shadow approaching quickly in the distance with his special eyes.

Everyone hastily hid in the grass again, and within a few minutes, they saw a black shadow rushing towards them.

The ghost went straight to the poplar tree.

Only then did everyone see clearly that this ghost was the tall old ghost who sneaked into President Xu's house.

Everyone was very surprised, why is there only this old ghost here?
Where did that ghost old lady go?
And at this moment, the ghost knocked on the poplar tree.

The tall ghost old man said quietly: "Old lady, I'm back."

Just looking at the outer surface of the poplar bark, a crack that a person can drill into suddenly opened.

The ghostly old lady's head protruded from it.

He looked at the tall ghost old man and said, "Did you succeed today?"

The tall ghost old man said dejectedly: "Don't talk about it, there were some mistakes on the way, I didn't expect that the family invited Taoist priests!

Hey, it's really a bad start these days, I met those 5 ruthless people at that house yesterday!
Today I wanted to change to another one. How did I know this one? I don’t know when a Taoist priest was invited.

Before I succeeded, I was seen through by that Taoist priest, if it wasn't for my skill!
I'm afraid I won't be able to come back today! "

The ghost old lady sighed and said: "If the ghost master knows that we haven't got the last little girl's yin energy yet.

We may be at the end of our lives, old man, and we must find a way out tonight.

Otherwise, the ghost master really knows, we have 1 lives and it's not enough to kill him! "

The ghost old man's face showed fear, and he said: "How about the two of us set off together tonight?
Go to the nearby village and see who has a little girl. As long as we finish this last time, we will complete the task!
Then we will be free! "

The ghost old lady nodded, turned into a ghost, and walked out from the tree.

The ghost old man led the way, and the ghost old lady followed closely behind.

And 5 people followed the two ghosts, so the two ghosts in front were walking.

And followed by five people.

When the two ghosts passed by the ghost market, they even greeted some familiar ghosts.

And the ghosts in these ghost cities are obviously very afraid of this ghost old man and ghost old lady.

Seeing these two fierce ghosts, those ordinary ghosts couldn't help nodding and bowing.

And just when the ghost old lady and the ghost old man were about to leave the ghost market.

A monster in a black robe suddenly walked up ahead.

The ghost old man and the ghost old lady saw this black-robed monster.

Immediately, I was too scared to walk any further.

He just bowed his head there respectfully, as if he had done something wrong.

The monster in black robe walked between the ghost old man and the ghost old lady.

Said a word gloomyly.

Go directly to the periphery of the ghost city.

The ghost old man and the ghost old lady hurriedly followed.

And Ye Yang and other five people also followed closely behind the ghost old man and ghost old lady.

They wanted to see what the hell was going on.

Could it be that the monster wearing this black robe is the ghost master they are talking about?
Besides, the ghost old man and the ghost old lady followed the black-robed monster for a distance.

It wasn't until the black-robed monster stopped that the ghost old man and ghost old lady also stopped.

The black-robed monster turned its back on the ghost old man and ghost old lady.

He said gloomyly: "Have you completed all the orders given by the ghost master?"

The ghost old man and the ghost old lady glanced at each other.

The two ghosts made eye contact, and the old ghost lady hurriedly said: "Ghost Messenger, we only need a little girl to complete the task.

But the past few days have been unfavorable, and I can always meet those stinky Taoist priests!
So the order from the ghost master has not been completed yet! "

The black-robed ghost envoy said: "You guys are not effective, if the ghost mainly waits for you to complete the task, I'm afraid it will be the year of the monkey!
You don't need to complete your mission anymore, because this mission doesn't need you to complete it either.

Now you two follow me, to hell Lord. "

The ghost old man and the ghost old lady looked at each other in horror.

I know if I follow the ghost messenger to meet the ghost master.

The end is unimaginable!

The difference between two people is only one little girl.

But only this little girl is missing, and it is possible for the two ghosts to disappear forever!

The ghost old man and ghost old lady naturally did not dare to follow this ghost emissary to meet the ghost master.

The two ghosts made eye contact, and both knelt down in front of the ghost envoy.

Begging for mercy: "Ghost emissary, for the sake of serving under the ghost master, can you allow us to find a little girl to complete the task!
Go see the ghost master again? "

The black-robed ghost suddenly turned his head.

Only then did everyone realize that the ghost messenger was only wearing a hat.

The hat and the black cloak are connected together.

But the inside of the hat turned out to be empty, and the ghost's face could not be seen at all.

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