The fat man sat back down again.

In this way, the fat people take turns to fight 1-on-1, not to mention, this fat man really has a hand.

The three ghosts lost money in turn, and they were all red-eyed at the moment.

At this time, the fat man suddenly remembered his main purpose of coming here.

Since I have been playing poker with these ghosts for a long time.

In any case, it has become familiar now.

Why not take the opportunity to ask these ghosts about the whereabouts of the two old ghosts.

The fat man thought for a while, and he had to think of a way to balance both worlds.

These ghosts cannot be allowed to doubt his identity.

At this moment, seeing more and more coins in the hands of the fat man.

At this moment, the three ghosts are getting red-eyed.

The fat man saw the three ghosts lose like this.

I couldn't help but want to laugh, and suddenly I had an idea:

"You guys really suck at playing cards. Isn't there any better player in this place?"

A ghost sitting opposite to the fat man said: "Yes, yes, in this place, but our old gambler."

The ghost suddenly remembered something, and looked at the fat man suspiciously.

Asked: "Fatty looks at you strangely, don't you belong to this mass grave?"

The fat man was taken aback by the ghost's question, thinking that he had to think before and after when he spoke.

If these ghosts find out their identity, it will be difficult.

The fat man could only lie: "Yes, yes, I'm not from this rotten graveyard!

I'm from the barren hill next door. "

Those ghosts nodded.

The fat man took the opportunity to ask: "There are quite a lot of ghosts in this mass grave, this is my first time strolling here!"

Those ghosts all looked at each other in blank dismay.

One of the ghosts stretched out his thumb and said, "This is your first time here, and it's also the first time I've found out that you are such a powerful card player."

The fat man asked, "How many ghosts are there in your mass grave?"

One of the ghosts said: "If you want to talk about ghosts, there are so many."

The fat man said: "To be honest, I used to have two relatives who were buried in this mass grave.

I don't know the whereabouts of the two of them for so many years. "

One of the ghosts asked, "You said they were your two relatives, how old are they?"

The fat man said, "It's not too young to talk about age."

The fat man told these ghosts the appearance of the old ghost head and old ghost wife that Ye Yang told everyone.

The ghosts looked at each other again, and one of them said, "The two ghosts you mentioned are in this mass grave.

It's a pity that they have all turned into ghosts now. I'm afraid they won't be able to recognize relatives like you. "

The fat man pretended to be surprised and said, "What are you talking about? You know their whereabouts!

Then can you tell me which grave they live in now? "

All the ghosts looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

He couldn't help shaking his head and whispered: "We dare not say this!"

The fat man observed these ghosts and saw that they all showed panic.

I knew that these two old ghosts should be the ghosts mentioned by these ghosts.

The fat man weighed the Ming coin in his hand.

It is now stacked very high.

The fat man whispered to these ghosts.

"Tell me quietly, these ghost coins are all yours!
Tell me quietly, even ghosts won't notice the two of them! "

Several ghosts looked at each other in blank dismay again, but they were really terrified in their hearts.

But the saying goes well.

It is true that money can turn ghosts around.

They looked at the ghost coin in the fat man's hand.

Just like people in today's society, looking at RMB is the same mood.

They finally couldn't resist the temptation of this ghost coin.

The four ghosts squatted together and began to discuss.

After a long while, the four ghosts discussed and finished the matter.

One of the ghosts whispered in Fatty's ear: "You follow this mass grave to the innermost side.

You will come across a lot of trees, counting from the first tree to the No.1 tree, that is where these two ghosts live!

Now that we have told you the location of these two old ghosts, you must never tell those two old ghosts that we told you. "

The fat man stuffed half of the ghost coins into the hands of these ghosts.

Those ghosts saw that the fat man only gave half of the coins.

I can't help but get angry.

The fat man hurriedly said: "Don't worry, this coin is still yours after all.

It's just that I still have questions to ask you guys. "

The ghosts looked at the Ming coin in the fat man's hand.

It means to look at this Mingbi's face, if you have any questions, you can just ask.

The fat man said quietly again: "I just want to know how they became ghosts?"

The ghosts looked at each other again.

One of the ghosts said: "Because they killed too many people!"

The fat man asked in confusion, "You said you killed too many people, not ghosts?"

A ghost nodded and said: "They killed too many people in the world, so they turned into ghosts!"

The fat man said: "You say that, they are killing people, there are too many people in the world, that's why they become ghosts.

Did someone behind him instruct them to do this? "

Those ghosts were suddenly shocked by Fatty's questioning.

A ghost quietly said to the fat man: "The one behind them is a bigger ghost, we have already told you the address.

As for whether you go or not, you make your own decision!

Behind them are even more terrifying ghosts. "

When the fat man heard it, it was exactly as Ye Yang and the others expected.

These two ghosts did not show up tonight.

Now if I ask these ghosts again, I'm afraid I won't be able to ask anything.

The fat man stuffed the ghost coins in his hands into the hands of the ghosts.

Then he got up to say goodbye to all the ghosts, and started looking for Ye Yang and others.

This ghost market is really too big, and the fat man walked for a long time without finding brother Ye Yang and the others.

Just when the fat man looked around looking for the little brother, Ye Yang and others.

Wu Xie suddenly walked over from behind the fat man.

Patted on the fat man's shoulder.

The fat man was so frightened that he almost joined hands with Wu.

After all, this is a ghost market, as the ghosts just said, there are too many ghosts here.

Who would have thought that it would be Wu Xie who patted himself on the shoulder.

The fat man couldn't help clutching his chest and said, "Wu Xie, you scared me to death. You slapped me like this in this ghost city. Are you not afraid that I will fight back?"

Wu Xie smiled and said: "Fatty, you feel that you fight back, what else can you do to me?"

The fat man couldn't help laughing too.

He whispered in Wu Xie's ear: "Wu Xie, let me tell you good news. I already know the location of those two old ghosts."

The fat man told Wu Xie briefly about his gambling with ghosts.

Wu Xie gave the fat man a thumbs up, then Wu Xie turned around and took the fat man to look for Ye Yang and the others.

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