Wu Sanxing went up the mountain alone with his bag on his back.

On the hillside, he took out a radio device and fiddled with it.

"The target point has been reached, the target is confirmed, and the confirmation is complete."

A few hours later, a simple helicopter whizzed by.

The wind pressure blew the surrounding trees upside down.

The helicopter hovered directly above the camp and lowered the rope.

"Old fox! Miss Ben is here, get out of the way!"

A beautiful figure slid down the rope and landed smoothly.

"Third Uncle, why are you so slow this time?"

"Meet Shui Yazi, let's spend some time."

In the local dialect, Shui Zongzi is also called Shui Yazi.

"Wu Xie, this is your Aunt Wenjin's niece, Chen Miao, you both met when you were young."

Wu Xie stepped forward to shake hands with Chen Miao.

"We will fight in a while, and Chen Miao will be in charge of responding from above."

"Aunt Wenjin's niece is naturally trustworthy." Wu Xie smiled.

Wu Xie knew that Chen Wenjin and Wu Sanxing had an unclear relationship.

Since the third uncle spoke, Chen Miao naturally had no problem.

"The Chen family."

After Chen Pi was expelled from the school by the second master Hong, the Hong family and the Chen family have been at odds with each other.

Hong Chen watched from a distance under the tree.

The memory of his previous life made him aware of it.

This Chen Miao was Jude Kao's nail in the team.

He used Wu Sanxing's feelings for Chen Wenjin to get Chen Miao into the team.

"When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman wins. How can there be such a simple meal in the world."

Hong Chen snorted coldly.

At this time, I should directly expose Chen Miao's true colors.

It's a pity that everyone didn't have the slightest doubt about her.

Tang Zhui's hand instead made a fool of himself.

Hong Chen remained silent, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

"This time you stay up there, don't make any more trouble."

"I know, third uncle, I promise not to go down with you!"

This third uncle really yelled to Wu Sanxing's heart.

"Pan Zi Wu Xie, you have met, these three are little brother, Wang Fatty, Hongchenhong little brother, they are all veterans."

Fatty Wang greeted Chen Miao cordially, and Hong Chen and the little brother nodded slightly.

"Don't look at their young age, they are all masters in the Tao. This little brother Hong is very mysterious."

Hearing the treasure, Chen Miao's expression changed, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the world of mortals.

Immediately, he returned to his previous look, greeting everyone with a hippie smile.

Soon he became one with the crowd.

Hong Chen didn't want to get involved too much, so he went to the side alone to rest.

By the way, observe Chen Miao's every move.

"I want to draw your Grandpa Hong's attention, but I'm a little tender."


In the meteorite space.

The Queen Mother of the West sat high on the throne.

Fingers tapped on the throne continuously.

A pair of cold eyes stared at Hong Chen's attribute version.

"System, when can I go out?"

【Ding!The host can choose to break the seal by himself with ten thousand years of skill, or wait for his boyfriend to break the seal and take you out after his strength is strong. 】

"Just him?"

Queen Mother Xi's expression froze instantly.

Hongchen's current attributes can be said to be outstanding compared to ordinary people.

But to compete with Meteorite, this attribute is really too little.

When the Queen Mother of the West activated the technique of immortality, she gathered the blood of thousands of top wizards in the Queen Mother of the West.

Together with all his mana, he successfully activated the meteorite.

Although the skill has been accumulated for thousands of years, it can be compared to the sealing power of meteorite jade.

After all, it is still less.

Although the system gift pack will give away skills, it is still a drop in the bucket.

Unless the Queen Mother of the West really spent tens of thousands of years to assimilate the meteorite.

Ten thousand years, is it a child's play.

"It's still too slow, the treasures must be filled every day."

The Queen Mother of the West walked down the platform with a cold expression.

"Open the treasure house."

When the Queen Mother of the West gave an order, there were bursts of low-pitched bangs in the ghost creature.

Under the throne, a secret door suddenly opened.

Even though it was extremely dark inside the ghost creature, it still couldn't cover up the light of gold, silver and jewelry.

This is actually a whole dark room of heaven and earth treasures.

Gold, silver, jewelry, weapons and herbs are all available.

"System, sacrifice."

Wealth is of no use to the Queen Mother of the West.

Seeing the treasures disappear one by one.

Countless ghosts were born on the land of the Queen Mother of the West.

Taking a closer look, all these remnants were actually former subjects of the Queen Mother of the West.

The soul wailed in the ruins, trying to stop the Queen Mother of the West from offering the treasure.

"The soul that has not dispersed for thousands of years is only for this useless treasure. Is this human nature..."

Queen Mother Xi sighed.

Even after thousands of years of death, these people turned into souls, still thinking about the treasures of the ancient country.

"It's too small to underestimate the widow."

If it was thousands of years ago, this battle could really force Queen Mother Xi back.

Nowadays, the thousand-year skill plus the hundred-year skill blessing of the favorability package.

As far as the Queen Mother can see, all living beings are equal.

"Oh, back off."

After all, they were the subjects who were loyal to her and loved her.

Even if she becomes a wronged soul, and her evil desires are infinitely magnified, she is still a citizen of her Queen Mother of the West.

She was still soft-hearted.

The Queen Mother of the West waved her sleeves, and countless innocent souls fell silent, and returned to the ground in an instant.

As tyrannical as the Queen Mother of the West, she didn't kill a ghost at this moment, but just let them return to the underworld.

The ghosts and monsters are back to peace.

The Queen Mother of the West stood in front of the treasure house, although there were mountains of gold and silver in front of her, she was unmoved.

Her eyes were fixed on the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

She has survived for thousands of years, but there is loneliness in her eyes.

"Maybe it's really old."

Even a wronged soul can make her look less lonely.

"System, sacrifice."

"Ding! The host successfully sacrificed a golden wheel bead plate and got 50000 points."

"Ding! The host successfully sacrificed a pair of pearl jade bracelets and got 50000 points."

"Ding! The host successfully sacrificed an ancient bronze sword and gained 30000 points."


The sound of ding ding ding continued, and Queen Mother Xi's ears felt callused when she heard it.

After consuming dozens of treasures, the Queen Mother of the West stopped offering sacrifices.

"This sacrifice is over, and the total points obtained: 450000 points, the host's current points: 450000 points."

"Sure enough, these things are still worth more than broken cups."

Afterwards, the Queen Mother of the West flashed back to the throne, quietly waiting for the system mall to be refreshed.

This time the sacrifice was five times as much as the last time.

Don't worry about not enough points.

There are two hours left before the mall is refreshed.

These short two hours are nothing compared to a thousand years.

However, Queen Mother Xi actually felt a little restless in her heart.

This emotion only appeared for a moment before it was obliterated by Queen Mother Xi's haughty nature.

But it still caused quite a stir in Queen Mother Xi's heart.

These two hours made her feel like a hundred years had passed.


"Ding! The system mall has been refreshed!"

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