The fat man picked up the engineer shovel.

Shoot straight at the boss of the boat.

When the shovel went down, he definitely suffered a slight concussion.

At that moment, the tip of the shovel was only 1 cm away from the boss of the boat.

Hongchen stepped forward with his right foot.

Hold the shovel handle firmly.

"The man has passed out, so there is no need to scare him anymore."

I saw the boss of the boat with a big white eye, and fell down on his knees.

Obviously stunned.

"With this little ability, you still dare to intercept your fat man's stuff, you deserve it."

After all, the fat man re-tied the boss of the boat.

hanging on the roof.

On the other side, Wu Sanxing and his brother were guarding the corner.

"Brother, is it here?"


The little brother nodded.

They have already found the robbery cave excavated by the last wave of Tu Fuzi.

The entrance of the cave is well camouflaged, and if it is not for veterans, it will not be discovered at all.

The entrance of the cave is not narrow enough for one person to enter with luggage.

But only one person can enter at a time.

There is not much sand and soil near the robbery cave, and moss still grows faintly.

It must have been done a long time ago.

There was no sound of wind from the inside of the robbery cave.

This is also the reason why Wu Sanxing and his younger brother dared not leave.

The place is already damp.

Observe the traces of large machines around the robbery hole.

Obviously, the last wave of people were not pure Tufuzi.

"We need to find out what's inside." Wu Sanxing murmured.

"Brother, please."

After the little brother responded, he used the tip of his knife to pry open the camouflage of the hole.

Inside the cave, the traces of the gear drilling machine are fully exposed.


The little brother suddenly stopped and said these two words.

"Isn't it just a hole, brother, take a break and replace me."

The little brother stretched out his hand, grabbed Pan Zi who was coming forward, and pointed with his finger.


Several people gathered around and looked in the direction the little brother pointed.

The width of the hole varies from narrow to high, and the height seems to be extremely hasty.

No support remained.

Several corners had caved in, exposing long tree roots.

The little brother has the ability to shrink bones, so it is easy to pass through this hole.

But other people may not have such high-strength skills.

Especially Fatty Wang with a hippie smile.

If it encounters a collapse halfway, the consequences will be disastrous.

"I'll do it." Hong Chen stepped forward.

Wu Sanxing: "Brother Hong, this cave has been around for a long time, if you make a wrong step and lose your life, it's no joke."

Pan Zi: "Yeah, it's hard to come here, it's better to be safe."

Hong Chen didn't care about the danger they spoke of.

Hong Chen, who grew up under the training of Er Yue Hong Devil, has become as light as a dragon swimming on the wall.

It is not an exaggeration to say that "passing among the random flowers, not even an inch of leaf touches the body".

Hong Chen knew it just by looking at it, and the route inside the cave was still clear.

There are only a few places where collapse will occur.

Passing it is easier than drinking saliva.

"Follow me, you will be safe and sound."

Speaking of which, Hongchen painted fluorescent powder on the toe of the shoe.

The lower body crawls, and the limbs change unnaturally.

It looks like a cat!

I saw Hongchen's footsteps were light, and he rushed into the cave after a few steps.

Only small fluorescent dots are left on the ground.

"That's how he went in?"


"God, at such a fast speed, it's impossible to see a living ghost."

"Master, please make up your mind."

Pan Zi asked Wu Sanxing for his opinion.

Hong Chen was really too fast, so fast that one wondered if the hole was really dangerous.

Before Wu Sanxing hesitated, a crisp silver bell sounded from the cave.

"Ding! Ding Ding! Ding!"


This is the code word that the team agreed before the fight.

Short and long, meaning no problem.


After confirming their safety, several people groped forward along the fluorescent spots stepped on by Hongchen.

The inside of the cave is pitch black, and the roots of dead vines often brush against his face as he advances.

Fatty, who thought he would be a hindrance, walked in the middle of the team without losing to brother and Wu Xie.

Although the body is bloated, the body is flexible.

Twisting left and right was half a point faster than Wu Xie.

After walking for a while, Wu Sanxing, who was at the front, felt a faint light.

"Quick, we're here!"

Everyone quickened their pace.

This side of the robbery hole is not spacious, and the fat man twisted for a long time before being pulled up.

Out of the cave, surrounded by mountains.

This is a concave valley formed by four small peaks in succession.

The team's location is right in the middle of the valley.


Wu Sanxing shouted, there was still a faint echo in the valley.

After the simple camp was set up, everyone rested without too much chatting.

Everyone understands that the first step has been taken.

Next is the main event.

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