Hongchen has never seen such a thing as Hanba.

However, curiosity will always drive people to do some strange things.

The moment Hong Chen touched the white coffin.

Touching the golden talisman in his pocket suddenly gave off a dazzling light.

Hong Chen was startled.

Immediately take out the touch gold talisman.

The gold-touching talisman with a bluish-white light shot out a blue-faced fang in the air, a phantom of a giant beast.

Hongchen knew this beast.

Suppress ghost lions with green faces and fangs!
The holy beast that wards off evil spirits in town houses.

"Touch the golden talisman?!"

The moment Hong Chen took out his blue-faced fangs and touched the golden talisman.

Wu Xie sensed something was wrong.

Until the golden talisman emits that dazzling blue light.

Wu Xiecai is sure!
This is the real touch gold talisman!
Wu Xie grew up in Wu Sanju and listened to the old people chatting at home.

Every time we talk about working hard, we always have to say a few words about touching the golden talisman.

handed down.

This Tufuzi was an idle occupation thousands of years ago.

Almost all alone.

So the casualty rate was extremely high.

Until the Three Kingdoms period.

Brother Mengde in order to raise arms.

A special team was organized to fight against evil spirits, collect artifacts in the tomb and resell them.

This is a super elite team of dozens of people.

It is said that Brother Mengde restricted their freedom by extraordinary means.

And restrain them, this life can only die in the tomb.

Secrets must never be brought back to the ground.

I do not know how many years later,

The presence of this team is exposed.

Later generations named it————— "Mojin Xiaowei"!
And among these dozens of people.

The elite of the elite.

Turn to kill ghosts and gods, the nine tops who are invincible.

It is known as the "Nine Taibao"!
The "Nine Taibao" are generally independent.

Once you encounter a large tomb or a difficult problem, there will be multiple people working on the task at the same time.

Over time, some wild words appeared in the arena.

Nine Taibao out of the third, the fight can be overturned.

Nine Taibao out of five, a thousand pieces of gold can be broken.

Seven out of nine Taibao, the king's tomb will appear.

Nine people go out to see the imperial mausoleum!


These nine people had a profound influence on Tu Fuzi beyond words.

It is said.

"Mojin Xiaowei" has been established for many years.

The nine also only worked together once.

That was the pinnacle of the "Nine Taibao".

Also the last time.

The nine people went down to the tomb together, and within three days they came out covered in bruises.

When I went down, I was full of energy. When I left the tomb, only five of the nine people came up.

Two of them were also seriously injured.

One with a broken leg.

A blow to the abdomen.

At that time, medical treatment could not do any major surgery.

The wound is completely healed by the patient.

Not long after, the two also died on the hospital bed.

And from then on.

"Captain Mojin" is still there.

But no one has the strength to sit on the vacant top six.

Later, the remaining three people never went to the tomb again.

Until he died of old age, no one mentioned what happened back then.

Just like the inversion action before the disbandment of the Nine Gates.

Everyone also kept silent.

Wu Xie spoke vividly.

Hong Chen was at a loss.

"Who doesn't know this? So what does it have to do with touching the golden talisman?"

"Cough, cough."

Wu Xie cleared his throat.

Then he took Hong Chen's hand off the white coffin.

Pull him back two steps.

"Listen to me."

The reason why this "Nine Taibao" is unprecedented.

Able to come out on top among many "Mojin school lieutenants".

In addition to their knives, guns, sticks and other weapons, each has a specialty.

Each wears a pangolin claw.

Black baked-on lacquer accessories.

That is, in Hongchen's hand, touch the gold talisman.

These nine masters, because of their different occupations and different special sessions,

Therefore, each person touches the totem printed on the golden talisman is also different.

And in Hong Chen's hand, this blue-faced fangs, a lion-shaped gold-touching talisman.

Obviously, it was one of the three people who survived back then.

It can be said.

All the blue stars couldn't find the fourth one.

Hong Chen already had one.

"Hong Chen, where did you get the golden talisman?"

Hong Chen was about to open his mouth.


Wu Xie covered Hong Chen's mouth.

"I know what you're going to say. If you insist on talking about ancestral inheritance, then you can use another excuse."


Hong Chen was speechless for a moment.

Such a great excuse from ancestors is not allowed!Is there any reason!

"Fuck, how do I make it up..."

Hong Chen was speechless.


"This is from Yin Qingfeng when I left the Crescent Hotel..."

Even Hong Chen admired his wit.

Crescent Hotel moved out, you Wu Xie have nothing to say.

There was such a fuss before.

The four of them must be blacklisted.

Crescent Hotel?

How much safer can it be than the tomb under the sea.

Say it.

Wu Xie was dumbfounded.

Although he is also skeptical.

But there's no reason to doubt either.

For the family property of the Crescent Hotel, it would be reasonable to take out a gold-touching talisman.

It is passed down from the old people in the industry.

Although these three touch gold talismans are all in the hands of idlers.

are not kept uniformly.

But none of them were lost overseas.


The function of touching the gold talisman is not to improve the hard power of "Mojin Xiaowei".

Touching the golden talisman is more to ward off evil spirits.

Issue an early warning for the holder and protect the holder.

That's why Wu Xie immediately pulled Hong Chen away when he touched the golden talisman to emit a shining light.


It is reasonable for Yin Qingfeng to have this thing.

The young miss, who is in contact with bright weapons every day, has something to defend herself against.

"You really won't be beaten like this?"

Wu Xie said helplessly.

"What are you afraid of? She's a local snake in Kyoto. Why? Can she still beat Wu Sanju?"

However, Wu Xie's trip to the undersea tomb was really urgent.

If he looked at the news and gossip a little bit, he would find out.

After they left Kyoto, news of the collapse of the third floor of the Crescent Hotel was flying all over the sky.

Then Wu Xie was really dumbfounded.


Wu Sanju at the door.

One old and one young stood there.

The woman has a beautiful face and a beautiful figure.

Carrying a valuable leather bag in one hand, and holding a black oiled paper umbrella in the other.

There is also a single emerald green, clear top-grade jadeite earring hanging by her ear.

The earrings are inlaid with gold and jade, but not half of the jade is touched,
It is wrapped and coiled by gold wire.

However, the other ear was empty.

"Mr. Qin, are you sure it's here?"

The old man glanced at the woman.

"You girl, when did I lie to you about my age?"

"Teacher, you know I don't mean that."

Yin Qingfeng looked at the gate of Wu Sanju, somewhat lost in thought.

Although she knew that the Wu family lived in seclusion, there were still people living in the world.

The master who throws the dragon jadeite as a marble.

Just live here?

Yin Qingfeng scanned Wu's courtyard.

Although it is not small, it is not a star and a half worse than the Crescent Hotel.

"anyone there?"

Yin Qingfeng rang the doorbell.

However, no one answered.

"It looks like we're running empty again."

"Hey..." Yin Qingfeng let out a long sigh,

This is the third time they have come to the door, but there is still no answer.

Elder Qin waved his hand, indicating that it was time for Yin Qingfeng to leave.

Before leaving, Yin Qingfeng touched his other earlobe which was empty.

Somewhat sad.

The door of the Wu family was closed, as if they were waiting for someone...

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