"Ding! Are you satisfied with this training? Please rate!"

【Dissatisfied, General, Satisfied, Very Satisfied】

"Very satisfied!"

Double career added!

Not to mention dissatisfaction, the land master can't stand it anymore.

"Ding! You have chosen a very satisfactory evaluation."

"The favorability has increased by five points, and the current favorability with girlfriend: 25 points!"

"Ding! You have chosen the perfect evaluation in this cultivation!"

"Congratulations on getting a chance to give back to the mysterious girlfriend!"

"You can give any one of your belongings to the mysterious girlfriend, and attach a confession, the opportunity is reserved."

"A confession..."

Pick something that is obviously not suitable at hand.

You can't send back a suit of soft rice equipment.

Hong Chen conceived the words of confession in his mind.


A familiar voice sounded from behind.

Hongchen let go, and the system window was inadvertently drawn out.

"I have to talk about it later." Hong Chen thought to himself.


"Hongchen? What are you doing?"

For a time, various situations were intertwined.

At the same time, the gold-touching talisman in his pocket suddenly flickered.

However, this only made Hong Chen hesitate for a second.

"I'm ready to move on."

"You guys, what's the matter..."

The people who came were Wu Xie and his party.

But these four...

Maybe it's a bit too embarrassing...

Hong Chen looked over.

Except for the stuffy oil bottle, the few people are still complete.

Football Association, Ah Ning, Fatty.

The diving suits on the three of them were more or less broken.


There was still a lot of mud on the limbs.

Look at the way they are panting one by one.

Think about it in conjunction with Wang Qi's underwater grave map.

Hong Chen couldn't help being embarrassed.

It can almost be said that it is a blessing to have passed those organs with this appearance.


The little brother took a lot of responsibilities in it.

Hongchen thought of the little brother with a "chicken" in his left hand and a "duck" in his right hand.

There is a fat man behind him.

I can't help but want to laugh.

However, Hong Chen didn't laugh out loud yet.

Wu Xie's pupils trembled.

"This is the forbidden woman?!"

How can there be time to clean the battlefield in the undersea tomb?

The rotting body of the forbidden woman was piled up in the corner.

Wu Xie has imagined countless solutions.

Everything is tied up and burned to death.

But he really didn't expect a punch to the head.

"Yes, Master Hong!"

Fatty gave Hong Chen a thumbs up fiercely.


Compared with the suffering in the tunnel.

Facing the forbidden woman, I am much more desperate.

Seeing that Fatty was so excited, Hong Chen said to him:

"Fatty, do you want to go up and punch me?"

"Maybe there is still anger, I don't care about cheating for a while."


The fat man let out a disgusted cry.

Take a step back and jump behind Poker Bottle.

Poker bottle looked at him, but didn't say anything.

"It's dead, don't worry."

Hong Chen laughed.

Sure enough, this fat guy is the funniest,

The fat man made an embarrassed face, obviously realizing that Hong Chen was playing tricks on him.

Wu Xie looked at the traces that had been swept away.

Look at the ceiling again.

Be puzzled.

"What happened here?"


Hong Chen couldn't explain it clearly for a while, so he gave a generalization.

"This is the secret passage."

Poker-Face's sudden speech shocked everyone.

"Dark way?"

Aning and Wu Xie uttered their voices almost at the same time. Obviously, what the younger brother said was very abrupt to them.

"It doesn't matter if he cheats secretly or not, it's over after rushing."

With that said, Fatty was about to step on that formation.

I hope to break open the secret passage directly with my weight.


Hong Chen stopped the fat man with a finger.

"I've checked the road below, but it doesn't work."

"If you want to go inside, you can only go up."

Hong Chen glanced at the younger brother.

"It looks like I remembered."

Hong Chen thought.

Now that the little brother has a memory, he can worry less about the following things.

"Let's go, I'll pull you up."

Hong Chen made another standard three-step layup.

In the blink of an eye, he went up to the ceiling.

Hanging in that familiar position.

Hongchen himself was getting annoyed. In this hour, he went up and down four or five times.

Hong Chen pulls on it.

Brother pushes below.

There is nothing wrong with Aning and Wu Xie.

It's time for the fat man.

Because of his size, the fat man was actually hanging from the ceiling.

There was no other way, Hong Chen had no choice but to kick against the wall again.

Only then will the fat man pass.

"It's time to lose weight, fat man."


The fat man was not convinced.

"What do you know, this is called blessing state, blessing state!"

A few people didn't argue with him too much.

This "ceiling" burial chamber.

The surroundings are gloomy and empty.

Only a large white coffin lay quietly in the middle.

Water was still leaking from the surrounding ground.

"Have you brought a candle?"

the fat man asked.

Wu Xie gave him a white look.

As far as the tension of this journey is concerned, how about candles?

A match is all right.

"Then this coffin?"


It's rare for the younger brother to speak.

Zhang Qiling offered to open the coffin.

It's either a thousand-year-old baby or a thousand-year-old rice dumpling.

"You can think about it."

Hong Chen said silently.

"There may not be anything good in it."

“How come you see?”

Wu Xie asked.

"" In the undersea tomb, there are not many passages to the upper and lower floors. "

"This is the escape route chosen by the forbidden woman. What do you think the forbidden woman likes?"

"Damp, cloudy..." Wu Xie realized it later.

"Ask you again."

Hong Chen directly named Wu Xie.

"Whose tomb is this undersea tomb?"

"Wang Zanghai?"


Hong Chen showed a helpless look, sure enough, the third master still needs to practice.

"Cough cough."

Hong Chen cleared his throat.

"" Have you found any treasures along the way? "

Excluding the younger brother, the three shook their heads, indicating no.

"A tomb buried in the sea, we walked all the way, sea monkeys, ghost ships, wraiths, forbidden women, and all kinds of organs that have tossed your fingers..."

Speaking of this, several people looked at their clothes in embarrassment.

"Did you see a bright weapon along the way?"

A few people shook their heads, indicating that they did not.

"Then you can guarantee that there are no demons and ghosts in this coffin?"

Hongchen knows well that besides the forbidden woman, there is another dangerous monster in the undersea tomb.

White-haired Drought!

However, this thing is usually sealed in a coffin.

With so many coffins marked on the map, Hongchen couldn't be sure which coffin contained a monster.

Which coffin holds the baby.

also possible.

All tombs are traps!
All to prevent Master Tu from coming to Wang Zanghai's body!
"I'm afraid, there is no treasure in this tomb at all."

Hongchen also didn't understand the reason why Wang Zanghai did this.

But the reality is, this underwater tomb is too poor!
Several people you look at me, I look at you.

They all hesitated.

"To open."

Brother spoke again.

After Hong Chen finished speaking, even Fatty thought it made sense.

The little brother still insisted on opening it.

"Could it be?"

Fatty didn't think much of it.

"Then open."

As Hong Chen said, he stretched out his hand towards the coffin.

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