After a while, the remaining holes exhausted all enthusiasm, and even the roaring sound of the mechanism stopped at the same time.

Only the broken arrows were left all over the ground, as if they were still witnessing the gorgeous movement just now.

After feeling the movement around him stop, Chen Ge quickly opened a small gap and observed the outside world.

After realizing that there was no danger, he hurriedly asked the brothers around him to adjust their formation, and moved his numb arm a little bit due to the shock.

After all the brothers around him adjusted their formation, they set foot on the way forward again.

At this time, they were more than 150 meters away from the end of the tomb passage, and they had only walked a quarter of the way.

But now there are no shields in front of them that can be stepped on, which means that next, they may have to face underground traps that are more dangerous than arrows.

While everyone was sweating a little for them, Chen Ge also straightened his face, as if he was listening to something with his ears up.

This made Luo Chen immediately think of Chen Yulou's ears that could hear thunder when he was in Pingshan.

Could it be that this boy Chen Ge inherited Chen Yulou's unique ability?

This point is currently unknown.

But just after Chen Ge's ears stopped shaking, a wise light flashed in the suddenly opened eyes.

Then he saw him waving his hand and said loudly:

As soon as the order was given, eight wrestlers lined up immediately, and then quickly and uniformly put their hands into a small back basket behind them.

When I took out and threw it, I threw out eight big white ducks wagging their buttocks, and at the same time made a sound similar to driving away,

Driving those ducks to waddle forward.

"I'll go, Fat Lord, I'll tell you that those buddies in Xiling are hiding something behind their backs. You still don't believe me, this guy, what a fat duck!"

"I don't know how many can be left!"

"Fatty, shut up! You know how to eat every day, and those ducks can find their way around, how cute!"

"But,,, it's also delicious."

"Have you heard of Sijiucheng Roast Duck, tsk tsk tsk!"

. . .

As soon as the fat man was greedy for ducks, eight more wrestlers stepped out from behind the previous eight unloading wrestlers.

The movements were the same as theirs, but a few pigeons with fluttering wings were thrown from behind.

As soon as the pigeon appeared, it flew towards the front of the tomb on its own.

Only then did everyone stop what they were doing and stared at the direction of the ducks and pigeons without blinking.

As if afraid of missing something.

And just after the ducks walked forward for a distance of more than 50 meters, the pigeons in mid-air were almost flying to the end of the tomb passage.

But just after everyone thought that these pigeons would pass by without incident, several strange cold lights flashed on the ground in the distance.

The cold light was fleeting, but after the flash, the flying pigeons were all broken in two.

Moreover, due to the high speed of the cold light, the pigeons jumped forward twice after being unfolded, and then the corpse was split into two halves.

Pigeon blood mixed with pigeon internal organs and other objects, splashed everywhere.

Chen Ge and other warriors who watched this scene were a little dumbfounded, and they didn't understand what happened at all.

"Ahem, I keep turning my head. Am I dazzled? What the hell is that flashing thing?"

"Could it be a laser sword?"

"No, no, three sticks, how could it be a laser sword!"

"This is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, the tomb of the emperor more than 2000 years ago. You have read too many fantasy novels!"

"That's right, that's right, Brother Big Machine is right, I think it should be the sword energy in martial arts novels."

"Well, that's right, what Mei Lao Er said is good, how do you say something???"

"Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States, yes, this is it!"

. . .

Nima is outrageous.

Seeing that a group of famous wrestlers began to gossip, Chen Ge's face immediately darkened:

"What's wrong? There's no rules for each of them?"

"The road conditions are clear, right? That's just right, you guys remember to take the lead in the charge later!"

"Use all your efforts to find Xiaohong, Xiaocui, and Aunt Hua, hmph!"

. . .

The few Zhenghuan people who were talking about were reprimanded by Chen Ge, and they immediately blushed. They didn't dare to say anything, and could only stare angrily at the brothers beside them who were trying to hold back their laughter.

However, at this moment.

There was also a sudden change in those big fat ducks who were walking happily wagging their heads and tails.

I saw rows of copper spikes rising suddenly under their path, as tall as a person.

As soon as it was lifted up, he stabbed a few of the ducks in half, and hung on the spikes with blood flowing horizontally.

There was only one duck standing in the middle of the two copper spikes that didn't understand the situation at all.

It seemed that he was congratulating himself on his unlucky luck.

It's like remembering what happened just now.

A few of the same kind who walked well, why did two bloody holes appear on their bodies in an instant.

Will the duck continue to move forward?

Wait online, hurry!

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