Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 443 Mechanism Arrows, secrets are hard to reveal

Therefore, in order to avoid the occurrence of plot promoters like Fatty and casualties who cannot react in a hurry, it is very necessary to throw shields and build bridges from Xiling.

Just like the current Chen Ge and other hundreds of shield fighters, there is no feeling that any organ has been touched.
But just after stepping on the tomb path less than five meters away, violent vibrations and roars began to be heard from within the tomb wall.

In less than a blink of an eye, countless densely packed holes appeared on the front, top, and sides of the entire tomb passage, each of which was the size of a longan.

Chen Yulou, who had been watching cautiously at the door, quickly opened his mouth when he saw this:
"Chen Ge, four directions!"

"Understood, circular shield formation, defense!"

Crash, after more than a hundred Xiling warriors got the order, they gathered side by side skillfully and quickly, the people behind them resisted the people in front of them, and one by one they propped up their shields.

The few people surrounded in the middle held up shields that were different in shape from the hands of the others, and in a blink of an eye a huge 'semi-sphere' was formed to protect everyone in the middle.

There is not even a single gap left in the layers.

"It seems that Xiling has been constantly improving his equipment over the years!"

Luo Chen couldn't help sighing when he saw this, but as soon as his voice fell, the sound of arrows piercing the air resounded in the entire space of the tomb passage.

The voice was so sharp that it seemed to cut through the air, and it came in an instant, and shot straight at Xiling who were huddled together.

Furthermore, the impact of arrows and shields played a gorgeous symphony in the entire tomb passage, and the tinkling sound was endless.

However, Chen Yulou was relieved that although the arrows covered almost every side of the circular shield formation, none of the arrows could penetrate the defense of everyone.

What made him feel even more relieved was that this kid, Chen Ge, did not choose to hide in the middle of the shield formation, but instead stood at the very edge of the shield formation, raising the shield to fight together.

After seeing this scene, the old man who had been out of office for many years really had the idea of ​​a successor.

"The doll has finally grown up!"

"Yes, you can finally retire with peace of mind, even though you are still very young!"

Facing Chen Yulou's emotion, Partridge Whistle also said something with a smile at the same time, but immediately a sense of worry rose on the face of the mountain-moving Taoist:

"But brother, aren't you worried?"

"This arrow has been shot for a while, it seems to be endless, it must have encountered that kind of mechanism that cannot be stopped again!"

Hearing what Partridge Whistle said, Chen Yulou's face immediately changed, and he couldn't help but start to worry again.

Just when I was about to say something, I was interrupted by Luo Chen's voice.

"Hehe, don't worry, brothers."

"If it's another emperor's tomb in history, then I really can't say for sure."

"However, in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, there will definitely not be any mechanism that keeps running!"

Luo Chen looked at the flying arrows that were as dense as a plague of locusts at this time, and said with certainty.

According to the thoughts in his heart and some historical research, although there are everything in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, there must not be too many such things as arrows and weapons.

Not only the weapons and arrows made of bronze, but also the items made of metal are definitely not too many.

Although Fei Shi's scale looks scary now, but in Luo Chen's view, that's all.

Even Luo Chen dared to assert that the bronze arrows here were probably the only metal objects left in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

As for the reason?

This is a secret, don't let it out, you will know it when you should know it!
Ahem, not long after, just as Luo Chen expected, the rain of arrows in the tomb passage was indeed much less.

In such a short period of time, most of the holes on the wall of the tomb disappeared.

There are only a few sporadic ones who are still persevering,

Just like a licking dog who doesn't know the so-called, he wanted to give up everything from the beginning.

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