To be honest, Luo Chen didn't know if thousands of rice dumplings would come out of this underground river, so for the safety of their lives, Luo Chen still had to ask.

Of course, his family knew about his own affairs, Luo Chen mainly asked Uncle Cuigeng and Qin Tang, who had just joined the team.

But to Luo Chen's surprise, neither of them had any intention of being afraid of the water, and even Qin Tang took out a sharkskin diving suit from his carry-on backpack.

And Uncle Cui Geng straightened his chest: "Hey! Tianguan, don't worry, like us who grew up guarding the Lancang River, how can we not be able to use water!"

"Okay, if that's the case, then get ready!"

"By the way, Xiao Hu, give the diving suit prepared for me to Uncle Cuigeng, I don't need that!"

After speaking, Luo Chen began to carefully investigate the situation in the water, while Xiao Hu and the others began to put on their equipment. You must know that this underground river buried deep in the ground is actually cold;
If you don't have a diving suit made of shark skin to isolate the icy river water, you will definitely suffer from hypothermia.

But because of his size, the fat man actually wants to cry but has no tears. This is equivalent to forcing himself into a container that is smaller than himself.

In the fat man's original words, the shoes are small and the crotch is short, the feet are not uncomfortable, and the little brother is also aggrieved and panicked!

When everything was ready for them, Luo Chen didn't waste any more time, and walked straight into the icy water.

This should be a river-like area, so the water level has just reached Luo Chen's ankle, and according to the feeling from under his feet, the river here is actually slanted downward, which means that the deeper the water goes, the deeper the water will be. .

When passing the entrance, Luo Chen saw that both sides of the entrance were made of large bluestone bricks, and the gaps between each stone brick were painted with dark red lacquer.

And after entering the tunnel, there is no trace of human construction here, but it looks like a purely natural underground cave space.

There are some long bamboo poles inserted on both sides of the water, but due to the humidity of the environment and the ravages of time, these bamboo poles will shatter when touched, and rot into a ball of slime.

There are also a few wooden boats lined up on the water not far away, which were probably left by the people who came to worship the king at that time. You don't need to go to see Luo Chen to imagine that the wooden boats are the same as those bamboo poles. Something that shatters when touched.

Moreover, the water level here also began to get deeper, and if he wanted to continue forward, he could only swim, so after Luo Chen gestured to the people behind him, he plunged down.

As soon as Luo Chen's whole body entered the water, the effect of the secret skill of the stars, the wall water scorpion, was immediately manifested vividly. Luo Chen was not hindered by breathing in the water at all, and even the icy river water felt like home to him.

But Fatty Hu and the others were not so comfortable. Although there were Dapu ghost insects released by Luo Chen on their heads to illuminate them, these ghost insects did not emit heat.

So in order to prevent leg cramps, everyone could only inflate the airbags on their backpacks, and use the buoyancy of the airbags in the water to float forward.

Luo Chen swam in the water like a fish in water, and even took a look at the scenery in the water. In this cold underground lake, there are many natural stone pillars, which can even reflect the light of Dapu ghost insects on the water surface. .

The blingbling is extremely dazzling, just like the clumps of corals in the underwater world, they are extremely beautiful.

Even because of the age, some stone pillars have formed a fossil-like texture, which appears crystal clear under the washing of water.

When Luo Chen swam in the water, he suddenly turned over with his face up, and his body floated up directly in the water, looking at the dome of the underground cave.

On the top of the cave, there were some roots and stems of plants drilled out, and some even hung below the surface of the water, dripping water continuously, quite a feeling of a water curtain cave.

Under the influence of Luo Chen, a group of people couldn't help but began to appreciate the rare beauty, but there are always exceptions, aren't they?
But this time it wasn't the fat man, but Uncle Cuigeng who was really not interested in these things.

Anyway, he was born and raised on the banks of the Lancang River, and he was tired of seeing these things for a long time. At this time, he was secretly muttering in his heart that these people from the city were ignorant.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Luo Chen who was lying on the water in front of him suddenly turned over, his eyes fixed on a place not far away.

And Uncle Cui Geng followed Luo Chen's gaze, and was immediately dumbfounded. . .

"This,,, the mother-in-law can't be a fool!!!"

Everyone was startled by Uncle Cuigeng's sudden shout, and quickly looked over there.

In front of Luo Chen's gaze, there suddenly appeared a figure with phosphorescent bumps, that figure quietly floated towards the crowd from above the water, and Luo Chen was the first to bear the brunt.


Not only the fat man, everyone except Luo Chen couldn't help but feel their scalps go numb after seeing this scene.

If it was just a corpse, everyone wouldn't be so scared, after all, they had never seen a corpse like Luo Chen before, but it was the first time everyone saw this kind of corpse with blue light all over its body.

And this weird female corpse made Uncle Cuigeng think of a legendary thing called Shui Piaozi in their place.

That is, people often talk about the water ghost looking for a substitute for the dead ghost, but a story that has nothing to do with the water ghost but is more detailed and frightening appeared in Xiao Hu's mind.

A young man who they went to the countryside together was walking by the river with his girlfriend, but the young man's girlfriend suddenly stumbled and fell into the river.

The young man hurriedly jumped into the water to save people, but the river was too turbid to see the underwater situation at all, and it is said that the young man was still entangled in the underwater plants at that time, and it took a lot of effort just broke free,
So he couldn't save his girlfriend, and finally the young man left this place sadly.

At that time, Xiao Hu and others felt sorry for these two people more than once after they knew about this incident.

But a few years later, when the young man revisited his hometown, he saw an old man fishing by the river, but the fish the old man caught were not like the usual fish that ate aquatic plants;

He asked the old man why there were no fish eating aquatic plants here, but the old man fishing said that there had never been any aquatic plants growing in this river. How could there be any fish eating aquatic plants? They were all fish with sharp teeth. kind.

After the young man heard this, sadness, guilt, and almost all negative emotions erupted in his heart, and he immediately lost the idea of ​​living, so he resolutely found someone who was unoccupied and jumped into the river to commit suicide.

The matter also came to an end here. This matter was told by the old man who was fishing when the young man's family went there later.

Thinking about it, Xiao Hu couldn't help shivering.

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