"I'll go! Master Luo, Lao Hu, come quickly!"

Ignoring the two people who were in a daze, Luo Chen rushed in the moment the fat man yelled.

Passing over the screen made of stone behind the statue, I saw Fatty standing there alone in a daze, while a row of nine huge ugly toad stone statues appeared in front of Luo Chen's eyes.

Looking at the nine huge stone statues in front of him, a golden light appeared in Luo Chen's eyes, that's right!

The stone statues here and the feng shui outside reflect each other, creating the acme of feng shui and coping with the number of loops.

Everyone in the world knows that Faqiu Mojin Kanyu Daodou Mixingfeng's housekeeping skill is the dragon-seeking formula, and the dragon-shaking scripture that specializes in breaking false dragons and suspected dragons, but most people don't know that besides this, there are other There is a Yilongjing that can change the phoenix for water, change the fate for a change of luck!

Those who change, change too!

According to the Yilongjing, the dragon's veins change shape and situation, and wind and water change. It is necessary to use the sky star to determine nine auxiliary acupoints related to the dragon's acupoint.

Nine is the number of extremes, starting from the transformation of energy from the first hole to wrapping around, until the end of the nine-point loop towards the mountain bank in the ninth hole.

Changing these nine auxiliary acupoints can not only keep the feng shui closed and tightly wrapped, but also make the form of the acupoints unbroken for thousands of years.

This insect valley stretches and twists and turns, and the two sides of the winding path are even more chaotic. The Snake River walks here, just like a snake walks, the river walks, the mountains and rivers are intertwined, and the shape and potential conflict constantly.
Therefore, it is the most sensible choice to reconcile the mountains and rivers and the double dragon veins to transform this place into a Fengshui bureau with nine twists and turns.

The so-called nine-turn loop is to place some special things in the places where there are nine turns in the worm valley, such as fish tanks, big trees, deep wells, gourds, golden cicadas, or temples and so on.

Looking at Xiao Hu who was eager to try, Luo Chen couldn't help feeling relieved: "Xiao Hu, I'll leave it to you, I'll go out to smoke a cigarette, don't tell me you can't!"

"Haha, don't worry, Lord Luo!"

After speaking, Luo Chen turned around and walked out, leaving behind the excited little Hu in the hall, and the fat man who was regarded as a coolie tool.

Luo Chen hadn't felt so at ease in a long time, he wandered back and forth at the door of the mountain god's face with a cigarette in his mouth, not worried about the things inside at all.

Although the mechanism of the nine-curve loop will be completely locked if it is not aligned with the correct position three times in a row, but it is quite reassuring for Xiao Hu Luochen.

Before he even had time to smoke a cigarette, Luo Chen heard the sound of a mechanism being activated, but the sound was not in the mountain temple, but the red stone gourd not far away.

Luo Chen understood the reason all at once, and after a while, Xiao Hu walked out of the temple dejectedly, afraid of seeing Luo Chen's disappointed eyes, so he didn't dare to look at Luo Chen.

"Master Luo, I've let you down. It stands to reason that what I did was right, but there's just no movement from that mechanism!"

Luo Chen couldn't laugh or cry, he thought it was something: "Haha, what are you talking about, the mechanism has already been opened!"

Startled, Xiao Hu hurriedly raised his head, and saw Luo Chen's smiling face and the big red gourd in front of his line of sight that had been split into two halves.

A group of people hurriedly followed Luo Chen's footsteps, and walked up to the ocher gourd, only to see a stone-shaped gate at the place where the ocher gourd was originally the base.

The gate was also designed in the shape of an ugly toad, but in the shape of a toad's mouth, oblate and short, like a robber's hole, facing vertically downward.

There are also some simple carvings on it, most of which are patterns of scarlet toads. In addition, there are two bronze rings fixed on it.

"Hey, let me go, remind Uncle Geng, how much do you think King Xian likes this ugly toad? Why are there all these things?"

"There won't be an ancestor toad waiting for us down here, right?"

Fatty couldn't help but shuddered when he saw the ugly toad that could be seen everywhere, and then said to Uncle Cuigeng beside him with a look of disgust.

But how could Uncle Cui Geng dare to take care of this guy at this time, he still remembers what Luo Chen and others said, this fat kid can't touch it, otherwise he won't know when he will be cheated to death.

At the moment, he could only quietly move his body away from this scammer.

"Fatty, Mrs. Shaote is talking nonsense, open the door quickly!"

Got it!
Tool man's life!
While the fat man muttered softly, the two stone doors on the ground were pulled open with great force by him, and a stream of rotten and damp water vapor came out from under the stone doors.

Xue Li raised her gun and fired a flare at the bottom. The white light instantly cut through the darkness of the ground. Luo Chen and the others looked down with the help of the white dazzling light.

In the depths of the underground cave, countless white skeletons and huge white bone teeth appeared in front of everyone, and the gully densely covered with skeletons was obviously in the shape of a burial ditch.

"The scale of this burial ditch does not seem small, so get ready!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Luo Chen directly took the rope hanging from the fat man's shoulder, casually threw one end onto the huge ocher gourd, and then directly jumped down with the help of the rope.

When Luo Chen descended to the bottom with the rope, the light of the flare had disappeared, and he also opened the pupil of delusion in an instant.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and summoned dozens of Dapu ghost insects with blue flames, dispelling part of the darkness for the people who were still coming down from above.

And Luo Chen began to look at the surrounding space. The huge sharp bones in the burial ditch under his feet were like elephant teeth one by one. Looking at the densely packed ivory, he must have slaughtered a lot of elephants.

And in addition to those neatly stacked elephant teeth, there is also a whole frame of elephant bones.

This method of burial was actually prevalent in the Shang Tang period. The whole body of elephant bones and ivory is actually a homonym of "xiang", which means "auspicious", and represents auspiciousness.

Moreover, there is a saying that the elephant bones here were not buried as deep as other funerary objects.

Half-covering the elephant bones with tomb soil means that the owner of the tomb pursues Taoism and immortality after death, transcending the world, so those half-covered tomb soils are called dusty soil, and these half-buried funeral objects , It also indicates the meaning of ascension with the Lord.

Hundreds of thousands of slave craftsmen hang upside down, and hundreds of bones are buried with them.

A small frontier country can do this, which shows the obsession of King Xian to the pursuit of longevity.

And at the ends of Luo Chen's left and right sides, there were two deep and dark cave entrances, and at one of the cave entrances, Luo Chen could still hear some water flow.

Presumably it should be the underground water system of the Snake River.

It didn't take long for everyone's faces to descend along the rope, and they gathered beside Luo Chen, looking at the underground river in front of them leisurely.

"Everyone, is there anyone who can't swim? There's no time to make bamboo rafts for us right now."

"So, if there are people who can't water, it's better to stay in the temple above!"

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