As the water flows to the east, the leaves fall one after another, and the time flies by quietly and slowly.

It is also possible that in an inadvertent turn around, you will see the back of an old man, and at the same time you will know that time is slowly getting old.

But Luo Chen is not worried about the trouble of time, he just wants to figure out the clues that Xue Li just sent.

But to Luo Chen's disappointment, this Dragon Bone Book of Heaven is not something that records the whereabouts of Muchen Bead at all.

It is true that the symbol carved on the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book is the Muchen Bead, but it is just a symbol, and the characters carved on it are just some records about the Zhou Dynasty.

At the beginning of Zhou Dynasty, Fengming Qishan.

It represents the righteous man defeating the innocent king, and records the fact that the Zhou Dynasty won the hearts of the people and replaced the Shang Dynasty.

And the symbol of the Muchen Bead only represented the auspicious meaning of Fengming Qishan, and the whole Dragon Bone Book did not indicate the last whereabouts of the Muchen Bead.

But this is not the reason for Luo Chen to feel a headache, because Luo Chen knows the location of Muchen Bead;

Through sporadic memory fragments, Luo Chen learned that the Muchen Bead was in the tomb of King Xian in southern Yunnan.

But Luo Chen couldn't remember any more details.

As for the tomb of King Xian in southern Yunnan, there are very few records in this world.

"Hey! Headache!"

In the past two days, some memory fragments kept appearing in Luo Chen's mind, which made him almost mentally divided. Rubbing his brows, Luo Chen reached out and picked up the records about King Xian.

According to records, the earliest prototype of the Dian Kingdom appeared in the late Warring States period, that is, when the First Emperor was about to wipe out the six kingdoms and unify the world.

It was originally only three counties in the Daqin territory, but since the turmoil in the late Qin Dynasty, it broke away from Daqin and became a king on its own, known as the King of Dian in the ancient Dian Kingdom.

Later, in the ancient Dian Kingdom, a group of people who believed in evil gods and magic arts moved to a deep mountain under the leadership of a leader in order to avoid years of turmoil.

And the leader of this branch is known as King Xian!
That is, the owner of the tomb that Luo Chen and the others are about to fight.

However, there are very few historical records about this 'grass-headed emperor'. Luo Chen has a vague impression that in the original book, Blind Chen would give Xiao Hu and others a human-skin map of Xianwang's tomb.

But the human skin map with a clear route mark also disappeared with the appearance of Luo Chen, the little Golden Crow.

Although the matter became a bit confusing, but combined with the sporadic data and Lao Ba's calculation with the aid of the Dragon Bone Book, Luo Chen finally fixed his gaze on a mountain range on the map.

Zhelong Mountain!
. . . .

That night, Sijiucheng delicious food.

"Master Luo! Jin Zi, I really want to go to southern Yunnan with you, but my body really doesn't allow it."

"I still have to keep this skeleton and let my old man fight for a few more years."

"Why don't I give you all ten songs to the Red Army, so I have the right to cheer you up, do you think so?"

After three rounds of drinking, Jin Ya picked up the wine glass in his hand, stood up and drank the wine in one gulp, although he really wanted to fight with Luo Chen again, but when he thought of his own body, and how courageous he was, he couldn't help but He backed out directly.

But this time, Luo Chen didn't intend to take him there, even though he had the relationship with his old man, but this guy really didn't live up to it, he was a big old man, not as good as a weak woman.

"Okay, bastard, let Lao Jin hear this, I'm afraid you're going to change your name to Toothless!"

"Help me with the preparations for the past few days. When we come back, you will be counted as a share. Remember to ask Fatty to reimburse you when the time comes!"

It can be regarded as a general mobilization before the war, but Luo Chen didn't need to mobilize, because of the influence of the ghost eye curse, the trio was much more impatient than Luo Chen.

If you don't worry a little more, it is estimated that the day will come. . .

three days later.

Luo Chen led the three-person group, and the four of them first took the train from Sijiu City to southern Yunnan. After a rest, they took a bus across the mountains again.

That's right, it's still the familiar bus, the car is walking on the mountain road with nine bends and eighteen bends, and there is a beautiful river flowing along the way, the Lancang River!

The Lancang River is a typical river flowing from north to south. As the river flows from north to south, it flows from the northeast of Tanggula Mountain in Qinghai Province, through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia, and flows into the South China Sea in Vietnam.

Outside the window is the cheerfully flowing Lancang River. The stone walls on both sides of the river stand tall, forming a series of rugged peaks.

The destination of Luo Chen and others is the upper reaches of the Lancang River, a place where mountains and rivers converge.

Of course, the road along the river and the mountain like this is naturally not easy to walk. Falling rocks from the mountains can be seen everywhere on the road, and the ground is full of potholes.

The complex terrain of the road made the passengers in the car keep sticking their heads out of the window, and it was a joy to vomit.

Especially when they reached the cliff road, the fat man's face was already so white that it was scary.

It lost a bit of blood, and the teeth started to fight in the mouth, obviously this guy's fear of heights has happened again.

However, compared to the fat man who is afraid of heights, the driver seems a little careless, waving the steering wheel with one hand, and the hand holding the gear lever with the other hand turns into an afterimage, constantly switching various stalls.

There is no feeling of walking on the cliff at all, and the car will crash if you are not careful. If there is a car god in Huaxia, then the driver master is the Zhelongshan car god at this time.

As long as the speed of the car is fast enough, the god of death will not be able to catch up with him!
But at least Luo Chen felt that his surroundings were very quiet, and he didn't have to worry about the bus being blown up by the fat man.

Moreover, there are some passengers who seem to be commonplace in the car. They sit very comfortably on the seats, humming folk songs, and squinting their eyes slightly. They are very comfortable.

But the fat man is not blessed to enjoy this beautiful scenery. At this time, the fat man feels more and more uncomfortable, his eyes are closed tightly, and cold sweat is still breaking out on his forehead.

His whole body trembled to varying degrees.

At this time, a middle-aged uncle sitting beside Luo Chen saw the fat man's discomfort, reached out and took a leaf from his waist, and handed it to Luo Chen.

"You fat comrades seem to be in a very bad condition to compete! Let him put this on his nose, it should be better!"

Luo Chen miraculously discovered that he could still understand the dialect they spoke, so he thanked the middle-aged man immediately, and then handed the leaf that exudes coolness to the fat man.

Looking at the fat man who was no longer so uncomfortable, Luo Chen turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man again.

"Thank you, his fear of heights is like this, and he will be fine on flat ground!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly waved his hand to indicate that you are welcome, and then the two started talking like this.

"Hehe, you should be the hunter around here, right?"

. . .

Long wait, everyone!

Sorry, some people have said some nasty things these two days.

But it's a good thing for Seventeen, because life always has to experience some bad things.

S686 is just a troll after all.

To borrow a word from Mr. Guo.

The elders of the country can tolerate me, and do not make money in the world!
Finally, thanks to all of you who have been supporting Seventeen,

Thanks everyone!

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