Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 194 Changes of the Golden Crow Tattoo

"It's me! Are you?"

Although he lost his mind for a moment, Luo Chen quickly recovered his clarity.

Looking at Luo Chen whose eyes quickly recovered, the intellectual woman couldn't help but feel a little surprised, raised her hand and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, and then stretched out her palm to Luo Chen generously.

"Hehe, hello General Luo!"

"I'm also a member of the archaeological team, but I'm a professor!"

professor?Well. . .

Luo Chen didn't have any airs, he stretched out his palm and shook lightly with the other party, and clicked.

After chatting casually for a few words, Luo Chen walked straight to the helicopter brought by the army.

And the intellectual woman who stayed at the same place looked at Luo Chen's back, slightly dazed.

In the end, Tankou opened lightly, and left a sentence: "We will see you again!"

Then he turned and went back to his archaeological work.

But at this time, Luo Chen had already boarded the helicopter with a group of brothers. Amidst the loud noise, the helicopter flew straight towards the direction of Sijiu City.

. . .

The boring journey was spent amidst everyone talking and laughing. Of course, Fatty and Lao Ba also provided a lot of jokes for everyone during this period.

Four hours later, the helicopter landed in the military area of ​​Sijiu City.

Officers who had received the news long ago were waiting here.

"General Luo, welcome back!"

"Chief No. [-] has been waiting for a long time, please follow me!"

Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a little surprised, what's going on with number one, is he going to clean up the dust for his group?

Without time to think about it, Luo Chen and his party got into the car that had been prepared by the military area, and the four cars headed straight for the inside of the red wall.

At this time, the inside of the red wall was already in full swing, with figures running back and forth in the kitchen and dining room.

But under the big tree in the courtyard, there were three figures talking about something, their red faces seemed very excited.

After Luo Chen got off the car, he walked straight towards the courtyard, followed by a group of his old brothers and the little Hu fat man.

Qi Ling bid farewell to Luo Chen after he came out of the military area, it is said that there are still things to finish.

"I said leader, we just got off the helicopter, and we were pulled over by you before we could stand still."

"Our brothers haven't eaten meat for several days, and we still want to have a big drink!"

Before entering the courtyard, Luo Chen's voice sounded, and there was even a trace of resentment in his tone.

"Hahaha, you brat, what's the matter?"

"Afraid that I will not have your food, or afraid that I will not have wine?"

One of the figures holding a cigarette stood up from the stone bench with a smile, and cursed at Luo Chen with a smile.

At this time, Luo Chen also saw someone else, and the feigned resentment on his face immediately disappeared: "How can it be, leader, I brought good wine with me, haha!"

Then he hastily greeted the other two: "Old Zhou, Elder Zhu, long time no see! Let's have a few drinks today!"

"Ha ha!"

A welcome banquet started amidst the chatter and laughter of the crowd. Of course, what Luo Chen and others drank was the thousand-year-old fine wine that Luo Chen and others brought from the Zhongshan King's Mausoleum.

The moment the wine was taken out, the eyes of several leaders were straightened, the rich aroma of the wine was captivating.

Especially after hearing that Luo Chen and others even brought out the technology of brewing wine, they were very happy and toasted again and again.

Although everyone is not young, but the body is in the peak period, so there are no health doctors to dissuade them.

Not to mention the fact that the wine also strengthens the body.

Except for Fatty Hu, the rest of the people present were acquaintances during the war, so they would naturally not be unfamiliar with each other, but the two of them had never seen such a battle before.

Not only did I see the two most respected leaders, but I also saw the Supreme Marshal of the army. Can these two guys be casual?

Sitting so straight, Luo Chen could even see the trembling legs of the two people under the table. . .

After a banquet, those who could drink but could not drink were already drunk, even the fair face of the second master was already flushed.

Not to mention the few people who love to drink, Lao Liu, who is usually unsmiling, has already drank so much that he hooked up with Lao Ba and crawled under the table.

The fifth child was so dizzy that he wanted to continue drinking with his two dogs. . .

And Luo Chen also became dizzy after being greeted by the three leaders and everyone, and in the end, relying on Buddha's last sliver of sobriety, he arranged for guards and sent everyone back one by one.

. . .

Time flies by like a fleeting horse, when Luo Chen wakes up from his drunkenness, it is already the climax of the moon.

Looking at the empty bed, he couldn't help but smile helplessly.

It seems that my wife is still young, I have drunk so much, and no one cares about me.


Taking off his alcohol-smelling clothes, Luo Chen's figure flashed directly into the imaginary world.

Uh, don't get me wrong.

He just went to the hot spring.

The steaming hot spring water flowed over the skin, sweeping away the tiredness all over Luo Chen's body.

And with the hot water washing, the blood left by Yue Ling was washed away on Luo Chen's chest, revealing the original fair skin.

And as the temperature of his body rose, a tattoo of a three-legged golden crow appeared from Luo Chen's chest and back, and the temperature of the hot spring water seemed to be even higher.

At this time, Luo Chen, whose face was covered with a towel, noticed that someone came in from the hot spring, and then rubbed and pressed his aching muscles with a pair of small hands.

At the same time, a soft voice reached Luo Chen's ears.

"Honey, your golden crow tattoo seems to be a bit different!!!"

Luo Chen hastily removed the towel from his face, and lowered his head to look at his chest.

At a glance, a red mark appeared on the originally empty Golden Crow's paw, which looked like the Golden Crow was holding a red bead.

Red Dan Divine Bead?

Luo Chen remembered this position very clearly, the claw raised by the Golden Crow was originally grasping in vain, and there was nothing there.

The only explanation can only be the red pill that the system said was fused with him.

But Luo Chen didn't notice any abnormalities in his body, and Luo Chen even had a faint feeling that the Chidan Divine Bead hadn't completely fused with him.

Because the power of his current bloodline is almost pitifully small, a lot of it is concentrated in the claws of the Golden Crow, obviously suppressing Chi Dan.

This also caused Luo Chen to feel that his physical fitness had declined.

Ignoring Chi Dan's matter, Luo Chen just lay in the hot spring, feeling the intimate massage from Yue Ling's tender little hands.

The Zhongshan King's Mausoleum and his party thus drew a perfect end.

The next thing is to wait for Shirley, and it is time to lift the curse that has plagued the mountain range for thousands of years.

. . . .

The Zhongshan chapter of the Warring States Period is over, and the insect valley in southern Yunnan begins.

Today Seventeen went to the basketball court to let himself go,

I just got back, sorry everyone! ! !

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