Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 182 How do you feel that Luo Fufu is coming again?

"No, no, Second Master, take a closer look at the position where the eyes of the two alien beasts intersect!"

Luo Chen has also been looking at the eyes of the two alien beasts, but found that although the eyes of the alien beasts are facing each other, the pupils carved in those eyes are actually staring at a position on the ground.

As if there was something there, Luo Chen couldn't help walking towards the place where the eyes of the two beasts met, and squatted down.

After rubbing back and forth on the ground for a while, Faqiu's fingers suddenly stabbed to the ground. The hard floor tiles were as soft as tofu under Luo Chen's two fingers.
It took almost no effort to stab it in, and when he raised his arm again, there was already a golden object about fifteen centimeters in his hand.

It is a small dragon made of pure gold, stretching straight forward.There is a leaf-shaped protrusion in the middle of the dragon's forehead.The ears are peach-shaped, the two corners are high and convex in the shape of "eight", and the outer sides of the two cheeks are decorated with curly cloud patterns.

The eyes are protruding, there are 3 folds on the nose, and the two sides of the front of the nose are decorated with curly cloud patterns.The mouth is slightly opened, exposing interlaced teeth. The casting technique is very sophisticated, and the image of the dragon is full of three-dimensionality and very vivid.

The tail of Shenlong is narrow and thin.

According to some experts, dragons are creatures imagined by the ancients, but looking at the lifelike little golden dragon in his hands, Luo Chen felt that they were farting.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could the ancients have portrayed the appearance of the dragon so vividly? If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could the ancients have drawn the appearance of the dragon into pictures?
But what puzzled Luo Chen the most was that there was a saying in modern times that the Shenlong was integrated from a part of the totems of various ethnic groups.

What about joking?
In his previous life, Luo Chen used PS to integrate some people's words more than once, but to be honest, he really couldn't see what was combined.

But at this time, Luo Chen looked at the little golden dragon made of pure gold from the Warring States Period in his hand, and he had a decision in his heart.

That is, after Luo Chen returned to Sijiu City, whoever dared to talk nonsense in the name of science would be immediately charged with spreading rumors.

"Master Luo, there is an organ on the door!"

At this time, the little brother, who didn't know and didn't want to know what Luo Chen was thinking, walked straight to the bronze door, and found that it couldn't be pushed open, and found the mechanism on the door with his fingers.

"Oh, in the mouth of the two-winged beast, you and the Buddha opened it."

Buddha: .╮(─▽─)╭

Brother:.( ̄_ ̄)
Luo Chen was squatting on the ground playing with the little golden dragon in his hand, he casually told the two 'young men' of Zhang's family about the mechanism he would see, then ignored the astonishment on their faces, and studied the little dragon in his hand again .

But no matter what Luo Chen did, the bronze door was about to open, so the two 'young men' of the Zhang family could only walk in front of a statue.

Then they stretched out their slender fingers and probed into the mouth of the strange beast. As expected, just as Luo Chen said, there was something like an iron ring hidden in the mouth of the strange beast.

Then, with the force of Qiongqi and Qilin, they pulled out a series of chains, and the bronze door opened to both sides with a creaking sound.


"Huh? Where's Master Luo?"

The dust scattered, and everyone saw that Luo Chen, who was squatting on the ground just now, had disappeared. They were feeling puzzled when suddenly Luo Chen's voice came from inside the door.

"Why are you standing there? Let's go!"

Buddha: At most, you are not human anymore.

Second Master: Why did Master Luo dream of returning to Changsha?
Little Hu Fatty: Master Luo has acted all his life and never explained it to others. . .

Everyone in the Nine Gates: It's over, how do you feel that Luo Fuhuo is back! ! !
Brother: "Let's go!"

Hearing the little brother's words, everyone suppressed the uneasiness in their hearts and hurriedly followed.

At this time, Luo Chen was already standing in a magnificent underground palace, with twelve bronze pillars painted bright red.

Moreover, slowly burning copper lamps extended from each bronze pillar. What shocked Luo Chen the most was the base of these bronze pillars.

All are made of the red scale stone on the bridge, and the shapes are also different. From left to right, they are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog , pig, and the red scale stone statues of the twelve zodiac signs are used as the base.

Moreover, the temperature of the copper lamp on the bronze pillar that is closest to the base will ignite the entire red scale stone statue. At that time, all the stone statues of the Chinese zodiac will be ignited like they were reborn from the ashes. fire.

It is gorgeous, and when the fire at the bottom burns the bronze pillar to a certain temperature, it will activate the mechanism on the top of the bronze pillar. At that time, a series of water curtains will fall vertically to extinguish the fire.

The white steam generated by the collision of water and fire will decorate the entire underground palace like a fairyland on earth. . .

The fat man was a little surprised, and couldn't help but swear: "I'll go, will you enjoy it like this? What the hell is an ancient tomb, it's even better than those palaces!"

Ba Ye: "That's right, look at the road in the middle, why does it look like it's all paved with jade!!!"

Lao Jiu pointed to a corner: "There is also a fountain there!"

Second master: "I really want to bring the girl here to have a look! She will definitely like it!"

The fifth child: "My God, this is simply the back garden of the emperor. Bringing the grandson here and raising a few bitches, it's perfect!"

Third Master: "What virtue and ability do these elderly zongzi have? Do you want to kill them and let me live in?"

The sixth child: "No zongzi, no energy!"

Buddha: "Can I bring something to Xinyue?"

Xiao Hu: "Why didn't Shirley come!!!"

Luo Chen: "Ahem, everyone, let's rob graves..."

Brother: "Be serious."

Two dogs: "Wow, woof, woof~~~"

Blood Corpse King: What's wrong with these gentlemen? This is just the mausoleum of our queen. Why don't you want to look like everyone?

It's no wonder that the blood corpse king, a creature whose brain has been frozen, was puzzled. Who would have thought that a group of old guys who are used to seeing the big world would be stunned here.

In fact, Luo Chen and his group can't be blamed. After all, this kind of generosity is something they have never seen before. It's fine for the twelve zodiac signs to support the copper pillars, but these twelve zodiac signs can also generate flames by themselves.

Moreover, the mechanism on the copper pillar can also divert water to put out the fire by itself, which is amazing!

I'm afraid this scene can only be watched on TV, and I dare not write like this in novels.

Of course, the shock was the shock, and many old guys quickly restrained their minds. After all, there are so many people watching, it is important to maintain their respective images.

And on both sides of the colorful jade road, there are stone statues that have stood for an unknown number of years, silently shedding tears.

Are the eight of us buddies not attractive enough?Or is our height of more than two meters too low?

Is there no one who pays us a little attention?

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