Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 181 Master Eight, Your Eloquence!absolutely

But how did this make Eighth Master me?Picking up people's clothes in public?
Ba Ye, I have stripped a lot of living people, but I have never stripped the clothes of this corpse!
Besides, with so many people watching, is it possible that Ba Ye will ruin his fame today?

Seeing that Lao Ba was in a dilemma, Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a little funny: "What are you waiting for, Lao Ba."


Hearing Luo Chen's sour accent, Lao Ba was also taken aback for a moment, then gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and became cruel, took off his long gown, picked up the short sword and slashed across the red dress of the female corpse.

At the same time, he didn't forget to cover her with his own clothes, and it was perfect to get rid of the last soul-locking thing on the female body.

At the moment when all this was completed, in the sight of Luo Chen and Lao Ba, a beautiful woman like Xiaojiabiyu emerged from the female corpse with a golden light.

Standing still in the mid-air, with eyes like water, he looked at Lao Ba softly, bowed in the direction of Lao Ba, and then stretched out his imaginary fingers, pointing at the arm of his own corpse.

Only now did Luo Chen and Lao Ba notice that there was a string of beads on the female corpse's arm, and there was a faint gleam of light flowing from the beads on her body.

"This, is this a flow bead?"

Lao Ba couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the familiar bead.

At this time, Chen Pi, who had been silent all this time, came out: "Baye, what beads? Isn't this the rosary beads that those bald donkeys brought?"

Due to the previous experience of becoming a bald man in a dream, Chen Pi didn't have the slightest liking for these things, and even saw these things related to them, and there was a bit of gritted hatred.

"No, no, you don't understand this, Master Ba told you."

"This thing is called Liuzhu, which is used by people in Taoism. It rotates day and night, and the sky is endless, like the endless flow of water, and the stars are round like beads, so it is also called Liuzhu."

The "Taishang Sanyuan Liuzhu Jing" says: "The white real pearls used for receiving are round and clear, 360 and five as big as tung seeds, corresponding to the degree of the stars, and the period of the sun and the moon."

"Look at this string of beads, there are a total of 360 five pieces, exactly corresponding to the number of stars in the sky."

"In addition, there are 12, 24, 28, 32, 36, and 81 beads. Different numbers represent different things."

"This little flow bead contains the deep wisdom of the predecessors, and it contains the stars, water principles, Qitong, etc. of many people in my Taoist sect!"

Chen Pi stared dumbfounded at the eloquent and eloquent Ba Ye, feeling inexplicably like watching those old movies under the overpass to fool people.

"Ba Ye, your eloquence! Absolutely!"

"Did you teach those old movies under the flyover to show people?"

Ignoring Chen Pi who started talking nonsense, Lao Ba looked straight into the air: "Girl, if I'm right, it's this string of beads that has been protecting you?"

The illusory woman in the air nodded at Lao Ba. It was indeed because of this string of beads that she maintained her clarity and did not become a bloodthirsty ghost corpse.

But now the string of beads meant little to her, so the illusory woman waved lightly, and the beads instantly fell off the corpse and flew straight into Lao Ba's hand.

But before Lao Ba could speak, in his sight, the figure of the woman bowed to him from a distance, as if saying goodbye.

Old Ba didn't care about other things, sat down cross-legged, and sent the girl off for the last time with the top Taoist mantra.

In Luo Chen's eyes, a golden halo from Lao Ba's body floated to the illusory woman's body, and disappeared with her.

According to Lao Ba's explanation, it was a sliver of his own many blessings, and it could be regarded as protecting that woman all the way.

As the illusory figure of the woman disappeared, the body lying quietly on the bridge deck also seemed to turn into grains of dust along with the breeze.

Sprinkle it in the black water river that has been guarded for thousands of years, and protect the dark river for thousands of years. After that, the dark river will lead her to those unheard of land boundaries, and take a look at the beautiful scenery around.

After the calm, everything shattered like a dream bubble, only the string of flowing beads entwined in Lao Ba's hands was telling everyone that a woman who was forced to guard this place for thousands of years was now freed.

At this time, everyone discovered that they were not in the middle of the bridge, but had already reached the gate on the other side of the bridge.

There is now a black rope hanging high above the door, stepping forward to push open the door, a wide corridor appeared in front of everyone, the white phosphorous lamp spontaneously ignited, illuminating the way forward for Luo Chen and others.

There are mountain-shaped murals unique to Zhongshan country everywhere in the corridor, as well as some murals about the wine making and bronze wares in Zhongshan country, and even some written records about wine making methods.

These are the cultural treasures of the land of China thousands of years ago, so it is natural to preserve them well. At that moment, Luo Chen directly took out the camera requisitioned from the archaeological team, and took pictures of these Warring States characters one by one.

Patting and patting, everyone has already reached the end of the corridor, here is another gate made of bronze, on the edge of the dark green bronze, there are actually two sculptures of two-winged beasts that Luo Chen encountered earlier.

Luo Chen had always felt that this thing was strange before, but it was a pity that what he encountered before was either a relief or an illusory figure, and he had no research direction at all.

However, the complete placement of these two winged statues here aroused Luo Chen's interest.

I couldn't help stepping forward to look at this two-winged statue carefully. It is a bit like the evil spirit beast recorded in the land of China, with a lion's head and a lion's body, with wings on its back.

But there is no cloud pattern like the one on the evil spirit, but the two-winged beast has gold and silver carvings on its body, which is a unique craft art in the Warring States period.

First, groove-like patterns are carved on bronze sculptures or objects, and then the grooves of these patterns are filled with gold or silver.

The original dignified and simple color of the bronze ware was rendered by the resplendent gold or silver. Such utensils were regarded as extremely noble and dazzling at that time.

This kind of craftsmanship is called "wrong gold and silver", which means gold and silver interlaced.

But in fact, the technology of mixing gold and silver has not really been lost, but because people seldom use bronzes later, such technology can no longer be compared with industry, so fewer and fewer talents know it.

Luo Chen believes that once this gold and silver double-winged beast is unearthed, it will definitely reawaken people's yearning and love for the technology of wrong gold and silver, and this art will definitely become a precious skill passed down from generation to generation in China.

What's more interesting is that the two winged beasts at the bronze door turned their heads and looked at each other, as if they were a male and a female.


"Master Luo, these two sculptures are really interesting, they are actually looking at each other, ha ha!"

Second Master didn't know if he was thinking of the girl, but the eyes he looked at the two statues were full of longing and a gentle smile.

. . .

Come here, thank you for your support!

Remind me to remember more, (ω)


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