Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 70 The True Trial

Under the Dao of Heaven are all ants, and Dao of Heaven is the Dao of the seven races, they are just cannon fodder!
Alpha Civilization, Planet of the Apes Civilization, and Earth Civilization are all involved for the ownership of a planet!
They are chilled, they are afraid, when the earth will have such an end, it is simply terrible!

The audience in the live broadcast room saw through the essence of the truth during the discussion, and any behavior has a purpose!

The failure of the Guardian of the Planet of the Apes caused the civilization of the Planet of the Apes to become a battlefield, and the Seven Races sent their soldiers to come.

The purpose of the warriors is to plunder resources, the purpose of the seven races is to fight for the ownership of the planet, and the purpose of the supreme is to maintain the balance of civilization!

The powerful civilization Alpha destroyed the creatures of the ape civilization with a virus, but it is a pity that Alice was plotted by the demon warriors!
The demons won the final victory, but the warriors who won the war for them lost other missions.

Zhang Chen became the new replacement and was placed here in the name of trials.

Going out of the city is not the essence of the mission, perhaps completing the commander's purpose is the real test!

So Zhang Chen appeared next to Alice, who was guarded by zombies, and the conflict was inevitable!
Zhang Chen shot and killed Alice, which attracted a rebound from the monkey survivors and became the target.

The second test is to destroy the rebels and find the hidden guardian!
This is the commander's original intention, although he didn't say it clearly, but he calculated the inevitable connection of every point!

If Zhang Chen wants to go out of the city, he will encounter every ring and continue according to the rhythm of the commander!
The war has never ended, because the civilization of the planet of apes has not been destroyed, Zhang Chen's arrival is the end of this war!

There is also the Alpha civilization, I am afraid it has been reduced to the same battlefield, this is an endless cycle!

Who knows what terrible layout and calculations are involved in the war there.

In the battle for resources under the Dao of Heaven, all the rules are impeccable, and Zhang Chen is extremely disappointed.

The interlocking trial tasks are already so complex and changeable, one can expect how difficult the future war will be!
The Demon Clan has a layout, so the known Celestial Clan among the Seven Clans will have no cards in this war?

Alice has become a reanimated body, controlling the zombies to protect herself and staying here is chess!

Even the monkey survivors had no choice but to take her, but now this pawn was eaten by Zhang Chen!
The Guardian of the Planet of the Apes disappeared mysteriously. Who said that there is no faction behind it to intervene, otherwise would it be impossible to find it by means of demons?

It's just that it's a higher-level layout war between the seven clans, and they never fight directly!

This is the rule, and it is also the covenant of the seven races, which is restricted by the law of heaven, and Zhang Chen is bitter.

As everyone knows, Zhang Chen thinks too highly of himself, and the commander intends to motivate this guardian of civilization through trials!

But that was just a hint, otherwise he would have directly issued an order for Zhang Chen to find the guardian and carry out the task.

In the final analysis, this is still an assessment for him, and it depends on Zhang Chen to what extent he can achieve!

The whip in Zhang Chen's hand trembled a little, but he didn't pull it down. He pulled the chain angrily and shouted: "Go!"

"Hahaha! Human, you are not suitable to be the guardian of human beings! You will be reincarnated with eternal sin!"

"Shut up!" Zhang Chen yelled, his arms slightly bent, and with a shake of his arms, he swung the chain in his hand.

"Crack!" The monkey at the end of the chain was thrown up and hit the ground hard. It shook again, and again!
The white-haired monkey was thrown like a monkey, it was horrible, and it screamed in a miserable voice.

Zhang Chen roared angrily: "I just want to save my companion, do you understand?"

"I just want to save our fellow clan!" Bai Mao struggled to get up: "Do you understand?"

Zhang Chen was silent, the way of heaven was against the sky, and the monkeys pinned their hope of recovery on the way of heaven!
Their original target was Alice, who guarded herself with zombies.

After he appeared, he killed Alice directly, and left the building surrounded by zombies.

This allowed Monkey to seize the opportunity and list Zhang Chen as a new target.

The monkeys have been in action since they appeared in the underground energy channel network.

Those puppet gold steels wearing armor are not a line of defense, but stalling for time to wait for other gold steels and then capture them!
Unexpectedly, Zhang Chen broke the energy transistor, and after the energy tide erupted, he was ejected, and the others were unfortunately captured.

Unknown reasons prevented Jin Gang from coming to the ground, which attracted the monkey to lure him into a trap.

Now he is going to throw himself into a trap for his companions, but he has a certain amount of confidence!

"Maybe, we can trade! You help us restore civilization, and we will return the others to you!"

The white-haired monkey seized the opportunity and tried to negotiate, and Zhang Chen's fragile psychology was discovered by him!
If it is another civilization, no one will take risks for a subsidiary combat power, let alone compromise!

But Zhang Chen was different. From the time the director kidnapped Guo Guoguo and threatened Zhang Chen, Bai Mao could see clearly that this guy actually compromised!
This cannot happen in civilization, with the whole civilization on the one hand, and one person's life on the other!

How to choose is obvious, but this guy actually compromised the interests of civilization and compromised for a person's life!

He was envious, the guardians had never treated them like this, they only treated them like slaves!
But the white-haired monkey has no resentment in his heart, because this is for the entire civilization, and now he still wants to fight for the recovery of civilization!
Zhang Chen was very annoyed by the white-haired monkey's words, and his answer was... a whip!whip!whip!
Swinging it up and down fiercely, the cracking monkey screamed and begged for mercy!
The audience shouted furiously in the live broadcast room: Kill it!kill it!kill it!
If it wasn't for bringing this person back to the base, Bai Mao would rather commit suicide and die, but now he has no choice but to stand up.

Their civilization needs this person's sacrifice to revive, and the monkey is afraid that Zhang Chen will change his mind and run away!
Along the way, Zhang Chen whipped the white-haired monkey and walked along the empty street to a huge and spectacular building!
It was the largest arena on the entire planet built by the once prosperous monkey civilization, and they used to fight in it!

At the same time, it is also the transmission center of one of the three cornerstones of civilization, but unfortunately it has been completely destroyed long ago!
Zhang Chen cautiously followed behind Bai Mao, secretly plotting with the audience in his head, the reward is ready, and the plan has been rehearsed many times!

Zhang Chen is ready to go, quickly analyzing the situation and thinking about retreating, there is only one chance, if he misses the first blow, he can only give up!
No one can understand the helplessness of the audience, they have advised countless times, but Zhang Chen never changed his mind!
As long as you escape from the zombie city, it will be over. There are no zombies and other monsters in the city!

Those survivors who have escaped from the monkey guardian will not be the opponents of the anchor who has opened his eyes!

But Zhang Chen didn't listen, so they had to compromise, following Zhang Chen's train of thought and trying their best to make suggestions and try to protect Zhang Chen!
Zhang Chen let the audience curse and threatened them, insisting on rescuing his trapped companions!

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