Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 69 The Monkey's Purpose

"This is my business, it has nothing to do with you!" Zhang Chen took the whip in his hand and whipped it down hard.

"Ah!" The monkey staggered and walked quickly while screaming, reaching out to touch the wound on his back but couldn't reach it.

"Now, let me ask a question, and you answer it!" Zhang Chen threw down the whip again: "If you answer a wrong sentence, you will be whipped!"

" hurts! I...I understand!" The white-haired monkey looked terrible: "Ask...ask, ask!"

"How many monkeys are there in your base?" Zhang Chen collected information from the audience and arranged a plan later.

"Eight...eight monkeys!" Bai Mao said with difficulty, looking back in fear, sure enough!

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound of the whip, harsh and painful to the monkey!

The monkey let out a shriek, and roared amidst the screams: "What I said is true!"

"You liar! Eight monkeys dare to attack us!" Zhang Chen asked with a sneer.

"All of our fellow clansmen have been reduced to irrational zombies! Only our eight guardian generals survived!"

"Subsidiary combat power?" Zhang Chen understood that similar to the existence of adventurers, the so-called guardian must be a civilized warrior of the civilization of the planet of apes.

Civilized warrior is a general term, and one can imagine that the status of civilized warrior must have a high status in one's own civilization!

Bugs call their warriors of civilization Forerunners, and monkeys call their warriors of civilization Guardians!
People on Earth call Zhang Chen, a warrior of civilization, the host, because he hasn't really affected the world yet!

"That's right! We are warriors that the guardians can bring into the battlefield! Only after strengthening can we avoid virus infection!"

"As a warrior, aren't you ridiculously weak!" Zhang Chen continued to confirm with the other party with a sneer, he had to be careful.

"I'm the stalker in the team! The main function is to detect and not to fight! Besides, we depend on the guardian, but the guardian abandoned us and our reinforcements began to fail!"

"Haha, that's even more ridiculous!" Zhang Chen didn't hesitate, and sneered, he waved his whip down: "You even sent a stalker to deal with me, don't you underestimate me!"

This is just a question from Zhang Chenming. His real doubt is that the other party has confessed these questions too easily. Could it be that he is really a monkey who is afraid of torture?

"We had a plan! I didn't want to fight you, but you were too cunning to deceive me!" Bai Mao screamed in anger, for contempt, for people's insidiousness!
"I'm cunning? My clever monkey didn't tell the truth from the beginning and tried to trick me into a trap! Do you think I can't see it?"

Zhang Chen understood that the other party was too afraid of him as a civilized soldier to directly attack him, and their original intention was to lure him to the base.

It's a pity that the audience saw through it from the beginning, but he didn't want to give up his companion, which allowed Baimao to seize the opportunity to succeed from the side!
The white-haired monkey was speechless, thinking bitterly, it is really difficult to deceive human beings, and the crushing of tactics is no match at all!

If he had known this earlier, he would have followed the example of the human who used hostages to decisively threaten the enemy, but the enemy is too strange!
Any civilized warrior would not care about an individual's life, he was afraid that he would not be able to threaten him, so he gave up!

But I really didn't expect that this enemy turned out to be a different kind, and he really cared about the life of a small individual!

"You can explain it!" Zhang Chen waved his hand and grabbed a banana and threw it at Baimao: "Good answer, there will be a prize!"

Baimao looked back angrily, bared his teeth and roared at Zhang Chen: "I'm not your pet! In the history of evolution, apes are only one level lower than humans!"

"Hey!" Zhang Chen was surprised. Throwing bananas is a bad idea for the audience. He said curiously, "You guys know your position very well!"

"Humans! Stop talking nonsense! If you don't move faster, I'm afraid your companion will become a doctor's experiment!" Bai Mao urged angrily.

"It seems that your plan has reached a critical moment, and you can't wait to let me fall into the trap!" Zhang Chen sneered, but he was very anxious in his heart.

No matter what conspiracy the other party has, he has no choice, he wants to save his companion, no matter right or wrong, he just wants to do this!

The white-haired monkey also sneered, and still looked at it mockingly in pain: "So what! We are indeed in a hurry, but aren't you in the same hurry!"

It's not too urgent, it's just that I have waited for too long, I don't want to wait any longer, Alice has no chance, this person is the hope that is close at hand!
The white-haired monkeys understand very well that this is their last chance, and they must hurry up to revive their civilization!

The audience was angry. The other party was threatening the host with unscrupulousness. This monkey had already seen through the kindness in the host's nature!
Zhang Chen said coldly: "Who is the doctor you are talking about? What exactly does he want to do! Tell me!"

Facing the whip in Zhang Chen's hand, the white-haired monkey became more and more irritable in its screams, and had to try hard to explain!
"The doctor is the chief scientist of our civilization, he is the wise man of the team! We want to call back all our clansmen who have been reduced to zombies, and we don't want to be your enemy!"

"Then why are you planning on us! I came here just to test, not to invade your world!" Zhang Chen asked angrily.

"Because you killed our target Alpha civilization resurrection body! All the fragments of civilization probably fell into your hands!"

"You mean this?" Zhang Chen took out the fragment of civilization in Alice's ring, which was the five-shuttle crystal that was shining red!
"Shards!" The white-haired monkey looked longingly at the crystal in Zhang Chen's hand. Zhang Chen waved it away and sneered, "There are more! Let's talk!"

"Since the civilization was destroyed, the Guardian lost contact. We need a civilized warrior to communicate with Heaven!" Bai Mao said.

"The civilization of the planet of apes has become the demon camp, why doesn't the commander re-select a civilized warrior!"

"Because the guardian has not lost his identity! What do you think you are here for! Do you really think that escaping the city is over?"

Zhang Chen was startled, and said blankly, "You don't need to care about this! Tell me!"

"Crack!" After whipping the whip up fiercely, Bai Mao screamed in pain, "This is the war of the seven clans!"

Once Zhang Chen was instructed, he suddenly realized that it was almost as he estimated, the seven tribes were fighting with them as soldiers, and civilization as the battlefield!

If the demons want to obtain the civilization of the planet of apes, they may need to send someone to completely take down this planet, that is Zhang Chen!

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen felt very upset, but he had no choice but to ask in a cold voice, "Your goal is me!"

"That's right!" the white-haired monkey staggered and roared: "You killed Alice, and you are trying to destroy us completely!"

"It's not my fault!" Zhang Chen sneered from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't show it, and roared: "I have no choice!"

"Haha! Indeed, everyone has no choice, we are just pawns of the Seven Clans!" The white-haired monkey smiled bitterly.

The audience in the live broadcast room fell silent, and the truth was revealed bit by bit, making them chill!

From the very beginning, when Zhang Chen appeared, this was a strategy, the plan of the demons!

But this is a blatant conspiracy, the demons don't need to calculate at all, they just issued an order for Zhang Chen to complete the task!
This is the world of the seven races, the rules of the universe, relying on the way of heaven, no civilization can stay out of it!

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