Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 318 Summoning Catalog

The twelve princes stick out their sharp fangs!

They grabbed the priests beside them, bit into their necks, and sucked their blood!
Then, he threw it casually, and threw it into the camp of Gods who had gathered in large numbers and did not disperse!

The body that became a mummy exploded suddenly, blowing up a large area.

Those divine envoys, those divine masters, and those lords, with the blessings of light and providence, launched an attack on the dark creatures, and their bodies were covered with a layer of translucent light!
Countless low-level dark creatures are afraid of these rays of light. As long as they touch these rays of light, they will scream and emit black smoke and be incinerated.

They are natural enemies. Light and darkness are a pair of existences that never blend. They can only fight to the death and cannot coexist.

Hundreds of priests began to chant, praising their Lord and praising God's will, in exchange for strength!

A large piece of light fell from the sky and landed on the battlefield in the sky. As their voices grew louder, they shouted: "Glory and rain! My Lord forgive you!"

Those entangled, light and dark creatures made cheerful and miserable sounds!

Shenting increased the strength and speed of the attack, but immediately, the blood-red fog began to permeate, covering it with the brilliance of the sky, and began to digest it, and it continued to spread in the sky.

The twelve princes laughed wildly, mocked, and shouted: "Children, I give you strength, and the Lord lends you strength. Go and eat! Go and find the source of your life! Woo, their Blood sucks, really sucks! But you can get power! Powerful power!!"

Those hundreds of divine masters were instantly killed by the twelve princes rushing over with one punch in a few seconds!
On average, a prince killed at least a dozen divisions in one second, absolutely terrifying speed, terrifying power, they are not afraid of this level of holy light at all!

The meaning of the holy light possessed by these little priests has no effect on them.

In countless directions around the mountains, those ordinary missionaries who could not fly into the sky collided with the barbaric orcs with cold weapons!
Dozens of directions were opened, and a large number of priests poured in, began to attack, and began to punish.

Hierarch, the Hierarchs from various regions were summoned and led them to carefully select believers who are willing to sacrifice for God to form this ground attacking force!
This is a dedicated death squad, blessed by the holy envoy, empowered by the leaders, blessed with attributes by the gods, and has become a temporary force that can compete with the orcs.

The holy envoys, the 24 high priests, and the two heads of the Holy Knights, their holy knights, and many powerful figures, watched quietly from the rear without moving!

However, the dark creatures, those emissaries of darkness, the leader of the orcs, the silver wolf, the leaders of the orc clans, and the great prince of the blood clan, did not move either!

The pope was very relaxed, but in the dark camp of the psychic who continued to cast spells, the dark creatures were very nervous and guarded tightly!

Zhang Chen continued to wander around the psychic, waiting for an opportunity!

That thick book attracted him!
Suddenly, around the psychic, in those twelve directions, twelve very thin old men wearing green cloth clothes appeared!
Twelve people have clear eyes, thin bodies, and pale faces, as if they will fall to the ground at any time!
This is an ascetic monk in the court of God, a person who sincerely believes in the bright will to gain strength, and is willing to live an ascetic life for praying to the gods!
But all of them have acquired great will, and these people are existences second only to the holy envoys.

They appeared very suddenly, and their movements were very fast. Twelve white rays of light shot out from their hands and hit the psychic in the center!
Zhang Chen looked excitedly, the opportunity came, a rare opportunity!
The white light was blocked. This was expected by the 12 people. They came here with the determination to sacrifice. Even if they didn't succeed, it didn't matter. The holy envoy also prepared several preparatory plans.

However, unexpectedly, after just two seconds, the barrier blocking the beam of light was breached!

The beam of light violently bombarded the summoning psychic!
The psychic lost his life without even knowing what was going on!

Zhang Chen, who was spied on for the first time, took that book in his hand and threw it into the black hole in his body, and then fled far away without stopping at all, giving up the opportunity to continue participating in the excitement!
The twelve ascetic monks in the court watched helplessly as an inexplicable hand appeared on the book, closed the book, and disappeared instantly!

They immediately disappeared and returned to the envoy, hurriedly explaining to the envoy what happened just now.

The dark clouds in the sky completely disappeared, and the dark creatures looked blankly at the blue sky!
I can't believe it, the hope that has been waiting for hundreds of years, the plan that has been planned for hundreds of years, just failed like this!

They even have a lot of unused means, and they still have a lot of preparations!
But now, it's too late, it's too late!
What's more, they lost that book, that prop that could bring the will of darkness to this world!
They, lost it!
That so-called absolute barrier only lasted for less than two seconds!
Zhang Chen's participation disrupted all the plans of the two parties. Zhang Chen destroyed the field of will that he regarded as a child's play, and he didn't even make much effort!
He just absorbed all the will flow of the enchantment with the power of the black hole. This is much simpler than destroying the light curtain that guards the endless meaning. It is really too simple. If it is not a little afraid that those few will bring him a sense of crisis The mysterious figure, he had already snatched it.

The dark creatures became angry, and became crazy, and launched a desperate charge towards the court of God!
Even the mysterious man sitting on the chair, as well as those powerful figures beside him, flew into the sky, their eyes turned blood red.

On the side of Shenting, it shrinks urgently!

The big shots in Shenting have finally made their moves, and they are constantly preparing powerful moves!Prepare to accept the angry attack of the dark missionaries, their goal has been achieved, there is no need to pester them!

The only thing they have to do now is to get rid of the darkness and evacuate here!

Then, slowly destroy these creatures belonging to the dark will.

Ignoring the fight between the Dark Council and the Holy Court in the rear, Zhang Chen slipped away happily!

He was still muttering: "This is not a good place, um, an ordinary person like me should avoid it, maybe hiding in the city is a good choice, if possible, I should find a way to calculate They, let them find the meaning of infinity."

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