Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 317 The Showdown Between Light and Darkness

Zhang Chen didn't want to stop the mysterious ceremony held by these dark creatures, what's the matter with him?

Zhang Chen is not worried about this world, he is worried that the endless land will be destroyed and disappear. He does not believe that these dark wills are stronger than the eyes of reincarnation!Stronger than the God of the Abyss!
With the protection of these two great gods, human beings in the endless land will not be destroyed.

Wandering quietly on the top of the mountain, shuttling among those dark wills, Zhang Chen is not afraid of these people finding out!

Zhang Chen surrounded the psychic, looking at the book in the psychic's hand, thinking of ways to get it!

Soon, an accident occurred, those dark clouds were dissipating, and light spots emitting holy light fell from the sky!Falling into the clouds, the large dark clouds disappeared!
Gradually, slowly, it disappeared!

There were violent curses in the dark camp, and the originally relatively tight formation began to riot!
A large number of bats flew up with a clatter, mixed with some other dark creatures capable of flying, and flew into the sky!

On the mountain, it was even more noisy!
The savage single-celled half-orc held a mace, a giant axe, and a huge stone, jumped on its feet, and ran around the mountain.

Zhang Chen floated to the heights excitedly, the duel of two wills is very rare!

A large number of people rushed head-on from the sky above the city!
The crowd flew in the sky and approached the dark camp very quickly.

Zhang Chen saw that those people were wearing different and strange costumes, and there was a white light shining from their bodies. They were very strange!
At the front are six people wearing silver armor similar to the medieval Western style on Earth, old and young, male and female!A thick layer of translucent light appeared on the armor.

Afterwards, there was a group of middle-aged men with thick books in their hands and gold embroidered clothes on their clothes!
In their eyes, there is a vast ocean, things they can't understand!

Surrounded by these people is a guy wearing a grass ring and wearing gorgeous and unusually bright clothes!
The clothes are exquisite and more luxurious than the clothes of the previous emperors.

On the ground, more ordinary people who couldn't fly charged towards the mountain peak, and all of them had cold weapons in their hands!
Zhang Chen wandered excitedly in this sky, shuttling between light and darkness!

This is a war, a contest between light and darkness!
The first, the princes of the twelve blood clans, screamed and rushed towards the god court that was getting closer and closer!
The six holy knights in the lead, relying on the silver armor to provide strength, accelerated their speed and went to meet them!
"Go to hell! You damned fellows, hypocritical human beings, don't think you can stop this call, the Lord of Darkness will return to the earth again, and the world will lose its brilliance! Hahahaha!"

A prince increased his sprint speed, yelled, and looked at the six holy knights with disdain.

The rest, the remaining eleven blood princes, slowed down slowly, with the same contemptuous gesture, which was a naked act of cursing.

Those six holy knights, the holy knights who are like treasures in the court of God, are completely angry!

They are not real priests trained by the gods, but ordinary mortals who have obtained the knight's armor by accident, and the meaning of armor inheritance. The power of the armor makes them proud!

However, before they could express their anger, they were beaten into the air. The prince who was screaming wildly accelerated instantly and punched the ground one by one with tyrannical perverted physical strength, smashing out a deep pit full of dust. !
In an instant, those orcs on the ground crowded up and began to gang up on the holy knights in six directions!

The huge mace was thrown away and smashed down, hitting the head of the holy knight who couldn't find his way, knocking the knight to the ground!

Then another bear man lifted a huge boulder as big as a villa, and threw it at the knight's body vigorously!
With the power of armor, the holy knight didn't suffer much damage at all, but he was a little dizzy and didn't react!
In the other direction, the holy knight reacted quickly, got up from the pit and immediately started attacking, "Holy Light Cross! Damn dark creatures, savage orcs, don't try to touch me with your dirty bodies !"

A spinning cross struck in front of the Holy Knight!
Those orcs in front were split in two by the fast spinning cross with great power!
The knight turned around and swung the sword in his hand. The sword emitted a cold light and swept towards the crowded orcs, sweeping a large area.

Next to him, a dark wizard in a black robe was smirking, floating in the low sky, spreading his hands, chanting a spell slightly, and finally shouted, "Kill, kill, kill, seal it, seal it for me!"

Strips of gray gas appeared on the hands instantly surrounded the knight, blocking the knight's attack.

The black wizard kept yelling, "Smash him, smash him with stones!"

The orcs roared and found a huge stone from the surroundings, and smashed it at the trapped holy knight!

The knight screamed angrily, but it quickly disappeared!
He has been submerged by countless huge stones. If he didn't have armor, then he would be a pile of flesh at this moment. However, the fact is that he has the power of armor, huge power, and sank for a few seconds. A few seconds later, a loud roar came from under the gravel: "My lord can't forgive you, Holy Light Rainstorm! Go to hell!"

Those stones that were smashed into pieces suddenly exploded!

Lime exploded all over the sky, and the stones turned into powder, but then, they were scattered by the dots of light!
The light shot to the surroundings, carrying the power of destruction, passing through the crowd of half-orcs around!
In the center of the starlight is the beaten holy knight with a bruised nose and a swollen face. His previous elegance and gentleman disappeared without a trace. At this moment, he looks like a mental patient wandering the streets.

In other directions, they fought together in chaos!
Those little soldiers of the Dark Council began to gang up on the six holy knights who had lofty symbolic significance in the holy court, and black wizards continued to release blessed spells!
The insidious magic was constantly thrown at them, they lost their sense of direction, they were so enraged that they lost their minds, and they were forced to shake together with these little people on the ground.

In the sky, following the failure of the holy knight, Shenting crazily launched an attack. The twelve blood princes, leading the catching up army, crashed into the past!

The two representative forces of will collided together, continuously shining white and black light, occasionally mixed with other colors of will flow, and the sound of explosions, roaring, shouting and cursing was mixed together, which was extremely heroic.

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