Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 307 Variables, Mandate and Providence

Zhang Chen cursed bitterly in his heart!

You waited for me, you dare to restrain me, I am a man of principle!
People on Earth have always had revenge, so let's read the ledger on a donkey, we'll see! "

Samsara Eye didn't say anything, but a strange smile appeared on his face!

An orange light shot out from his forehead, and shot at the center of Zhang Chen's eyebrows!

Zhang Chen felt a pain in his mind, a pain in his body, and completely lost consciousness!

I just feel the pain in my body, and then!

Zhang Chen's body flashed that orange light, and the dazzling light scattered around.

Drowsy, Zhang Chen looked up with difficulty!
Samsara Eye held a strange-shaped object in his hand and threw it at himself!
Before he could see clearly, before he came to fear and panic, he had already lost consciousness and passed out.

"Damn, this kid is very clever, but I still have a good eye for reincarnation! A few words will stun you, hehe, hehe, Holy Father of Chaos, you have sealed me here for countless years, your Just lend me the inheritance and treat it as interest!"

Samsarayan shook his head, swung his arms, and threw Zhang Chen viciously into the distance, smiling Mimi away.

There was only one inexplicable sentence left in the space: "God of the Abyss, God of the Abyss, we have something to play with, let's see how we can make it more interesting, damn it, the inheritance of variables has come to join in the fun, interesting, interesting …Haha, it would be even more interesting if Mandate of Heaven and Will of Heaven also join in! It would be best if all the Roots of Creation send people over!”

When Zhang Chen woke up from the coma, he was full of energy!
I just feel that my body has inexhaustible strength, and the overall feeling is very good!

The feeling of hunger has also subsided a lot.

He opened his eyes and looked, and immediately became frowning!

Where the hell is this?Why would there be a group of vicious men staring at him?
Taking a closer look, Zhang Chen finally understood the environment he was in!
After affirming this place, I got a headache and cursed in my heart: "Damn it, damn reincarnation eye, why did you put me in prison! Where the hell is this?"

"Get up, you scumbags! If you don't want to starve, go to work for me, the break is over! Damn it! A bunch of slobs." A man in uniform beat with a strange glowing stick in his hand. Iron gate, yelling non-stop.

Zhang Chen was even more worried, because he couldn't understand what this person said!
It seems to have the taste of birdsong, it seems that this is still a high-level prison!It's not that he understood what the prison guard said, but he calculated it based on the appearance of the prisoners around him.

No. 20 in the cell... It was prisoner No. 19 who quickly got out of bed!
Only Zhang Chen was still lying in a daze, the iron door opened, and the leading prison guard led four people in, knocking on the bed with the glowing stick while walking, and walked towards Zhang Chen with an unfriendly expression.

A stick hit Zhang Chen's body fiercely. Zhang Chen didn't feel anything, but felt that his body was a little abnormal. It turned out that the stick was an energy stick!
The prison guard flew out, screaming and hitting the iron bed behind him.

Only then did Zhang Chen get out of bed, grinned at the prison guard who was lying on the ground, and kicked up quickly!

A series of cursing flew over: "Damn, if you dare to hit me, it's fine if I'm bullied by others, you deserve it too?"

The prison guard yelled louder, backed away trembling, and spat out mouthfuls of blood!

A string of birdsong came out of his mouth, but Zhang Chen couldn't understand it.

Zhang Chen vented his depression, and then stopped!
Only then did the other four prison guards in blue uniforms react, and quickly rushed towards Zhang Chen!
He was still cursing in his mouth. Although Zhang Chen couldn't understand such a profound bird language, he could still feel the tone of the words and the speaker's demeanor to speculate whether the words were good or bad.

"SHOT!" Zhang Chen roared, turned around slightly, and flew away with one kick!
After kicking the prison guard in front of him, he swept to the left, and at the same time, he threw his fist horizontally and slammed into the right!

The two prison guards didn't say a word, and passed out!

Only the last one stood there blankly, holding a stick in his hand.

Zhang Chen clapped his palms in satisfaction, and muttered, "It's really troublesome, I haven't moved my body for a long time! I thought of the exciting life of fighting civilization back then, but now it's just a pawn for calculation!"

He walked over unceremoniously, grabbed the collar of the last prison guard, and said, "Hey, I'm innocent, let me out quickly."

The poor prison guard couldn't understand Zhang Chen's Chinese, and his heart skipped a beat!
Looking at the prisoner in front of him, he picked up the baton and knocked the melon seeds on Zhang Chen's head!
Zhang Chen didn't even move, he just blew a little breath, and the stick suddenly broke into two pieces with a 'click'!
The prison guard in Zhang Chen's hand was also thrown out of the iron gate, unconscious!
Zhang Chen added in his heart that he really didn't know what to do.

The other prisoners watched helplessly, that one was terrified, but they were extremely happy in their hearts, seeing the prison guards who usually bully others suffocating, they were so refreshed.

Zhang Chen walked towards the iron gate as if nothing had happened. As soon as he walked out, he habitually raised his hand!

He was pointed at by more than twenty strange guns, and he hadn't turned his mind yet. The current self was not afraid of guns.

After Zhang Chen realized it, he wanted to go crazy!

But his eyes rolled around, but he smiled and gave up, thinking in his heart, there must be some purpose for this damn Samsarayan to throw himself here!

He couldn't fulfill his wish, so he pretended to be despondent and was handcuffed and anklets put on, and then he was imprisoned in a confinement room.

In the prison guard's room, the warden was yelling and cursing crazily!

I searched for Zhang Chen's information, but couldn't find it no matter what. After counting all the files and checking all the documents, there was no information about Zhang Chen.

The warden had a headache, he really didn't know why this person appeared here out of nowhere!

This is a high-level prison, where all special prisoners are held.

I found the prisoners in the same cell as Zhang Chen and asked them. These prisoners honestly confessed that they didn't know such a person at all, and they thought it was a prisoner who turned around suddenly at night.

The warden is worried, let him go, he really dare not!

No files, no materials, nothing, how dare you let it go!
If it is really a vicious murderer, it will be miserable if he is released. If he does not let him go, it will be unreasonable. What crime has he committed?What crime?

The warden is having a headache, while Zhang Chen is trying to think about a series of strange things after entering the Great Thousand!

He decided to thoroughly investigate what was going on with him. He didn't pay attention to it before, but after going through so many things, he knew that Daqian was not as innocent as he imagined!

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