Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 306 Wheel Chapter and Abyss

Zhang Chen simply lay down on the giant's palm!
He said pitifully: "I don't know either. I passed through the black hole and saw you when I got here."

The giant walked a few steps, and Zhang Chen felt a strange feeling that there is no gravity in the black hole of emotion!

Without gravity, there is no direction, lying down is standing, and standing is also lying down!
This weird feeling almost made Zhang Chen vomit blood.

But who was the man the giant was talking about?Could it be Chaos Wu Yi?

Are the two enemies or friends?What the hell is going on?
And what is the origin of this giant?Zhang Chen was dreaming wildly!

The giant's voice sounded like a mosquito's, he was so big, his voice should be shaking the sky.

The giant was still puzzled and said to himself: "Here? How could you come in? By the way, what time is it now? How long have I been sleeping... Also, why did I wake up?"

Zhang Chen didn't think about those inexplicable questions, so he put them behind his head, rolled his eyelids, and said angrily, "I'm afraid I have to ask your boss, I don't know, I'm just a chess player !"

The giant stopped, stretched out his other hand, and squeezed a few seals!

Zhang Chen watched carefully, but the gesture of the giant was too fast, it was like a shadow!
Zhang Chen couldn't see the slightest movement, he waited for a long time!

Only then did the giant suddenly realize: "So that's how it is! That's how it is!"

Zhang Chen hurriedly asked: "So what happened? So why?"

The giant was amused to hear it. He laughed out loud when he saw Zhang Chen, and said with a smile, "This is a secret, do you want to listen? Are you afraid of being struck by lightning?"

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and immediately said viciously: "Heavenly secret? What are you afraid of? I am determined to die, no one dares to take it! If God dares to strike me with thunder, I... I will... I will..."

"How?" The giant looked at Zhang Chen amusedly, and blinked his bright eyes.

"It's no good, accept your fate!" Zhang Chen let out a sigh of relief and said something helplessly.

"Hahaha..." The giant laughed again!
Zhang Chen tightly grasped the hair on the giant's hand, and the giant said, "I'm not afraid to tell you what to say, just listen to me."

Zhang Chen nodded hastily, and the giant said slowly and solemnly: "I am the eye of the Great Thousand Reincarnation. The God of God is the God who guards the endless earth."

Zhang Chen looked strange, looked at the giant and asked, "Are you so kind? With your ability, only one is enough. Why do you need two great gods? I'm afraid it's not just to avoid spreading to other realms."

The giant nodded and said solemnly: "That's right, I'm here with another mission."

Zhang Chen's heart was extremely strange, thinking that the father of chaos could be regarded as the top power of the human race!
Is his creation in the Realm of Change related to this disaster of war?

The eyes of reincarnation said: "For countless years, I fought with the god of the abyss, each fighting desperately for their own missions, until a certain moment, I fought with the god of the abyss in the endless land, and destroyed the civilization of the endless land. After we are clean, we will agree from now on that we will fight each other according to our ability and means, and we will never touch each other directly."

The eyes of reincarnation spoke in a bad tone, and said: "I spent countless hours traveling across the endless land and developed a force against the god of the abyss! Of course, the god of the abyss also has his endorsement force, but not long ago, that is, I fell asleep. At this time, I never thought that the God of the Abyss would kill my spokesperson, control the Endless Land, and rule the entire center of the Endless Land in disregard of the mutual agreement! Your arrival woke me up, FMD, I am now Let's settle the account with him."

The eyes of reincarnation strode forward and walked forward with extraordinary momentum!
As soon as it entered and exited, the surrounding light clusters were stimulated to scatter away.

Zhang Chen is in a hurry, this is going to let Samsarayan know that he has even lost the endless land they guard, so he has to fight himself to the death!

The most urgent thing is to escape first, Zhang Chen hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, wait a moment, don't worry, you get me out first before it's too late."

Samsara Eye stopped in his tracks, lowered his head and thought for a while, then he laughed sinisterly!
Eyes moved closer to Zhang Chen on the palm, Zhang Chen looked in horror at the two eyeballs that were bigger than the sun, and the eyeballs turned back and forth in front of Zhang Chen!

Zhang Chen, who was pierced by the light inside, closed his eyes, and said with Samsara Eyes: "You can enter the place where I sleep, it must be my brother who let you come, my brother is unpredictable, there must be a deep meaning!"

"Do you want to be my spokesperson? Of course, you will be paid."

Zhang Chen shook his head, he didn't want to get involved in these disputes!
This is not something he can bear: "No, I won't do it, Wu Yi is the father, since you know each other, it's easy to talk, let me go!"

Samsara smiled even more weirdly, Zhang Chen was terrified to see it!
He realized that something was wrong, and reincarnated eyes said happily: "I have my mission, and you have yours! Do you want to go home? As long as you unify the endless land, I can help you go home!"

Zhang Chen's eyeballs kept rolling, and after thinking for a long time, he asked cautiously: "But, it seems that I have swallowed up endless intentions!"

"Even if my brother Wu Yi comes, I'm afraid he won't be able to swallow the endless land!"

"The meaning of the endless earth is one of the original meanings of heaven and earth. It can be said to be one of the three thousand worlds in the great world. You just sucked the endless land into your body!" Samsara Eye told Zhang Chen directly.

He laughed happily, nodded non-stop, and his hands trembled!
Zhang Chen hurriedly stabilized his figure, and asked loudly: "If this is the case, then you and the god of the abyss are still fighting. The endless land is in my body, and you have nothing to protect."

Samsara's eyes were happy, and he laughed out loud!

The trembling black hole also seemed to be shaking, and he said: "Boy, how can you understand the mystery of destiny, and how can it be destroyed by your ability! Besides, do you think I am useless? If I say yes, I will definitely do it." !"

Zhang Chen's head was still spinning, and he always felt that something was wrong!

After carefully thinking about what the Eye of Samsara had said, he immediately came to his senses. After recovering, he pointed at the Eye of Samsara and cursed angrily, "You're plotting against me! Since you are brothers with that bastard Wu Yi, you must be helping him !"

Samsara Eye sneered, suddenly lowered his head and stared at Zhang Chen, and said unkindly: "So what? I am called Samsara Eye, so I am immortal! Tell me, do you agree to this matter or not!"

Zhang Chen nodded hastily, without the slightest pause!
Rolling his eyes, he said helplessly: "That is necessary, I naturally agree, it has always been my ideal to do things for you."

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