Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 289 Human Mission

The west!This place has become the base camp of the Seven Clans!

After three years of silence, the Celestial Clan finally couldn't help but stand up.

The Celestial Clan is not the Emissary Clan, they are two major races in the Seven Clans, and the Celestial Clan is the king.

During the war between gods and demons, the Tianzu and the Titans did not jump out, but hid behind the scenes. This is the first time they have appeared.

The patriarch of the Celestial Clan, the Celestial Clark, appeared in the sight of the Ten Thousand Clans with his eyes shining.

"The warrior of all races in the universe, the way of heaven collapsed, and the taboo appeared. Since he came to the earth, with the return of the taboo son and the stimulation of the war between gods and demons, he finally knew his mission. The key to the great thousand has appeared. The direction has been pointed out, now, three years! In the past three years, the Celestial Clan and the Ten Thousand Clans have lived in peace, but they have been discriminated against by humans on Earth. As a member of the universe, we also have the right to march forward!"

"Now, human beings have released the key to enter the universe, but we still lack one thing, that is the breath of chaos, which only life on earth can have!"

The Celestial Clan Saint General stood up calmly and spoke coldly.

"Since the birth of human beings, there has always been a mission, and that is to fight against the way of heaven, break away from the rules of this universe, and enter the great world. After tens of thousands of years of planning, the seven races have finally seen their direction today!"

"Human warrior, son of taboo, Zhang Chen successfully inspired the forbidden power and gained the enlightenment of will. Then, how can all races enjoy the same rights as humans? After all, without us, there would be no human beings today!"

"After the war between gods and demons, Genesis opened, and the strength of human beings has been greatly improved. They have refined their will, comprehended the rules of heaven and earth, and possessed great supernatural powers. Even the second sun in the sky, the incarnation of Pangu, dare not shake its power lightly!"

"Relying on the mysterious power of the will and the terrifying power of the heart, their potential is unlimited, and their ability to visualize has allowed them to go before the heads of all races! The once cosmic situation is no longer controllable, and neither is the technology and power. The usual ten thousand races can understand! The most mysterious force of will between heaven and earth provides the necessary guarantee for the rapid development of human beings in the future. Artifacts and cultures related to will energy have also begun to sprout after human beings have gathered! Once established on the basis of the way of heaven All the applications were overthrown, and there was nothing wrong with the downfall of the Seven Clans, but the Ten Thousand Clans also did not get any benefits!"

"Especially on this road of advancing into the great world, human beings have far surpassed the front of all our races!"

"Human beings leave, do you think there is any hope for our universe?"

The holy general said ruthlessly, facing the camera, facing the human body invaded by thousands of races, bewitching.

"Now, the universal will of all human beings is respected. In other words, they intend to flee!"

"The United Front Bureau, the leader of the live-broadcasting room force formed by relying on the ability of the human warrior Zhang Chen, is the biggest conspirator. They want to destroy this universe, and they treat us like garbage and throw us away!"

"Given its momentum, if we don't do something about it! Well, sooner or later it will die!"

"Seven races, never give up, and will never give up! Human beings are not the only masters of this universe, we are! We are also conceived in the arms of the father of chaos, why should they leave, we will die!"

"For this reason, the Celestial Clan and the other six clans suggested that human beings should be brave enough to assume the responsibility of being the inheritance of Chaos, and advance and retreat together with all cosmic races! If you don't, ha ha!"

The meaning of that hehe is profound, and this kind of open way to talk to human beings is actually for Zhang Chen to listen to!
After all, there was nothing they could do against the current Zhang Chen, and they succeeded.

However, they also failed, because in the battle between gods and demons, they failed to control Zhang Chen as they wished!
It's not that human beings fight back desperately, but they are afraid of another failure, and they can't bear it.

So, they let nature take its course and made a scene to let Zhang Chen be taken away by humans.

Sure enough, Zhang Chen awakened under a series of stimuli. This is not the first time, but it will definitely be the last time!
Small enchantment, that is, the small universe that Pan Gu brought Zhang Chen into.

He practiced here, and here is the Nine-Five Supreme Pagoda!
Since Pan Gu's betrayal, Zhang Chen never came in again, but when he woke up, he entered!
Because, Pan Gu never stopped him, and he found the truth here.

That's right, cultivating one's mind is actually Daqian's will, and the great power of the mind is nothing more than what he once was!
He understood everything, where did his parents come from, what happened to Tathagata!
Fake, all fake, but a series of means arranged by the Seven Clans to call him back.

Now, he has finally fully awakened, but this is not the end, it is just the beginning!
Daqian, Zhang Chen held hands tightly, because after awakening, he already understood everything.

It's about Zhang Chen, it's about the truth about the mysteries of real human beings.

You, if you want to find human beings to make us, you have experienced our sorrow!

Zhang Chen hates, he hates the Great Thousand World, because he knows that this universe is just a cage!
No wonder everyone is so weak, because this is not a real universe at all!
This is just a world created by the power of will, called the Realm of Change!
The small universe was left behind by that person, for what reason, Zhang Chen has not figured it out yet.

But there must be secrets in it, how to build them up, how to find people, he doesn't know.

However, he knows that the humans in the Realm of Yi have a mission!

At this moment, Su Meier is in the small enchantment.

She stretched presumptuously, her beautiful S-shaped curve stretched out, and her crisp peak burst out in anger!

The white feet are stepping on the point, and they are doing a "silent" tap dance on the gorgeous floor!
From time to time, the clothes that are lifted up can vaguely see the navel, which is short-lived, and she is panting delicately, exhaling like orchids!

After a while, the music stopped, and she stopped too!
After a while, I started to listen to the song again.

This is the daily life of the queen of fear today, so uncomfortable!
As soon as Zhang Chen woke up, he found the person he cared about.

But the truth is even more cruel, so there is no peaceful life, the seven clans are still there, and the world is still unknown.

Almost all of them were sent out by him to perform their duties and speed up preparations for marching into Daqian.

It takes a lot of preparation, and it can't be done in a short while, so they are all very busy.

Xin'er, Crystal, Xiaolongnv, Guo Guoguo... many of his women are his right-hand men!

Only...Su Meier, Zhang Chen owes her this!

Zhang Chen's departure was all managed by her, and the worst ending was avoided.

In the battle of Tu Ling, Su Meier took the lead. In the battle between gods and demons, Su Meier tried everything.

Finally, she successfully opened Zhang Chen's seal and awakened him!

Su Meier enjoys her current life very much, she is free here, she doesn't need to care about other people's fears, she doesn't need to be afraid that she will inadvertently hurt the people she cares about, and there will be no other people here, except those people!

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