The applause sounded, and the meeting started!

The people present at the meeting were very curious about Zhang Chen, he has been made public in front of the world!
Zhang Chen stood there calmly, he had completely recovered everything.

He has now become the spokesperson and leader of the earth.

"Everyone, I think you have all experienced the power of the Seven Races, they are the overlords of this universe!"

"Facing them, we can only fight if we unite and become one!"

"I came this time for one thing! Before I talk about this, let me mention that in the past three years, I have spread the art of will to all aspects of human beings. You should be able to see the benefits? This, is The hope of mankind!"

"But this is not the future of mankind. The future of mankind is the universe, the universe!"

"The Great Thousand World is a world respected by the will. There, it is about the rules and the root of the mind. Therefore, the art of will is very important. This universe is not suitable for human survival. Our future lies in the Great Thousand World." !"

"Strictly speaking, the formula of will is not created by me, but from Daqian!"

"You must cultivate to the twelfth level of will! The Jue of Will goes from the first level to the sixth level, and the mind becomes the root, and in the process, you know the rules of the world! The sixth level to the eighth level, from the body to the spirit. Mastering the power of heaven and earth is for your own use! From the late sixth stage to the eighth stage, Si basically becomes a god, and will break away from the rules and restrictions of the planet! That is, he can use material tools to traverse the universe; from the eighth to the tenth stage, it is very important. This process will determine Do you know how to create the world! For example, the planet we live in is formed by such rules, and it is made by one after another! Ten to twelve layers, you can enter the Great Thousand, and you will break through the shackles of our universe and have the Great Thousand Qualification for life! We are immortal in this universe!"

"I am the son of Chaos, Pangu opened the sky, and I am the inheritance. He refuses to accept, wants to fight, wants to grab, but we must always remember that we are the inheritance of Chaos, and we have the qualifications to enter the universe! So, you have to build!"

"The true mystery of heaven and earth lies in the Great Thousand World, which means the reason for the creation of chaos. He wants us to enter the Great Thousand World, but after fighting for so long, I am tired. I don't want to fight anymore. I want to lead human beings into the Great Thousand World!"

It turned out to be such a secret!

The truth behind it was revealed, which shocked all the leaders present!

It turns out that the so-called chaos is just a life from Daqian, created into this universe!
Pangu opened the sky, and Zhang Chen obtained the inheritance in order to uphold the will of chaos and enter the universe!
Why do you enter Daqian?They don't know, Zhang Chen didn't say it, but this is their mission!
Edward ignored the discussions in the meeting room and said directly, "Zhang Chen, you have all the chaotic blood of mankind, and you are the representative of mankind. Tell me, what should we do now?"

"Countless resurrected bodies from all races in the universe came to Earth when I was resurrected and awakened, and invaded many human bodies. They also wanted this opportunity. I will not be stingy. I can give them this opportunity!"

"It doesn't matter if they seek refuge with the Seven Clans, let them go, but I only accept fair competition, if you let go, someone will cause trouble, and with me now, I can destroy him with one hand!"

"Our eyes are no longer in this universe, and we don't need to compete with the Seven Clans, so what the Seven Clans want to do is up to them, but I guess, they also know it, or that sentence, I am happy, anything is fine! "

Zhang Chen smiled slightly and continued: "However, judging from the current situation in the universe, we still have to enter the Great Thousand World as soon as possible, otherwise, we will be too far behind if we stay here!"


"Then, what do you think we should do?" Edward said bluntly.

"It's not what you should do, it's what I should do? It is very difficult for human beings to go to the world! I have already popularized the art of will, and the next step is for all human beings to refine it!"

It's hard to measure how long this meeting lasted, I only know that this is a very important meeting for human beings!
Since then, human beings have begun to change the evolutionary path, and they have really moved in the right direction.

That is the will-based world brought about by Zhang Chen's awakening.

In order to advance this process, the real early entry into the great thousand.

Zhang Chen arranged for many excellent children who have not yet formed a solid will to learn from childhood.

This universe, after countless calculations, finally forced Zhang Chen to take the inevitable path!


Somewhere on the earth, an alien entrusted his will to his master.

The alien cautiously said: "Grand Elder, are human beings crazy, and even made public the formula of will they obtained from the Forbidden Son!"

The Great Elder took over the mental method, but did not immediately look through it: "Hmph! Because that person knows that it is basically impossible to enter the Daqian with human beings! Well, let alone this, all life on the earth has a chaotic atmosphere. How about the biological capture and research plan!"

"Back to the Great Elder, we have extracted the genes of nearly a hundred species of animals such as tigers, lions, elephants, snakes, etc., and carried out genetic fusion with our fighters. So far, 4 people have succeeded, but..."

"But what?"

"The success of these four people, according to the prophet in charge of fusion, is all due to the Great Elder's improvement of the initial mental method of the Will Art that is suitable for us. These four people tried to practice a few months ago, but they really realized the rules! Then, by fusing the genes of life on earth, it is much easier to capture the breath of chaos!"

"How old are these guys?" the Great Elder asked thoughtfully.

"16 years old!" The alien seemed to grasp a certain point, "Grand Elder, could this mentality be related to age."

"It's not what I thought, it's best to start cultivating this mental method before the will is finalized! Our speed must be accelerated, otherwise we will not be qualified when we enter the Daqian! After a few years, the Seven Clans will again How! At that time, everyone was on the same starting line, and they were just like us, a will within the rules of the universe!"

"Okay, go ahead and take care of our people during this period, and humans will not be able to touch them for a short time! Don't listen to the provocations of the seven clans. In addition, I will train the four Chaos warriors here personally!"

"Haha! I want to see if I can reach the will of the universe!"

"But Great Elder, we have signed a secret contract with the Seven Clans, and we are going to follow up..." The alien was very embarrassed. He was a warrior outside and was responsible for handling the affairs of the earth, so he naturally protected the cooperative relationship with the Seven Clans.

Today, all races are united vertically and horizontally on the earth. This is an unprecedented battle civilization in this universe, involving all races, and naturally it cannot be played by one race.

"It can be dealt with!" The Great Elder's tone became stricter: "But you can't be cannon fodder like last time. Don't think that human beings are really easy to bully!"

The alien nodded, turned and left, but his disapproving expression obviously didn't take the words of the Great Elder, that is, their civilized warriors, to heart!
Just kidding, don't start, do you think the Seven Clans will let us go?

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