Chen Yu's narration made everyone understand how precious this metal is, and it is possible to obtain a small amount only by blowing up a star that can breed countless lives or great civilizations.

This is almost one of the rarest substances in the universe that can be mastered. It is a veritable "stellar essence". It may be more precious than many weak cosmic civilizations, but it is such a metal that Chen Yu actually brought people.

This kind of gift is so great, I am afraid that there will be no second human being who can do this kind of thing in the entire universe.

Baker forced himself to look away from the sword, looked at Chen Yu and asked, "I'm curious, how did you share it with that civilized creature when you found the Hoes metal? Was it equally divided?"

This kind of thing that a group of teams find the treasure and then divide the treasure in the treasure equally is not uncommon on the earth, but most of the members of the team betray each other before the treasure is divided equally, and start to eat black.

This kind of scene is estimated to be very common in the universe.

"After the Hoace metal is cooled to a solid state at room temperature, before energy is injected into it, it will not release any radiation except visible light, nor will it reflect any electromagnetic waves except visible light."

Chen Yu explained: "At that time, we used various detections on the spacecraft, but we didn't find any radiation from Hoace metal. After careful observation, we judged that it could be studied at close range, or even directly contacted."

"However, to be on the safe side, they still put on the best protective equipment and began to make material compositions at close range."

Looking at the radiant sword in Diana's hand, Chen Yu sighed, "In the end, except for me, everyone on the entire spaceship who touched the Hoace metal through protective clothing died. "

"All the cells in their body disintegrated by themselves, turned into a pile of dust and died."

As he spoke, Chen Yu took out a handful of delicate fine salt from the system space, showed it to everyone, and said, "This is a piece of edible salt. Those who touched this sword at that time disintegrated into distant pieces. Much finer white dust than that."

This kind of explanation was too terrifying, and it made many people feel scared for a while, especially Meera. She looked at the salt in Chen Yu's hand and felt uncomfortable all over.

Fortunately, I didn't touch it secretly, otherwise there would be a big problem.

After spreading the salt under his feet, he patted Mera on the shoulder comfortingly, looked at the host Baker and said:
"It was a long time after I sent their ashes back to their home planet that I slowly figured out that this thing can only be controlled by extremely powerful and extraordinary life individuals, that is, creatures with divine power.

It is because of this consideration that I did not make a scabbard for this sword. On the one hand, it prevents others from accidentally touching it, and on the other hand, it prevents it from being stolen. "Chen Yu said.

Hearing that Chen Yu was worried about the sword being stolen, the host was stunned at the time, "I think it is unlikely that Her Highness Diana will let this sword out of her sight, and, do you really think that anyone on earth can steal it? This sword?"

"What I mean is, the density of this sword must be different from that of ordinary metals. It should be super heavy. Not to mention that normal people can't touch it. Even if they can touch it, they won't be able to move it."

"When I didn't fully grasp it at the beginning, the sword was really heavy, but soon I couldn't feel the weight." Diana Mosuo said while holding the smooth blade of Hoais sword.

She knows that there are many intelligent beings with extraordinary power on the earth or in the universe, but now that the sword is in her hands, with a thought, the sword can be used like a finger, and outsiders want to steal it without anyone noticing. It's impossible, if you want to take the sword away, you can't kill her and snatch it from her.

Nodding his head, Baker then asked Chen Yu: "Did you know from the very beginning that Hoes metal can strengthen Her Royal Highness Diana's strength, so you forged the sword?"

"It's not enhancement." Chen Yu shook his head, "Everyone has their potential, especially the divine blood."

"For example, I am strong enough to kill a group of Apocalypse people, but she was far from exerting the power in her blood before.

On Earth, it is impossible to stimulate her potential to a great extent by relying on conventional exercise methods alone. This sword can help her display her true strength.

"The problem of alien civilization is really serious now. I don't know when the Kryptonian fleet will arrive in the solar system. The following question is what many netizens want to ask." Baker said, looking at the question board.

"Kryptonians are really powerful, but are all Kryptonians that strong? Or are they just like humans, some are physically strong and some are weak? Are Kryptonians the same as Earth people in this respect?"

The news that Brainiac defeated the Kryptonians in the starry sky was not leaked by Chen Yu and the people of Paradise Island at that time. Everyone thought that the Kryptonian fleet was rushing in the starry sky day and night to invade the earth.

"Actually, we are not very worried about Kryptonians." Chen Yu said, "Kryptonians are only a slightly stronger supernatural existence at best before they reach the surface of the earth and their body cells receive solar radiation. As long as they are applied properly, they will not be Too big a problem."

"What we are worried about is how large a fleet will be sent to Earth after the news of Steppenwolf's death is sent back to Apocalypse.
After all, the Kryptonians still have at least some human nature. They never thought of directly destroying the earth, and the Apocalypse people simply lost their conscience. They wanted to turn all human beings into demon-like soldiers. "

As he said that, Chen Yu looked at the camera in the studio hall, the expression in his eyes obviously meant something, as if he was looking at someone through the camera:

"The reason why I use the Green Lantern Corps as an example is because human beings now need the intelligence network of the Green Lantern Corps,
I know you're watching the show right now, and whatever device that Green Lantern member of Earth left you with to reach the Green Lantern Corps before leaving Earth, I think it's time to use it.

The communication technology used by the Green Lantern Corps is quantum communication technology. No matter how far away the distance is, the information you send will be received in real time.

If you've sent a message and they haven't responded, and haven't sent any Green Lantern Corps members to contact you personally, it means their headquarters blocked the message, and their headquarters has no intention of supporting Earth.

If this is the case, please contact me, and I will personally go to Oa Star, the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, to visit their leaders, those space observers. "

Chen Yu's speech caused the eyes of Mera and Diana next to him to burst into different degrees of light, "Do you want to go to the starry sky?" Mera asked impatiently.

"If the green lights are ready to stand by and watch, then I may go, and then I can take the two highnesses to travel to O'a Xing." Chen Yu said with a smile.

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