Terminator of the heavens system

073 The History of Heaisi

This sudden kiss made the scene and all the audience watching the program boil immediately, and the enthusiasm was no less than that of the goal scene of the World Cup.

On many websites broadcasting the program, the barrage and comments exploded at this moment, and the surge in traffic caused many servers to freeze directly.

However, in the warm atmosphere of this carnival, there are also many people who are unhappy, and the first one who bears the brunt is Queen Atlanna under the sea.

Sitting on the throne of the palace, surrounded by the officials in the hall under the throne, watching the Baker interview show broadcast in the form of a holographic image, Atlanta's face was ugly, and her snow-white face was as black as the bottom of a pot at this time .

On the guest seat next to her, Hippolyta showed a rare blessing smile on her face. In her opinion, Amazon girls should be like Diana, dare to love and hate, and just talk and do things when facing the person they like. No matter what the occasion, he shouldn't hesitate at all.

"Look, how well my daughter matches him. He is better than Zeus."

Turning her head to look at Atlanna, Hippolyta pointed to the holographic screen and said with a smile, but before she finished speaking, she noticed the unnatural expression on the face of the sea queen, who was staring stiffly at Dai Anna, that look seems to say:
"Diana, you shameless bitch!"

At first, Hippolyta was puzzled for a moment, until she saw the complicated expression on the face of King Zebel sitting in the hall, and the increasingly silent atmosphere in the palace, she suddenly understood what was going on.

In the picture of the interview show, Mera is sitting next to the two of them like a big light bulb. It seems that she is applauding Diana in cooperation with the audience, but her body is tense, and this has fully explained the situation at this time. Condition.

Hippolyta adjusted her sitting posture, and some scenes automatically appeared in her mind.

It turns out that Mera also likes this new god
And Atlanta knew she liked Hyperion, and she wanted this new god to be the son-in-law of the Sea Clan
Hippolyta knew something. On the same day, her daughter Diana told her that when she first met Mera, Mera traveled with the new god.

So, is it now his daughter Diana who overtakes Mera and catches up from behind, and is the first to openly pursue this new god?

It took more than two minutes for the frenzied atmosphere in the studio hall to gradually subside. Under the director's signal, the host Baker looked at the two with an ambiguous look and continued to ask:
"Actually, we all want to know why you named the sword you made for Her Highness Diana Hoes. Does it have any meaning?"

"This name is very old." Chen Yu took a sip of wine, still retaining the soft warm touch of Diana's moist lips. He calmed down, looked directly at Baker and said:

"I explained before that the metal that makes this sword comes from the starry sky, and there used to be a very prosperous and powerful civilization in that star field.

The name of this civilization is Hoais. In their language, Hoais means healing and life.

So the name Heaisi sword, you can understand it as the sword of life, or the sword with healing ability. "

Chen Yu put his hand on the hilt of his sword, and explained: "A long time ago, I met a very good friend in the starry sky, and he came from the Heaisi star field."

"One day he told me that his mother civilization had some trade issues with a certain race, and he wanted to go home.

Just five years later, on my way back to Earth, I heard that the Hoace star field had fought a war with that race, and the core of the parent star of the Hoace civilization collapsed, resulting in a supernova explosion. "

Baker's expression became very serious. He knew about supernova explosions. There may be no disaster in the universe more terrifying than this. No matter what god-level civilization it is, it is impossible to directly contend with this way of annihilation of stars.

A supernova explosion is a violent explosion experienced by a massive star at the end of its life. This explosion is extremely bright. No light in the universe can be brighter than this explosion.

The electromagnetic radiation released during its explosion can illuminate the entire Milky Way and last for weeks or even months before gradually fading out of sight.

This is the most spectacular death of a star population. During this brief explosion, a supernova releases as much energy as the Sun put together in its lifetime.

People can’t understand this concept just by explaining it. In school, Baker’s teacher gave him and his classmates an example of how bright and powerful this explosion is:

[Human eyes cannot directly see the explosion of a nuclear bomb. A large-yield nuclear bomb that explodes [-] kilometers away will instantly cause irreversible and permanent damage to the human eye and lead to blindness.
And the light released by a star like the sun in an instant is more than 3000 times that of the little boy's nuclear bomb explosion.
If this brightness is amplified by 5000 billion trillion times, it can almost match the brightness per second of a supernova explosion. ]
In addition to this supernova explosion caused by war, there are two natural ways to trigger this explosion.

The first situation is that a white dwarf in a degenerate state can accumulate enough mass from the companion star through accretion, or accretion or merge, increase the core temperature, ignite its own carbon fusion, and trigger runaway nuclear fusion, which completely destroys the star.

The second situation is the situation that will naturally appear when the life of most massive stars comes to an end. The fuel in the core of these stars is insufficient, and they can no longer support the nuclear fusion reaction inside. The elements in the core fuse into the last iron, This then causes a collapse, releases gravitational potential energy, and a supernova explosion occurs.

"This explosion destroyed all life in the entire star field, and the light of the explosion shone in the universe for six months.

Even planets hundreds of light-years away from the Hoais galaxy could read in the middle of the night with the help of its light. "Chen Yu said.

"After the explosion, I waited for more than five years. With the help of another civilization starship with extremely developed electromagnetic force,
In the way of space jump, I went to the nebula left after the death of the Hoais star field, and saw some substances in an uncooled state. These substances showed some characteristics of metal-based life. I named them hoes god gold. "

There was some nostalgia in Chen Yu's eyes, "At that time, the people on the starship and I searched the entire galaxy, but only found a few."

"After that, I searched for many remnants of supernova explosions, but I couldn't find this metal. It wasn't taken away by other creatures, but this kind of material would not appear in the nebula of stars that died naturally.

It can be said that this is the last gift given to the universe by a star that has survived in the universe for billions of years. "

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