This is a crazy age, the power of the gods reappears, and extraterrestrial creatures coexist with the savior.

The information people saw was unprecedented, and as a top scientist and head of a national laboratory, Spencer naturally thought of more.

On the same day, his son Victor Stone was accidentally injured by a cube in front of him because of field training before a football game.

During these half a month, he used almost all the scientific means currently available to humans on the earth to explore the material composition and molecular structure of the cube, and the information he obtained was beyond the explanation of the existing scientific system.

The substance that makes up the cube, which isn't even on the periodic table, is unlike anything that exists on Earth.

This cube is not a product of the earth, only this kind of statement can explain it.

Through research, he discovered that the cube itself is an extremely powerful and extraordinary source of energy, which can even change the gravitational constant of an area and transfer energy from one place to another.

Even, this thing will activate itself without anyone touching it, and through the energy released by this thing, the molecular structure of the substance will be rearranged.

His own son's body was destroyed in this way.

Before, when the Kryptonians did not appear in front of the public, Spencer still had a little luck, thinking that this cube might have nothing to do with extraterrestrial civilizations.

But now, gods like Chen Yu and Diana have appeared. He knew that advanced civilizations may be common in the universe, so he gave up his previous thoughts, and then thought of these monsters. Maybe they really came to find this cube. .

Looking at the tragic battle scene on the surveillance screen, without any hesitation, Spencer Stone decisively copied his own research materials, picked up the metal cube on the table, and drove out of the entire experimental area through another road through the back door , rushed home.

If the research results of these days are correct, then he can use this block to repair his son's body.

That's all he has to do. If it really succeeds, then the alien cube will be of no use to him, and it's okay to hand it over to those aliens.

At the same time, the scene outside the main entrance of the experimental area was very tragic. The soldiers who were caught off guard paid the price of the three brothers and wiped out these monsters with black and blue blood.

The ground at the scene has been dyed discolored by this blood, and the surroundings are full of severed limbs.

Although the battle was over, the soldiers who participated in the battle still did not dare to relax in the slightest. They stared round and guarded the direction of the jungle. Everyone's eyes contained shock, fear, tension, and incomprehensible expressions.

"Their attack methods are somewhat organized. I heard the syllables they uttered just now. They are very regular, like a language. This is definitely not something on Earth."

The images of aliens and Kryptonians shrouded the hearts of every ordinary person on earth at this time, which made these soldiers naturally associate unknown creatures with aliens.

In fact, his guess was correct. If Chen Yu was here, he would immediately recognize this monster with six wings.

This is a kind of Apocalypse puppet soldiers called demon-like by the ancients. This is not the first time they have come to Earth. The murals of ancient ruins on Paradise Island and Atlantis have recorded the image of demon-like.

In ancient times, the allied forces formed by the gods, Atlantis, and human sages fought against the army of demons who came to the earth from outside the sky.

They are sentinels who come to inquire about news from the mother box.

This fear-eating monster has no advanced intelligence, only animal-like instincts. Even when sending messages, they can only return the simplest two messages of 'yes' or 'no' to their masters.

But for Sentinels on a mission, that kind of information is enough.

Before being annihilated by the soldiers in the experimental area, they found signs of the movement of the mother box, and then immediately sent a quantum communication signal into the starry sky.

Because of the use of quantum entanglement, the signals transmitted by this communication technology can transmit messages in real time regardless of the vast distance of light-years in the universe.

Before being pierced by a soldier's bullet, the message sent by the demon-like sentry crossed the deep and cold sea of ​​stars, and was delivered to an ancient starship with a red and black metal shell in the depths of the universe.

"Are the gods of the earth dead?"

Looking at the coordinates of the earth's star map that lit up for the first time in thousands of years, the man put on his black gold armor and dialed the holographic image to communicate with the parent star.

In the ancient times of the earth, he failed in the military action to conquer the earth, lost the mother box of the treasure, was tried by the ruling group of the mother planet, and was exiled to the universe.

Although deprived of his power by his home planet, he has been looking forward to returning to the earth with an army for many years in the starry sky, to retake the mother box from the earth, and to wash away his shame.

During the long time in exile, he invaded countless weak planets, and expanded the intelligent creatures of the above civilizations into his own army of demons, just waiting for the life of the gods on earth to come to an end.

And today is that day.

"Sinner, you are not qualified to talk to the monarch."

In front of Steppenwolf's eyes, the holographic image of the home planet was connected by a burly man in purple armor. His face was indifferent, and his eyes looked at Steppenwolf as if he were looking at a stone, without any emotion.

"Kanter, please tell the monarch that the gods of the earth are dead, and I will return to him with the mother box."

Not caring about the contempt of his old friend, Steppenwolf picked up his flickering tomahawk, and spoke with a confident look and tone.

The burly man named Kanter was slightly moved, "Zeus is dead?"

"you sure?"

"The sentinels I left on the earth have been awakened, and they have found traces of the movement of the mother box." Steppenwolf's eyes were filled with killing intent, "If Zeus was still alive, he would never let anyone on the earth take him with him." The mother box moves."

After a moment of silence, Kanter said two words that Steppenwolf really cared about:

"The Green Lantern Corps, which supported the gods of the earth back then, is now busy supporting the civilizations affected by this war in the cosmic battlefield between Brainiac and the Kryptonians, and has no time to take care of the earth. You can go directly.

But I want to remind you that Brainiac's next goal is the earth. I hope you can bring back the mother box before he goes to the earth. "

Steppenwolf frowned slightly, "Aren't they still fighting with the Kryptonians?"

"Our eyeliner has sent back news that the war between Brainiac and the Kryptonians in the stars is over,
Kryptonians lost,
His next destination is Earth. ' Kanter said quietly.

The news that the Kryptonians fought against Brainiac in the starry sky is a huge topic for the advanced civilizations in the universe.

In the past few decades, the battlefield between the two sides in the universe has stretched for hundreds of thousands of light years. Dozens of advanced civilizations participated in the war, and thousands of weak civilizations were affected by the war. The scene was extremely tragic.

The name of the leader of the Kryptonians, Owen Springhall, resounded throughout the universe.

In the early days of the war between the two sides, the Kryptonians led by Owen were only a few thousand, but they were able to escape Brainiac's pursuit many times on the front line.

And as the scope of the battlefield stretched, more and more advanced civilizations were persuaded by Owen Springhall to join the Kryptonian army, and the military strength of both sides gradually became evenly divided.

This situation has never appeared in the space war between advanced civilizations.

Even Darkseid, the monarch of their Apocalypse, evaluated this as an unprecedented miracle.

However, with the rebellion of Owen's confidant General Zod and Fiona, the Kryptonian's incorporated army quickly fell apart, and even Owen gradually became unsustainable.

Later, Owen and the remaining fleet fled into the turbulence of time and space again, and the news of the war was interrupted.

It wasn't until a while ago that Kanter's former intelligence officer sent him a message that Owen Springhall might be captured by Brainiac.

The other party seemed to have taken something out of Owen's head, and then decisively changed the course, leading the army to the earth.

Of course, he also heard some news that Owen was rescued after being arrested.

But in any case, one thing that is certain is that Brainiac is really rushing to the earth, which is actually observed.

"Please tell the monarch, within three days, I will return to Apocalypse with the treasure mother box."

After saying this, Steppenwolf hung up the holographic image communication, began to recall the scattered demon-like army and his generals, and set a course to head towards the earth.

Not daring to rest for a moment, after driving home, Spencer Stone immediately carried the mother box down to the basement of his home, and began to open the experiment to record images, using the energy of the mother box to repair his son's body.

The basement at home was originally used to store supplies, but after his son's accident, he organized it into a professional laboratory, using military-grade equipment to maintain his vital signs.

At this moment, the light in the laboratory is very dark, only the lights on the electronic board displaying the data and some surrounding instruments are on. Recorded by the camera, the whole space looks a little red.

"2400 hours and 2 minutes, Victor's vital signs are continuing to decline,
All programmed interferences were unsuccessful. Three more experiments are expected, and if all three experiments fail, Victor will die"

Holding the recorder in one hand, Spencer walked slowly to the electronic board, looking at his son's body and the real-time detection data on the right side.

He knew that if the mother box could not be activated, Victor might not survive tomorrow.

On that day, Victor's entire body was blown to pieces in the explosion, and all body tissues below the ribs, including intestines, kidneys, and stomach, these essential organs, had been turned into minced meat.


Just when Spencer was about to stop the recording and start connecting the equipment for experimentation, the mother box he placed on the table suddenly trembled, and dense square cracks appeared on the upward side, which could be seen with the naked eye. Visible speed spread towards the surroundings, and a translucent milky white light bloomed in its center.

"The target object block No. 61982 has been activated on its own." Spencer hurriedly recorded the voice, and at the same time noticed that the device that detected his son's vital signs suddenly fed back data that was several times higher than usual, which indicated that Victor's body had already been activated. Started to react to this thing.

The mother box is trembling, and the originally smooth surface is expanding itself as if giving birth to life at this moment, blooming a fleeting precious energy, like an immortal square metal heart, giving Spencer real hope .

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