Through reverse analysis, several top scientists in the world have discovered that whether it is the starship that sent Clark to Earth, or Sisi's advance ship that was destroyed by Chen Yu, the way to come to Earth is all through a certain method. A space jumping technology that humans have not mastered so far.

And jump to the target point in the solar system, around the orbit of Saturn.

In war, the existence of sentinels is very important. When the interstellar war comes, human beings must know the opponent's movements as soon as possible.

Therefore, the representatives of various countries in the meeting agreed to point most of the active space telescopes in the direction of Saturn in order to observe the upcoming Kryptonian warship for the first time.

The second point, Bruce Wayne pointed out that even in previous battles, human intercontinental missiles did not achieve corresponding results in the battle, but the nuclear warheads carried on intercontinental missiles,
It is still the most powerful weapon of high mass destruction held by human beings at this stage.

Although kryptonite can cause fatal damage to Kryptonians, if the opponent has been hiding in the starship, kryptonite will not be able to play a corresponding role, and the nuclear bomb that explodes can destroy their starship.

This was clearly stated by Chen Yu, because the energy cannon he used to destroy Sisi's advance ship was essentially a streamer of ultra-high-temperature charged particles, with a temperature of around 30 Kelvin, far below that of a nuclear bomb. Explosion. Explosion temperature.

Therefore, it is feasible to use nuclear bombs to destroy the opponent's starship.

Before long, aiming at the goal of destroying Kryptonian army starships with nuclear bombs, scientists from various countries selected a plan named "Sky Star" among the candidate plans, which was quickly unanimously approved by the participants present.

In order to prevent the nuclear bombs launched from the ground into space from being invalidated by Kryptonian technological interference again, Dr. Connors, the proponent of the Skystar Project, believes that,

Before the arrival of Kryptonian starships, the large-yield strategic reserve nuclear bombs of all nuclear powers in the world were placed outside the earth's atmosphere in advance, and hundreds of millions of pieces of metal space junk passing by at high speed in space orbit were used as natural shelters for Nukes provide shelter.

In the atmosphere of the earth, Kryptonians are as powerful as gods, that is to say, they will not destroy the earth, or destroy the atmosphere of the earth,
All they have to do is to wipe out all the earthlings.

Therefore, the starships of the Kryptonians will definitely approach the earth. When their starships enter the effective range of nuclear bomb explosions, thousands of nuclear bombs will be triggered. The nuclear bomb detonated, thereby destroying their starship to the maximum extent.

In the 60s, the American military conducted a hydrogen bomb test outside the earth's atmosphere. When the hydrogen bomb exploded that night, the entire night was illuminated by the light produced by the hydrogen bomb explosion.From the ground, it seems that there is an extra star in the night sky.

As for the Tianxing Project, thousands or even thousands of nuclear bombs will be detonated.

At that time, whether the plan is successful or not, if the scene at that time is seen from the ground, it will definitely look like thousands of stars suddenly appearing in the starry sky.

Hence the name of the Star Project.

As long as the Kryptonian starship is destroyed, the rest will be easy to handle.

Bruce Wayne has preliminarily designed 56 weapons that use kryptonite as the core of the attack. As long as there is enough kryptonite, any soldier can kill a Kryptonian one-on-one.

"The Sea Clan will also contribute."

During the meeting, Mera clearly stated her position. When everyone at the meeting learned that she was the princess of the sea country, their shocked expressions were no less than when they saw the arrival of the Kryptonians that day.

Even if a legendary god like Diana is sitting here, everyone will still feel incredible about the existence of Atlantis.

After all, in the human world view, humans on land control the earth, while the ocean is just a paradise for uncivilized animals to live in.

There are three main reasons why Mera would say this, not for the human beings on land, but for the whole planet.

If the Kryptonians succeed in invading Earth, the oceans will boil, and none of them will be spared.

The second reason is that through this war, she will let Chen Yu see the integrity of the sea people, and let Chen Yu understand that the sea people are not weak, and they are not sinister people who only cheat for power.

She wanted to show Chen Yu that the girl from the Hai Clan was completely worthy of him.

Yes, Mera felt that the reason why Chen Yu took the trident but was unwilling to marry a sea girl was because he didn't like the sea people.

That day, in order to fight for the power of Atlantis, her father forced her to agree to Aum's marriage proposal in public. It was this scene that left a bad impression on Chen Yu.

However, she was not included among these despised people.

As for the third reason, it is very subtle.

Because of the Sea Clan's struggle for power in ancient times, the seabed lost the technology that allowed them to travel into the starry sky, and the people on land now have space technology that they don't have. Through this strategic cooperation, the Sea Clan's technology may make another leap forward.

After Mera, on behalf of Queen Atlanna, and the United Nations got on the line, the agenda for the drafting meeting of the strategic plan for the first World Anti-Krypton Earth Defense War came to an end.

The next meeting will be held in three days. Chen Yu and Diana will not be here, but some sea soldiers or generals who are friendly to land people may arrive at the Great Hall for the first time to conduct a real meeting. Cooperation.

Intermittent roars came from the jungle outside the experimental area.

The sound had lasted for almost 5 minutes, making it impossible for the guards standing outside the experimental area to ignore it.

At first, everyone thought that it might be wild dogs or some carnivorous animals hunting small animals, but soon they could distinguish the difference. This roar was very sharp, and each sound was very short, louder than the deep roar of carnivores. Are not the same.

If they were not at their posts, they would definitely carry weapons, follow the sound to look for them, and maybe take a few photos or videos as souvenirs.

But now, because of their duties, they couldn't leave the experimental area, so they had to wake up the sleeping brothers in the communication channel, light up all the lights outside the experimental area, and then use the thermal imager to observe from a distance.


However, at this moment, there was a sharp roar, and a person flew out from the shadow of the jungle, a person with wings, and rushed straight to the nearest guard.


The head exploded, and dark blue blood splashed out. Before the bullets from his teammate's anti-material sniper rifle knocked the monster's head away, the sentry saw what it looked like.

This humanoid monster with six wings has a ferocious face, its blood-stained teeth are as sharp as two rows of cross-saws, its skin is as rough and hard as a rock, and it is also wearing indescribable clothes, or more like armor. Make his scalp tingle.

Before he could recover from the shock, several same monsters flew out from different directions in the jungle.

Intensive gunshots sounded, and in the chaotic situation, more than a dozen monsters appeared, and the sudden flames also alarmed Silas Stone, the general manager in the center of the experimental area.

By calling the surveillance images outside the experimental area, he saw the tragic battle scene, and then his eyes subconsciously fell on the metal cube placed on his desktop.

That day, when his son was injured by this thing, he also vaguely saw a shadow with six wings flashing past his peripheral vision.

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