A rush of bells interrupted the conversation between Nick Fury and Chen Yu. When the communicator was connected, Fury's expression immediately became serious, and he turned to Chen Yu and said:

"New York Harbor is attacked by a Mega 084 presence."

Chen Yu's eyes froze, and he immediately knew that it was Lin Chen's shot. The other party must have known that he could not send mutants to sneak in here, nor could he forcefully break into the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, so he used this method in order to attract attention.

084, this is the unique intelligence code of S.H.I.E.L.D. It means something of unknown origin, unknown detection, unknowable or unconfirmable. 084 can represent many unknown things, including but not limited to objects, energy, and even people.

For example, if there is a mutant in a city that has never been known before, that mutant can be called 084.

Or, things like the Rubik's Cube will also be represented by 084.

Now that Nick Fury uses the word "extra large 084" to describe the attack in New York.

New York, then, must have encountered a fair degree of disaster.

"The Rubik's Cube has been activated by me, so don't try to touch it with your hands."

After explaining to the scientific researchers present, Chen Yu turned around and followed Natasha and Fury out of the Universe Rubik's Cube hall.

"Jarvis, what progress has the Mark II made?"

Adjusting the communicator to the frequency band approved by S.H.I.E.L.D., Chen Yu made a call to Marbury Beach.

"Sir, except for the coloring of the exterior, the shock absorption module, defense module, strike module, energy core and various data calculations have been completed." Jarvis' report came from the microphone.

"Turn on the autopilot permission of Mark II and fly to New York Harbor immediately."

"Sir, New York Harbor is being attacked by unknown creatures, are they set as targets?" Jarvis finally confirmed.

"That's it." Chen Yu nodded.

After several people entered the elevator, Chen Yu sent a reflected signal source to Ruiwen in the elevator passage to prevent the other party from dying at the bottom of the passage.

Get out of the elevator, return to the Quin-jet fighter and set the return destination as New York. In the S.H.I.E.L.D. communication frequency band in the fighter, a video of the New York Harbor scene was received.

What is shown in the screen is the scene of Polaris Lorna Dann and other mutants fighting against the six three-eyed green lins.

"My God, where did this come from, an alien creature?" Natasha stared at the image, frowning.

Chen Yu on the side was thoughtful, thinking of the types of the nineteen systems stolen by Lin Chen.

The six things in the picture are in line with the functions of one of them called the Myriad Worlds Beast System.

Chen Yu has always been very good at dealing with such huge objects. Soon, he dialed the number of the rocket launch base:
"Has the Hercules arrived?"

"Mr. Stark, the test has been completed, are we going to launch now?" The general manager of the satellite launch center asked over the microphone.


After the launch system of the satellite ray enters the geosynchronous orbit and docks with Stark Industries' space strategic satellite, it will immediately start the automatic assembly process, and it is expected that it will be fully loaded within five hours.

At that time, the plasma beam of the satellite ray will be controlled within a radius of 20 meters and a diameter of 40 meters by the electromagnetic restraint device at the launch port, and will automatically track the locked target. The maximum temperature of the beam can reach [-] Kelvin.

At this temperature, the metal in the center of the beam would be vaporized instantly, let alone any beasts summoned by the system.

Chen Yu really didn't believe that these creatures had a body as strong as Thor or Thanos, and they were not afraid of the temperature of stars.

After the three of Chen Yu left in the Kun-style fighter, the dark energy research base immediately detected the reflection signal he left on Ruiwen.

In order to enter the location where Ruiwen is, the security personnel in the base must turn off the elevator brake and the main power supply, and use a rope to slide down from the top of the elevator passage.

As an absolute popular star among mutants, Ruiwen's ability to change her own cells and tissue structure, making her change into anyone's appearance, is outstanding.

This ability to change is down to the level of the nucleus. When she activates the ability, the target's iris, fingerprints, skin texture, voice, gender, and even the texture of the clothing worn by the target will be imitated by her, even including glasses. .

But this ability also has a weakness, that is, she cannot change her own body mass, and the greater the gap between her changed form and her main body, the more painful she will be, and she will die if it exceeds a certain limit.

It is precisely because of this that she rarely wears clothes in most cases, unless she wants to contact ordinary people.

In addition, she can also change the position of her body organs to prevent fatal injuries to her body in critical moments.

The reason why Lin Chen chose to control the Red Devil to attack Ruiwen was because she would not defend against the Red Devil at all. The two had a beautiful relationship in the past, which led to her not moving the position of the internal organs in advance at all. .

At this moment, Rui Wen was lying on her back in a weird posture on the connecting platform in the middle of the elevator passage.

Its own self-healing ability is holding her last breath.

This self-healing ability was acquired by her in an incident the day after tomorrow. It is far from being as powerful as Wolverine. It can only repair some body tissues by itself, and it is powerless to this level of organ damage.

Now her heart was pierced by the red devil, and she was dying, and her self-healing ability could not save her. The only thing she could do was to pray that someone would find her.


In Ruiwen's perception, the passage of time seemed to be at a standstill, and there was only the dim scene in the elevator passage in front of her. She didn't know how long it took until a few SHIELD agents in black clothes appeared in her blurred vision. The last picture she saw before she fell into a complete coma.

"She's unconscious, take her up there."

Guy, the captain of the special agent team who has been on duty outside the research room of the Rubik's Cube all year round, said to several colleagues in front of him.

As a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Guy and his colleagues recognized Raven's identity at the first sight after entering the tunnel.

Her looks and appearance are too distinctive, and her reputation is so great that she can't even admit her mistakes.

Guy doesn't know Riven's purpose of secretly entering S.H.I.E.L.D., but it's not hard to guess.

The other party's ability to find this place is probably related to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

After coming out of the elevator passage, Guy contacted Nick Fury directly without any hesitation.

"We caught a mutant in the base, Mystique, who probably came for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. Do you want to transfer the Rubik's Cube immediately?"

Seeing Fu Rui immediately stood up from his seat, Chen Yu immediately whispered in Fu Rui's ear: "The Rubik's Cube has been activated, and anyone who dares to touch it with bare hands will be exiled to somewhere in outer space, just like the Red Skull. .”

"If they are willing to die, let them come. You don't have to do anything when you stop them, just act.

Let's see who is planning all this behind, so that we can catch them all. "

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