Human beings once hunted and killed mutants, so the girl named Lorna Dann hated the human race.This situation lasted for a long time, so long that she almost lost her faith,

At that time, a mysterious force from another continent broke the situation. They used lightning to balance the relationship and hatred between the two races, and provided a home for all the mutants who were arrested at that time.

This home is called the God Spear Bureau.

In the long past, the Divine Spear Bureau only dealt with sensitive events and terrorist attacks of the earth and extraterrestrial races, never interfering in the struggle within the earth, looking down and observing the human world like a saint sitting in the sky.

Until the director of this generation of Spear Bureau took office.

Different from the guardianship views held by the previous directors, he believes that the harm suffered by the people on earth does not only come from outside the sky, but the struggle of human beings is the reason that hurts the people in many cases.

After the old-school and old-concept diehards in the authorities were washed away, the Spear Bureau began to secretly balance the human and mutant races, restrict the war operations of various supernatural forces, and attack aliens.

Lorna joined the Shenspear Bureau when it accepted mutants.

To this day, in order to continue to put an end to the terrorist war actions of supernatural forces, she was sent to New York to collect clues about the aliens descending on the earth.

The unruly days of the past have long been in vain, and now she is just an agent of the Spear Bureau who walks in the dark and works silently for the peace of the entire earth race.

Putting down the coffee cup in her hand, Lorna put on her coat and was about to open the door and walk out of the cafe.

At this moment, she suddenly turned her head to look in the direction of the port. Being very sensitive to magnetic fields, she felt a strong sense of oppression.


The blue mist diffused silently, and the crew and workers in New York Harbor gradually fell silent during their work.

The vibration of the river in the distance was gentle and low, and an inexplicable aura emerged, which made many people subconsciously turn their heads and look towards the depths of the river mouth.

At some point, a gentle hill rose slightly on the originally calm river in the distance, and it was approaching the port hub at an unbelievable speed with overwhelming momentum.

The sound was thick at first, then gradually expanded, and finally it was like a herd of horses galloping. Under the rolling tide, a ray of deep purple light bloomed from under the turbulent river, and went straight to the sky.

The blue sky over New York Harbor quickly darkened, and in just a short moment, it was covered with black clouds. Soon, the puzzled expressions of all witnesses in the harbor began to slowly solidify, and finally turned into astonishment, as if they saw something in a dream come true. It was hard to believe that it appeared in front of my eyes.

On the distant surface of the water that everyone could see, six vertical eyes bursting with green-gold light broke through the water surface, and as the surrounding water fell, six behemoths appeared in everyone's vision.

The three-eyed qinglin demon's body is black and blue, and the scales all over the body are shimmering coldly. The whole body is like pouring molten iron. Under the shadow of the black cloud, it emits a cold metallic luster, full of explosive power, just floating on the water and looking down. Looking at the port and the people on the shore, their height was almost the same as the cruise ship in the port, and the people on the shore were as small as ants in front of him.

After a short period of silence, the whole area boiled, and the crowd ran away in a panic, running towards the city, the idea of ​​survival was more important than anything else.

However, at this moment, six dazzling beams of light shot up from the tops of the six three-eyed green lin demons. The golden rays of light suddenly condensed, and a frightening aura erupted. Meteor-like blue flames danced in mid-air, and finally went crazy. Turn up.

Where the blue flames passed, all the surrounding cruise ships were torn apart, and then quickly melted. Starting from the feet of the six-headed, three-eyed green scale demon, vortices began to appear on the water surface, and then suddenly exploded, flooding the entire port.


Like thunder from the sky, six three-eyed qinglin demons with cyan light flowing all over their bodies rushed up from the water surface and almost turned into six cyan meteorites. on six buildings.

The next moment, there was a deafening impact sound, and the flying gravel shot out from the six buildings as the center point. Many people died before they even had time to scream. The scene was extremely tragic.

The dark clouds overwhelmed the top, and the light of the entire port was getting darker and darker. The light of the entire port was almost covered. Although some people rushed out of the building, most of them had pale faces, unable to restrain their bodies, and their feet were weak.

"All team members gather at the port."

Lorna put down her bag, stuffed the communicator into her ears, and her slender body suddenly rose into the air, rushing towards the port.


At this moment, dense blue light washed out, terrifying fluctuations filled the air, the scales of the six-headed, three-eyed green scales suddenly lit up,

Soon, ripples visible to the naked eye erupted from the chest of the three-eyed green lin demon, spreading in all directions, and the people around the port soon felt that their bodies were enveloped by a huge force, making it difficult to move as if they were frozen a cent.

The ground cracked, the buildings trembled, and incomprehensible arc-shaped lines emerged, shining brilliant light and condensing together, and finally gathered into a bright star, becoming the only brilliance under the black cloud.

Like stars, these bright stars shine flawlessly, beating in the void as if they were given life, bursting out with brilliant brilliance like the heart of God.

At the same time, Lin Chen jumped out in front of the three-eyed green lin demon's skill prompt to activate the ability of the star monster assembly.

[Successfully harvested 98 individuals of the race]
Over New York Harbor, the monster's skills are flickering, like a heart beating in the air. Every time it beats, everyone within the range will feel heartache. Almost burst.


At this moment, a tremor suddenly came from the dark cloud-covered sky, and the six-headed and three-eyed green scale demons on the ground looked up in unison as if they were attracted by something.

On the dark sky, there was a piece of aurora piercing through the thick clouds, sliding across the sky like silk, breaking through the darkness like the dawn before dawn, covering the earth and awakening the whole world.

At this moment, the monster gathering stopped vibrating, and the desperate people in New York Harbor subconsciously looked at it, their eyes full of desire for life.

"The mutant is the mutant named Polaris!"

After a brief silence, someone recognized Lorna's figure. Looking at the mutants shrouded in the flawless aurora, many people's fear seemed to be washed away.

The three-eyed Qinglin Demon, who had attracted the attention of the crowd, looked at Lorna and roared twice. His scales flickered and his muscles exploded. He controlled his skills and rushed towards her head.

Behind Lorna, the five mutants and ability users who also belonged to the Godspear Bureau had their muscles tensed and were mentally ready for battle. It was the first time for them to see such a supernatural existence with their own eyes, so they could only go all out.


Soon, Lorna opened her arms, and ripples visible to the naked eye spread from her body as the center point.

The aurora was disillusioned, and the ruins of the building under her feet began to vibrate at a high frequency, buzzing, and the momentum was getting bigger and bigger, and soon there was a sound like a rushing ocean,
Among the ruins of buildings on the shore of New York Harbor, strips of steel bars wrapped in cement and stones broke through the ground, and the metal shone with a bright green light. As the height rose, it began to surge to the surroundings. From a distance, it seemed like a bunch of A bunch of ignited flowers rushed to the sky together.

Rebar, a building material so ubiquitous in New York, was incredibly powerful in her hands.

As the daughter of Magneto, she can confidently say that she has inherited everything from her father perfectly, even better because she is younger.

The tips of dozens of steel bars twisted and deformed under Lorna's control, and were twisted into spiral metal steel guns by waves of invisible force, all aimed at the heads of the six three-eyed green scale demons.


The sonic boom cloud suddenly appeared, Lorna's expression moved slightly, and several steel guns shining with blue light separated from the queue, like air-to-ground missiles, aiming at the attacking three-eyed Qinglin Demon and shooting out suddenly, The air was pierced through a ring, and the surrounding sonic boom cloud caused Shino's unbroken glass to explode at the same time.

The six-headed monster let out a deafening roar, its whole body shone with brilliant blue light, and soon turned into a solid body, condensing into round shield-shaped protective layers to resist Lorna's attack.


The blazing blue light exploded, and after the three-eyed green lin demon resisted Lorna's first attack, the shield in front of him shattered, but the speed of the subsequent supersonic steel arrows did not decrease at all, piercing through in an instant. The head of the first three-eyed Qinglin Demon went straight to the second head.

The thrown steel spears were as dense as a torrential rain, spilling the fiery blue blood of the six monsters into the sky, causing the earth to rumble, creating a tragic scene.

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