What made them feel even more outrageous was that Lin Chen actually wanted to discuss with them the mass extermination of zombies.

Zombies are so easy to kill?

And these zombies are distributed in various places, unless missiles are used to blow up the city, how can they be killed on a large scale?

In addition, the reason why missiles have not been used to attack the city is because there is a star zombie in this city, which can easily intercept missiles.

In addition, there are still a large number of survivors in both the eastern region and the western region. If the missile falls, it will kill these survivors while killing the zombies.

To sum up, there is currently no good way to kill zombies on a large scale, at least they don't know it yet.

From their point of view, maybe Lin Chen and Duan Ziyan were too nervous in the end of the day, their minds became confused, and they started talking nonsense?
Otherwise, how dare you even say such a thing.

Leng Moran looked at Lin Chen indifferently, and found that Lin Chen was handsome, with a kind of majesty that made people want to surrender all over his body. He was clearly standing not far from him, but it made her feel very far away.

She couldn't figure out what was going on.

However, she has no interest in approaching men, let alone discussing things that sound absurd with men.

"Sister, if you want to join our iron lady gathering place, we can accept you. As for this man, please leave quickly!"

Leng Moran left this sentence, turned around and was about to leave.

She didn't want to waste time with Lin Chen.

Because in her opinion, there is no way to kill zombies on a large scale.

If there were, the world would have eliminated the zombie crisis long ago.

"Please leave!"

When the other two women heard that Leng Moran had given orders, they had to point their guns at Lin Chen and signaled Lin Chen to leave quickly.

Lin Chen felt a little upset.

However, he knew that the other party didn't know his strength yet, so it was normal to have such a reaction.

"and many more!"

Lin Chen directly stopped Leng Moran!

"What? Do you have anything else to say?"

Leng Moran couldn't help but stop, turned around and asked.

If a man of Lin Chen's level was in peacetime, she might still be interested.

However, after the outbreak of the doomsday, she was used to seeing too many men's wild exposure, and she had already despaired and hated men.

If she didn't think that Lin Chen had mental problems, she would have issued an order to kill Lin Chen.

"Men, please don't challenge the patience of our leader!"

"That's right, don't be shameless!"

The two women also said.

Since they are members of the Iron Maiden gathering place, they are naturally influenced by Leng Moran's thoughts, and have no interest in men, and can even be said to hate them.

Seeing the attitude of the three women, Duan Ziyan became a little anxious.

She knew Lin Chen's strength, what if the rudeness of these three women aroused Lin Chen's anger and angered Lin Chen?
Lin Chen is a high-ranking figure of the Immortal Emperor.

The three women are really too bold.

She was about to remind her, but Lin Chen looked at Leng Moran and said, "Tell me, why did you talk to me?"

These people are all his potential believers and admirers, and there is no need for him to get so stiff with them.

Leng Moran didn't expect that Lin Chen would still refuse to give up.

It seems that Lin Chen needs to be taught a lesson, lest Lin Chen think that they are easy to bully, and those who don't listen to persuasion are still chattering here.

Thinking of this, she gave the older woman a look.

The older woman understood immediately, and pulled the trigger directly, shooting a round of bullets at Lin Chen's feet.

Her marksmanship was very accurate, and she actually shot the ground under Lin Chen's feet very precisely.

If a normal person encounters such a situation, he might immediately run away in fright.

However, Lin Chen didn't respond at all.

Still with his hands behind his back like that, with a leisurely look.

On the contrary, Duan Ziyan was a little angry.

In her eyes, Lin Chen was an invincible immortal emperor and god, how could mortals treat him like this.

At that moment, she stood up directly and angrily yelled at Leng Moran, "Do you know what you are doing? This is a high god, a god that cannot be profaned!"

"God? I think your brain has been washed by him?"

The older woman shook her head.

Leng Moran sighed, took a deep look at Duan Ziyan, and said, "Forget it, now I've changed my mind, even if you want to join our Iron Lady gathering place, I won't accept you anymore!"

"Hmph, who cares about the gathering place of your Iron Lady?"

Duan Ziyan sneered.

"see a visitor out!"

Leng Moran's face darkened, and he directly issued an expulsion order.


At this moment, Lin Chen pressed his palm on a wall of the nearby building, and there was a bang, and the six-story low building shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, countless cracks covered the building, causing the building to collapse directly.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Leng Moran's face changed, and he stared at Lin Chen in disbelief, as if he wanted to see through Lin Chen.

The two female hands looked at each other, and they both saw strong shock in each other's eyes.

They didn't expect Lin Chen to be so terrifying that he could knock down a house with a random palm.

At first they thought they were wrong.

After repeated checks many times, they finally confirmed that they were not mistaken.

The building really collapsed.

Perhaps it was too loud, which alarmed the other women in the place where the Iron Maiden gathered.

Immediately, thousands of women with different looks rushed out.

These women are still in a dazed state, not understanding what happened.

The first time they saw Lin Chen who "stands out from the crowd", they started whispering one by one.

"Why would a man come here?"

"Although this man is very handsome, men are not welcome in our gathering place!"

"Is he looking for death? Don't you know that our gathering place can't accommodate men?"

Listening to the words of the girls, Leng Moran stared at Lin Chen and took a deep breath.

Then, she asked, "How do you do it?"

Lin Chen didn't answer her.

I saw Lin Chen slowly taking a step forward with his hands behind his back.


The ground trembled violently, as if an earthquake of magnitude eight was coming.

The girls saw dense cracks spreading across the ground centered on Lin Chen's feet.
Each of these cracks is as thick as an arm, and each is bottomless.

The force of one step can actually crack the ground.

At this moment, all the women shut up at the same time, and looked at Lin Chen with shocked and admiring eyes.

Undoubtedly, no matter in which era, women worship powerful men.

The terrifying power displayed by Lin Chen had already shocked them deeply.

Have they ever seen such a powerful man?

Not only them, Leng Moran was also stunned.

At first, she thought that Lin Chen was just an ordinary person, someone who might have mental problems.

This made her not believe that Lin Chen had the ability to kill zombies on a large scale.

Now Lin Chen directly let her see the power, that kind of powerful and unparalleled power.

This gave her a new understanding of Lin Chen.

This man is a strong man.

Unparalleled and powerful Awakened.

She didn't know which level Lin Chen had reached as an awakener. The only thing she knew was that maybe the place where she and the Iron Lady gathered was about to change their luck and get rid of the zombie crisis.

"My God, the power of Lord Shenming is really terrifying!"

Duan Ziyan looked at the thick and criss-cross cracks on the ground, swallowed hard, and admired Lin Chen even more.

All of a sudden, thousands of women, each with their own ghosts, were full of admiration for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen didn't bother to pay attention to the others, and walked towards Leng Moran step by step with his hands behind his back, "Now, can I talk to you about the mass extermination of zombies?"

"Master God, please forgive my previous rudeness!"

Leng Moran reacted, and quickly knelt down on the ground, sincerely said: "It is my honor that the Lord God can discuss important matters with me in person. If you have any orders, just tell me!"

With the power shown by Lin Chen, Leng Moran felt that calling Lin Chen a god was not an exaggeration.

At least, she hasn't heard of an awakened person who can crack the ground with one foot.

Seeing Leng Moran kneeling, the other women also reacted one after another, kneeling down in unison.

Each one's delicate body trembled slightly, for fear that Lin Chen would blame them.

"Hehehe, I said long ago that Master Lin is a god, but you still don't believe it, really!"

Duan Ziyan said proudly.

Lin Chen glanced at her, and immediately waved his hand, lifting up thousands of women.

His gentle strength made those women feel their whole bodies shake, as if their exhausted spirits were swept away, and they became more energetic.

This miraculous method made them believe even more that Lin Chen was a god.

"You come with me!"

Lin Chen said to Leng Moran.

"Yes, my lord!"

Leng Moran didn't dare to hesitate at all, and hurriedly followed Lin Chen.

Duan Ziyan stayed outside, and when Lin Chen and the two left, the women surrounded her and began to compliment her, asking questions, and they got acquainted immediately.

In a room where the Iron Maiden gathered, Lin Chen told Leng Moran his needs.

Originally, Leng Moran was still very stressed when facing Lin Chen alone, and he didn't know what Lin Chen wanted to talk to her. In the end, he didn't expect that Lin Chen was so approachable, and what he was talking about was asking her to provide a virgin woman in the gathering place.

Of course, she also knew that those innocent girls could attract zombies, and in order to avoid this from happening, she deliberately took some methods to cover up or weaken the aura of these girls.

Although these girls are gathered together now, their attraction to zombies is limited.

She didn't expect Lin Chen to use these girls to lure the zombies, and then attack them on a large scale.

Originally, she wanted to agree to Lin Chen unconditionally, but these girls were all from the place where she gathered, and she had feelings for these people, so she mustered up the courage to ask: "My lord, if this is the case, will they be in any danger? "

"Do you not believe in my strength?"

Lin Chen smiled.

He didn't blame Leng Moran for talking too much.

Because this just shows that Leng Moran has feelings for those girls and is worried about their safety.

"No, no, no, my lord, I'm just, just."

Leng Moran quickly explained.

Lin Chen raised his hand to interrupt her, and said, "There's no need to explain, I'm here to rescue you, not to murder you, I hope you can understand!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Although Leng Moran is still a little worried, but the matter has come to this point, he knows that there is no need to worry anymore.

After the two discussed some more issues, Leng Moran went out to do what Lin Chen had told him.

And Lin Chen also learned from Leng Moran's words that the zombies in the western region only need to be divided into seven main places.

Those places are all areas that women like to go to on weekdays.

Such as shopping malls, parks, etc.
The zombies in this city don't know what's going on, they seem to have a soft spot for women.

In this situation, even Lin Chen couldn't figure out what was going on.

After the cold ink dyed out, Lin Chen meditated quietly in the room, doing everything possible to increase his strength.

At this moment, the outside of the place where the Iron Maidens gathered almost exploded.

"What? My lord wants to choose a girl who has not been humanized?"

"Could it be that we virgin girls are going to be dedicated to the gods?"

"Ahhh, what an honor, I am willing to die to be the woman of Lord God!"

"Why, why is this not the first time for me, hey, I'm going to miss this opportunity!"

When Leng Moran told Lin Chen to summon the untrained girls, all the eligible girls became excited.

And those women who didn't meet the conditions felt extremely regretful.

Apparently, they thought that Lin Chen's actions were because of their bodies.

Hearing the words of these girls, Leng Moran shook his head and said: "Don't think about it, how could the gods like our mortal bodies?
Lord God wants to use us to lure zombies, so as to kill them on a large scale! "

Hearing this, the women who were chattering just now stopped abruptly one by one, as if someone had pinched their necks, they all stared wide-eyed, and then became nervous in unison.

"No, no, we are going to be used to lure zombies?"

"Isn't this terrible? What if the zombies catch me?"

"Ahhh, I don't want to become a zombie, why does Lord Shenming treat us like this!"

"No, I don't want to feed zombies!"

Looking at the reactions of these people, Leng Moran was a little speechless.

She paused and said: "All of you calm down a bit, it is your honor to be able to serve the Lord God, and besides, the Lord God has great powers, how could it be possible for you to die?"

"Everyone, I can assure you that the Lord God will not harm us, because I have already experienced countless tasks of luring zombies!"

Duan Ziyan said proudly.

In her opinion, this is a god's work, and she has done this kind of thing for Lin Chen many times, and she feels very honored.

"Really? Don't you lie to me?"

"Mom, you didn't say that on purpose, did you?"

"That's just you, there are so many of us, can the Lord God be busy? If we don't take care of us, we will die!"

"Although it feels very dangerous, since it is God's will, we will do it!"

After the girls hesitated for a while, they finally decided to give it a try first.

It wasn't that they believed in Lin Chen's strength, it was that they knew very well that even if they didn't want to, they couldn't disobey Lin Chen's will.

From their point of view, Lin Chen was a god, and they naturally dared not refuse a god's offer.

The iron lady gathering place is worthy of being a gathering place for all women. It didn't take long for Leng Moran to complete the task assigned by Lin Chen. A total of 510 eight people were selected, accounting for one-tenth of the entire gathering place.

This amount is already quite good.

Lin Chen was very satisfied.

To his surprise, among the more than 500 people, Leng Moran was among them.

In other words, Leng Moran, a woman in her early thirties, is still perfect.

Seeing Lin Chen looking at him, Leng Moran's pretty face couldn't help but blushed, and said a little shyly, "My lord, I didn't like men since I was a child, so I just"

Lin Chen was naturally not interested in these things. He said to Leng Moran and the other girls: "You all come with me, the rest of you will stay here for now, and I will remove the zombies within a radius of at least ten kilometers first!"

The girls naturally have no objection.

They had dealt with the zombies for many years, not to mention that Lin Chen cleaned up the zombies within a radius of ten kilometers for them, even if they didn't clean them up, they still had the ability to guarantee their own safety.

After Leng Moran explained again, he immediately took the eight selected girls from 510 and walked out.

As soon as everyone left the gathering place, Lin Chen used magical powers to remove the things that covered their aura.

As soon as these things were removed, a large amount of aura immediately spread to the surroundings, instantly attracting zombies within a radius of [-] kilometers.

Countless zombies, mutated beasts, and mutated plants rushed towards the crowd from all directions.

"Huh? What happened? Why did the zombies leave?"

At this moment, to the south of Lin Chen and the others, a group of men who were originally surrounded by zombies suddenly became a little dazed when they saw the zombies surrounding them leave suddenly.

These men don't know the characteristics of unmanned girls that can attract zombies.

In fact, except for a few people who are aware of this, many people do not know it.

"I don't know, maybe God is helping us!"

A man guessed.

Originally, they were all prepared to fight a tough battle with the zombies, but now that the zombies left, it made them relax a lot.

"God? No, this is a bit unusual, let's follow up and have a look!"

said a man who appeared to be the leader of the men.

Although everyone was a little afraid of zombies, their strong curiosity drove many bold people among them to check it out.

This kind of situation exists everywhere within a radius of [-] kilometers around Lin Chen and the others.

Many people were surrounded by zombies. They thought they were going to die, but suddenly found that the zombies left them and left.

Soon, many people noticed the abnormality.

They saw a young man sitting in a wide area with more than 500 young and beautiful women of extraordinary appearance.

This young man is very conspicuous, standing in the center of those women.

This scene was so unbelievable that everyone was dumbfounded.

They had never seen such a strange scene.

In an open space, Lin Chen was surrounded by more than 500 young and beautiful women, and countless densely packed zombies rushed towards Lin Chen and others from all directions.

"God, what are these people doing? When is this, and they dare to be in the open area with such a big fanfare?"

"Are they doing some mysterious ritual?"

"I don't know, no matter what they are doing, they will be finished. Have you seen the number of zombies surrounding them? At least 50!"

"50 heads? The number should be at least a million, okay?"

"Who is that man? Why can he take so many young girls to die? How did he do it?"

"It's a pity, so many girls in the blooming season are gone like this!"

Those who saw this scene had their hearts raised in their throats.

Although they didn't know what Lin Chen and his party were doing, they knew that if they were surrounded by a large number of zombies, Lin Chen and the others would definitely die.

Just as tense as these men were the more than 500 women at the center of the siege.

Except for Duan Ziyan who was very calm among these women, even Leng Moran panicked.

Because they found more and more zombies that were almost impossible to deal with surrounded them.

There was no end to be seen at that glance, and the overwhelming and dense numbers made everyone feel scalp numb.

They had never encountered so many zombie siege.

How many have no idea.

The girls kept looking at Lin Chen in the center, and found that Lin Chen was completely indifferent, as if those zombies did not exist.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

"So many zombies, what should we do if they pounce on us later? Can Lord God protect them?"

"I didn't expect my life to end like this, I am not reconciled!"

"Master Shenming is so calm, is there really any way to kill these zombies?"

At this moment, all the girls have their own ideas in their minds.

Leng Moran looked at Lin Chen and hesitated to speak.

Although she believed that Lin Chen had the power of a god, but the number of these zombies was too many, she was not sure that Lin Chen could be wiped out.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

When the zombies got closer to them, they all quickened their pace, roaring excitedly and rushing towards them.

The expressions of all the girls changed drastically involuntarily, and they all gathered towards Lin Chen in the middle. Some screamed in terror, and some even fainted from fright.

"It's freezing!"

Seeing that the zombies were about to rush in front of them, Lin Chen let out a loud shout, and the girls only saw that a layer of frost quickly covered the zombies.

Under the cover of frost, those zombies were sealed in the blink of an eye.

A strong cold air emerged from those zombies.

The surrounding temperature suddenly entered the cold winter season from the dog days.

Everywhere, there is a vast expanse of whiteness.

The girls were stunned.

They looked around in shock and found that all the zombies were frozen.

Some bold girls pushed the nearby zombie ice sculpture, and the ice sculpture fell to the ground and shattered.

Seeing this scene, all the girls looked at Lin Chen in unison, there was no longer any fear in their eyes, but only awe and admiration.

They never expected that Lin Chen's power was so terrifying.

It can freeze millions of zombies in an instant.

Could this be the power of the gods?

"My God, what happened? Why are all those zombies frozen, who can tell me what happened?"

Those who came here because of doubts were all shocked.

They didn't see Lin Chen make a move, they found that all the zombies had turned into a frozen state.

"This must be the power of the gods!"

"Yes, these people must be doing something to invite the power of the gods. They invited the gods and lowered their god-like power!"

"What a powerful force, it seems that we humans can be saved!"

Those people began to be curious about the identity of Lin Chen and his party.

In their minds, it seemed that Lin Chen, a pedestrian, had directly invited the gods by some means.

"Who are these people?"

Someone asked curiously.

"I know. I've seen that woman. She seems to be the leader of the famous Iron Maiden gathering place. The rest of the women should also be members of the Iron Maiden!"

"No, isn't the Iron Lady never allowing men to join? What happened to the men in the center?"

"It's over, I know, Iron Lady is ruled by that man!"

"No way, Iron Lady has more than 5000 beauties, so let him handle it alone?"

"In ancient times, there were only three thousand beauties in the emperor's harem. If this guy rules the place where the Iron Lady gathers, I'm afraid he will have five thousand beauties in the harem!"

"It's amazing, this is the role model for men like me!"

Many people started thinking wildly.

But at this moment, under the shocked eyes of all the girls in Leng Moran, Lin Chen shook his fingers.


Those frozen zombies were all blown into ice flakes and evaporated.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned again.

Leng Moran finally understood what Lin Chen had said about the mass killing of zombies.

This is more than a mass extermination of zombies.

This method is simply shocking and weeping ghosts and gods.

Really, it's too scary!
"Okay, let's go to the next place!"

A few minutes later, Lin Chen said to the girls after absorbing the crystal nuclei of millions of zombies.

Although there are more than 500 baits, they can only attract zombies within [-] kilometers at a time. After these zombies are killed, they must change to another place to continue attracting them.

The girls saw Lin Chen killing the zombies with their own eyes, and they were not afraid at all.

This is not dangerous at all!

Not only is there no danger, but they can also get close to the gods.

Where can such a good thing be found?

"Good Lord God!"

The girls didn't need Lin Chen's orders at all, and went to the next place excitedly.

For some reason, they felt that these zombies were just playing around in front of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was able to kill these guys almost effortlessly.

"Huh? What's the situation, the number of zombies is decreasing on a large scale?"

As night fell, on the top of a tall building in the west, a man wearing a skull mask stood on the edge of the roof, looking down at the empty city streets below, with some doubts.

This person had a cloak on his back, and it was flapping under the strong wind blowing from the tall building.

"Number Seven, what do you think of this matter?"

Behind him, a man in the same attire with a big "6" written on the back of the cloak asked.

"It seems that a mysterious force has appeared in this world!"

The man known as Number Seven guessed.

Look carefully, there is a number seven on the red cloak behind him.

"Well, a mysterious and powerful force has come to this city, have you heard? The demon gathering place has been wiped out!"

Six said again.

"Those cannibal demons? Are they gone?"

Number Seven was a little surprised, this was the first time he had heard of this situation.

"That's right, they were massacred and died terribly. According to the information I have, a man who claimed to be a god appeared in this city. His name is Lin Chen!"

"God? Lin Chen? Why haven't you heard of this guy before? When did he appear? Is he also an awakened one?"

Number Seven turned his head and quickly denied what he said, "No, if you are an awakened person, with the power of our five-star awakened person, you will definitely be able to feel it!"

"I don't know the specifics, but Dr. Ryan should be very interested in this person. His old man has encountered a bottleneck in his research on zombies. If we can capture Lin Chen and let him study it, I'm afraid he will be very grateful to us!"

No. [-] laughed and said: "As long as Dr. Ryan is happy, maybe he can unlock the gene lock for us and unlock the power of Six Stars!"

No. [-] trembled and nodded heavily, "Looks like it's time to make the old man happy!"

Speaking of this, he seemed to have thought of something, and said: "By the way, it's enough for the two of us to know about this matter, but don't let other people in the organization know, or they will take credit from us!"

"That's natural. How can you let them know about such a good thing?"

Number Six chuckled, and disappeared into the night sky together with Number Seven.

Lin Chen didn't know all of this.

He used this bait method to kill at least 500 million zombies.

Now, the girls are already tired, and he took advantage of this time to absorb millions of zombie crystal nuclei.

When he killed those zombies, he didn't hide it. Instead, he used methods very openly. This scene fell into the eyes of many survivors.

All the survivors adored him extremely.

In addition, his bait team expanded to more than 700 people.

The extra people are new additions along the way.

This huge bait group is enough to lure zombies within [-] kilometers.

dong dong dong.
There was a knock on Lin Chen's door, and Leng Moran, dressed in a light gauze, walked in.

At this moment of Leng Moran, there is no longer that cold look on his face, and the whole person looks extremely gentle, as if the beauty of the iceberg has melted.

"My lord, why haven't you rested so late?"

Leng Moran said respectfully.

After seeing Lin Chen's strength, she respected and worshiped Lin Chen from the bottom of her heart.

"Well, what do you want from me?"

Lin Chen asked.

In the middle of the night, the lonely man and widow, Leng Moran dressed so cool and sexy, made him realize something.

In fact, since he entered this world, different women came to him almost every night.

Unfortunately, he has no interest in these.

"My lord, I'm here to tell you something!"

The cold ink dyed softly.

As the leader of the iron maiden gathering place, she has contacted many people, knows some things that others don't know, and the information she obtained is better than many people.

Lin Chen's powerful performance today made her suddenly think of something that had puzzled her for a long time.


Lin Chen became interested.

"My lord, can I sit across from you?"

Seeing that Lin Chen was interested, Leng Moran asked cautiously.

Lin Chen nodded slightly.

Afterwards, Leng Moran sat opposite Lin Chen, paused and said, "My lord, do you find something strange? It's such a big city like ours, why do awakened people rarely see it?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Chen thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's true. Could it be that they have all gathered in the City of Hope in the eastern region?"

He also discovered this problem.

He often encountered awakened people in the last city, but so far he has not encountered a single awakened person in this city.

At first, he guessed that maybe the awakened people went to the City of Hope, or there were very few awakened people in this city.

However, now that Leng Moran brought it up on his own initiative, he realized that there was something else wrong with this matter.

Sure enough, Leng Moran shook his head and said, "My lord, if I tell you that even a place with a population of tens of millions like the City of Hope has no awakened person, would you believe it?"

Lin Chen was a little surprised.

According to his understanding of the awakened people in this world, generally around 3 people can give birth to one awakened person. It stands to reason that with a population of tens of millions like City of Hope, at least hundreds of awakened people will be born. Why now?
Without waiting for Lin Chen to ask questions, Leng Moran continued: "Actually, there were awakened people in our city, each of them has abilities beyond the limit of the human body, and each of them is extremely powerful.

But later, for some unknown reason, they all disappeared, as if the world had evaporated. "

"Is there such a thing?"

Lin Chen became more and more curious.

He has experienced the abilities of the awakened ones before. Although they are completely out of his sight, they are definitely the backbone against the zombies.

Unexpectedly, they would all disappear strangely.

Behind this, is there any secret that is not known?

Lin Chen looked at Leng Moran, knowing that this woman still had something to tell him.

Leng Moran paused, and then said: "At first, I couldn't figure out what was going on, but one day, through the words of a new member who joined the Iron Maiden gathering place, I accidentally learned that there was a mysterious organization behind all this. Trickster!"

"This mysterious organization is called "Glory of God". I don't know what method they used to attract all the awakened people!"

"The radiance of God?"

Lin Chen was a little surprised when he heard this name for the first time.

No matter what kind of organization it is, its power is very strong from the current point of view.

You know, based on the population ratio of this city, at least hundreds of awakened people were born. The power of a single awakened person may not be scary, but adding hundreds of awakened people together is not as simple as adding one plus one.

The power erupted by these awakened people is very terrifying.

"Well, this organization is very mysterious. Even the member who revealed the news couldn't tell clearly. She also knew about it by overhearing the conversation of two awakened people by accident."

Leng Moran said.

Lin Chen didn't understand why Leng Moran suddenly said this to him.

He cast a puzzled look at Leng Moran, and Leng Moran quickly explained: "My lord, the reason why I came here to tell you this is because I think your power is too powerful, maybe they have already noticed it!"

There was originally a second sentence in this sentence, but she didn't finish it.

In her opinion, the group of people from the Radiance of God didn't seem to aim at killing zombies and saving human beings.

Now that they had finally found Lin Chen, who could be called the savior, she was very worried that Lin Chen would be absorbed by the glory of God, and then stop killing zombies.

In this way, they will once again return to the battle against the zombies.

Peace will be far away.

"Oh? Are you worried that I will join the Radiance of God and leave you alone?"

Lin Chen is so smart, he naturally saw Leng Moran's worries.

Leng Moran's pretty face blushed, and she nodded heavily, "Yeah!"

"Don't worry, I came to this world with the mission of beheading zombies. If the zombies are still alive, I won't leave you behind!"

Lin Chen smiled, and said what he said in a dignified manner.

In fact, he didn't have any mission at all, but one of his system missions.

"However, the radiance of God has some kind of magical power. Almost all the awakened ones have been absorbed by them. I am very worried."

Leng Moran was still worried.

Lin Chen didn't answer, and suddenly squinted his eyes to look outside the room, and said with a sneer, "Since you two are here, why don't you come out to meet?"


Hearing Lin Chen's voice, Leng Moran was puzzled for a while.


How can there be two?
Did Lin Chen get it wrong?

Just when she was confused about the situation, a loud laugh came from outside the door, "Hahaha, you are really amazing, I didn't expect you to find us just after we arrived.

He deserves to be the one who killed countless zombies and wiped out demon gathering places!It really didn't let us down! "

As soon as the voice fell, the door opened automatically, and two men with masks on their faces and red cloaks strode in.

Seeing these two men, Leng Moran's pretty face changed, and he leaned towards Lin Chen involuntarily.

Lin Chen looked at the two of them indifferently, and said, "Surely you are the ones with the so-called glory of God?"

"What? Are they members of the Radiance of God?"

Leng Moran was shocked.

Although she had heard of this organization of the Radiance of God, she actually didn't know what the people of the Radiance of God were like, let alone their attire.

You must know that every person of the glory of God is an awakened person, and they are extremely powerful.

Those two people ignored Leng Moran, and looked at Lin Chen in unison, their eyes under the mask quickly scanned Lin Chen.

The more they glanced, the more surprised they were.

They found that Lin Chen didn't have the breath of an awakened person.

what happened?

The two looked at each other, wondering if they made a mistake?

Or did Lin Chen use some method to cover up the aura of the awakened one?
No matter what, they thought about taking Lin Chen back first.

"You are Lin Chen?"

Number six stared at Lin Chen and asked.

"That's right, what's the matter here? If you want to do something to me, use me to persuade you to leave immediately, otherwise you will die a miserable death. If it's something else, you can talk about it!"

Lin Chen said coldly.

He already felt that the two of them were not kind.

Because the eyes of these two people were full of murderous aura, which he was very familiar with.

"Lin Chen, since you already know our identities, come with us and return to the glory of God!"

Number seven said directly.

Their purpose is to bring Lin Chen back to Dr. Ryan for research. As for whether they can do it, they naturally don't want to do it.

"Why should I go with you?"

Lin Chen just laughed.

He is a majestic Immortal Emperor, how could he just follow someone with a casual word, isn't this a joke?

"Hmph, it's an honor for you to be invited by us to enter the glory of the gods. No one else can ask for it. Don't be ashamed!"

Number Seven snorted coldly.

The radiance of God is very mysterious, not every awakened person is qualified to join, but every awakened person, they will attract the radiance of God, as for what to do after entering, it is unknown.

"Okay, Lin Chen, we'll give you half a minute to think about it, either obediently follow us, or we take compulsory measures to get you away, you choose yourself!"

Number six said domineeringly.

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