This time he came to Bandle City, mainly for three things.

One is to find Po Jun and kill him.

The second is to kill all the zombies in this city and absorb the energy of the zombie crystal nucleus to make his mission in this world a step further.

The third is to let more people believe in him and worship him so that he can collect vows.

Now he has a little understanding of Po Jun's whereabouts. This son is somewhere in this city, recovering his physical body by devouring the energy of others.

In other words, it is unlikely that Pojun will leave the city in a short while.

Right now, he just needs to make a big splash so that the survivors in this city will know his name.

In this way, he could sit back and wait for Po Jun to come to his door.

You must know that Po Jun wants to kill him even more.

If it wasn't like this, Po Jun wouldn't have forcibly followed him into this world.

As for the second point, he killed all the zombies in the city.

The distribution of zombies in the whole city surprised him now. The zombies here are not as concentrated as in Feitar City. If the zombies are to be eliminated as soon as possible, certain methods must be adopted.

This method, he has found.

It's just that he hasn't confirmed whether other women of the same type can do it except Duan Ziyan, and whether they can attract zombies like Duan Ziyan.

All this requires him to experiment first.

Of course, regarding the last point, as long as he kills the zombies, the people in this city will definitely worship and believe in him.

After all, the lives of people nowadays are threatened by zombies at any time.

Whoever can help them resolve the zombie crisis can become their savior and make them worship and believe.

Duan Wuqing quickly returned to the gathering place after receiving Lin Chen's order.

There are more than 500 people in their gathering place, among which there are about a hundred women.

In the doomsday world, women's physical fitness and overall quality determine that they are more likely to die than men.

What's more, even if there is no doomsday, the number of women is much smaller than that of men.

Among the more than 100 women, most of them were old, weak, sick and disabled. Duan Wuqing searched for a long time, but only found a girl who was as innocent as her.

This girl looks average, and everyone calls her Xiaotian.

She seemed to be a little numb from the zombies, and she looked dumbfounded.

When Duan Ziyan brought her in front of Lin Chen, Lin Chen immediately used her to try the effect.

Lin Chen was relieved that this Xiaotian was able to attract zombies just like Duan Ziyan.

It seems Duan ruthless guess is right.

After Lin Chen wiped out the zombies surrounding Xiaotian, he called Duan Ziyan over and asked, "Where is City of Hope?"

Duan Ziyan didn't understand why Lin Chen asked this question.

But she has completely worshiped and believed in Lin Chen, so she naturally answered Lin Chen's question honestly, "My lord, the City of Hope is in the east of the city.

As for the specific location, we don't know, because we have been unable to break through the siege of zombies and move eastward! "


Lin Chen frowned slightly. Judging from his current location, he was located in the westernmost part of the city.

In other words, City of Hope and his position are in two extreme positions.

Judging from the size of the city he observed, if he wanted to go to the east, he would probably be at least two hundred kilometers away.

The reason why he asked City of Hope was that it had the largest population and the largest number of corresponding women, allowing him to find more women like Duan Ziyan to attract zombies.

If you want to attract zombies from the whole city, you can only use a large number of women like Duan Ziyan.

It seems that City of Hope also discovered this, so they took some way to cover up or weaken the aura of those women, which did not lead to a large-scale attack by the zombies.

"Yes, my lord, the east is far away from us, and there is a river with a width of several hundred meters in the middle. Several bridges across this river have collapsed. Without ships, We can't reach the east!"

Duan Ziyan said again.

There is a river in this city, which traverses the entire middle of the city, dividing the city into east and west parts.

If the zombies did not break out, there would be several river-crossing bridges connecting the east and west.

And now those bridges have all collapsed, and it is no longer possible to reach the east by bridge.

In addition, because the city was filled with zombies, the ships on the river also stopped operating, and many ships were even captured by zombies.

"Oh? I didn't expect it to be so troublesome! But the collapse of the bridge not only blocked the survivors, but also blocked the zombies!"

Lin Chen frowned and thought for a while, and already had some ideas in his mind.

Now that the zombies in the east and west are divided into two, it is impossible for him to rely on the women of City of Hope to attract the zombies in the whole city.

Right now, we can clear the zombies in the western region first, and then go to the east.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen asked again: "By the way, besides you, are there any other gathering places for survivors, preferably ones with a lot of women!"

If Duan Ziyan didn't know that Lin Chen wanted to use women to lure zombies, she would have to think that Lin Chen had other dirty purposes for asking this question.

She thought for a while, and replied honestly: "It is not easy for women to survive in the doomsday, and it is even more difficult to keep their innocence. If it is said that the gathering place that is most helpful to the plan of the gods, I am afraid that there is only one called Iron Man." Ladies are gathering!"

"Iron Lady?"

Lin Chen was a little surprised.

Since when has there been a gathering place with this name?

Duan Ziyan quickly explained: "This iron lady gathering place is composed of all women, and their team is said to have more than 5000 people, which is one of the largest gathering places in the western region!

Perhaps, there will be more virgin women among them, as long as you find them, God's plan to lure zombies will take a big step towards you! "

Duan Ziyan already knew about this place where the Iron Maidens gathered.

Originally, she had the opportunity to join it, but because her brother Duan Wuqing was in Hua Lao's gathering place, she didn't want to be separated from him.

Only women can join the gathering place of the Iron Maiden.

In fact, women are often very vulnerable in the doomsday world. If they want to survive, they must report to the group to keep warm besides attaching to a powerful gathering place.

Generally, powerful gathering places are controlled by men. In these gathering places controlled by men, if women want to get shelter, they must pay a certain price, and paying innocence is one of them.

This is also why there are more than a hundred women in Hualao's gathering place, but there are very few virgin women.

Duan Ziyan, it is only because of the existence of Duan Wuqing that no one dares to do anything to her, otherwise it is impossible for her to remain innocent now.

In addition, the reason why Xiaotian was not defiled was because of Duan Ziyan's protection.

However, this problem does not exist in the Iron Maiden gathering place.

This enclave is made up entirely of women who are self-reliant.

"Where are the Iron Maidens gathered?"

Lin Chen asked directly.

From Duan Ziyan's remarks, Iron Maiden has more than 5000 members, presumably it can provide him with enough bait.

"Master God, I saw the mark they left a week ago, it seems to be in the 502nd block in the west! It is about [-] kilometers away from us!"

Duan Ziyan took out a wrinkled map, pointed to one of the locations and said in affirmation.

Lin Chen glanced at the location and said, "You and Xiaotian follow me, and the others stay here first!"

"it is good!"

In Duan Ziyan's eyes, Lin Chen is a god, since it is the will of the gods, of course she will not disobey.

As for the safety of the Hualao gathering place after they left, she was not worried.

Once they leave, it will inevitably weaken the attraction of the Hualao gathering place to the zombies.

Secondly, Lin Chen had already wiped out the zombies with a radius of nearly ten kilometers around the Hualao gathering place, and it was unlikely that new zombies would appear in a short period of time.

Thirdly, she believes that the combat effectiveness of the Hualao Gathering Area can fully cope with general crisis situations.

Duan Ziyan went back to bid farewell to the rest of the gathering place.

Lin Chen was not short of time.

Duan Wuqing looked at Duan Ziyan on the roof of a high-rise building where Hua Lao gathered, and said earnestly: "Sister Ziyan, this time you have been selected by the Lord God to handle affairs, so you must serve the Lord God wholeheartedly, understand?"

"Brother, I understand. I don't know when I will be able to come back after I leave this time. You must protect yourself!"

Duan Ziyan had tears in his eyes.

For so many years, she has never been separated from Duan Wuqing. The brother and sister have experienced countless difficulties together, and it can be said that the relationship is very deep.

"Don't worry, we can even meet the Lord God, which means that God cares for us very much, so you can rest assured to go with the Lord God, I will wait for you to come back here!"

Duan ruthlessly smiled.

He stroked Duan Ziyan's head fondly.

Duan Ziyan hugged him tightly, and the tears in his eyes could no longer hold back, "Brother, I'm leaving, I'll be back soon!"

"Go, remember not to make Lord Shenming unhappy!"

Duan ruthlessly exhorted.

Duan Ziyan let go of Duan Wuqing, and immediately took Xiaotian together, and set foot on the road with Lin Chen to the West 502 Street to find the gathering place of the Iron Maiden.

Along the way, Duan Ziyan and Xiaotian were like two magnets, constantly attracting zombies.

Lin Chen was naturally happy to see the result, and immediately killed all the attracted zombies.

These zombies were horribly weak in front of him, and he could kill them easily.

Seeing Lin Chen kill the zombies so easily, Duan Ziyan's admiration for him became stronger.

You know, when they face zombies, it is very difficult to kill a zombie.

"Look, everyone, what kind of strong man is that? Killing zombies is as easy and freehand as cutting vegetables and radishes!"

In front of the window of a building, a survivor covered in blood pointed at Lin Chen and whispered.

Lin Chen didn't keep a low profile along the way, on the contrary he killed the zombies very high profile.

His purpose is to get other people's attention.

"Wow, he's still a handsome guy. How could he be so fierce? Killing zombies is like playing for fun?"

Behind the window, a good-looking woman took a look. When she saw Lin Chen, her eyes burst out with excitement and admiration.

Women have worshiped strong men since ancient times, and this expression is even more obvious in the apocalypse.

After seeing how powerful Lin Chen was, the woman quickly ran to the window and said to the man covered in blood, "Brother Hai, let's seek refuge with that strong man!"

The man called Brother Hai was obviously moved.

However, he quickly shook his head, "We don't know the identity of this person, if he is not a good person, I'm afraid we will get burned if we go rashly.

Don't forget, there are everyone in the last days, we can't trust others easily, otherwise if this person is like that gathering place, I'm afraid we will be finished! "

As soon as she heard the words "that gathering place", the woman's face changed suddenly, her pupils trembled, and she took a few steps back in horror.

Obviously, there is a deep fear of the so-called "that gathering place".

"Xiaowen, since we escaped from that demonic place, we no longer trust anyone. The stronger the other party is, the more we have to pay attention, otherwise it will be easy to be deceived into that kind of place like before. die!"

The man glanced at the woman and said in a solemn tone.

The woman nodded and said no more.

At the same time, Lin Chen and the others who were moving quickly stopped suddenly.

To be precise, Duan Ziyan stopped.

"what happened?"

Lin Chen asked with a frown.

When he found Duan Ziyan at this moment, his expression was terrified, and his pretty face was even paler, as if he had thought of something terrible.

Hearing Lin Chen's inquiry, Duan Ziyan's eyes struggled a bit, and it took a long time before he said in a low voice: "Master God, I suddenly remembered something, I don't know if I should talk about it or not?"

"Oh? It's okay to say something!"

Lin Chen was rather curious.

What would make Duan Ziyan so panicked?

Duan Ziyan's lips squirmed a few times, he hesitated to speak several times, and finally involuntarily approached Lin Chen a few times before slowly saying: "Master God, there is a legend circulating in our western area these days!"


Lin Chen became interested.

He signaled Duan Ziyan to continue with his eyes.

Duan Ziyan bit her red lips, her delicate body trembling slightly, and said, "My lord, according to that rumor, it is said that there is a gathering place of demons in the western region that specializes in hunting survivors!
They are like ogres, specially coaxing survivors to hunt and eat, very terrifying! "

As soon as this remark came out, Xiaotian on the side suddenly let out a wow, fell to the ground, hugged his knees and began to tremble.

Lin Chen didn't expect such a gathering place to exist in this city.

You must know that in the last city, the most bastard organization he encountered was the demon hunt, and they only plundered the survivors' supplies, and they were far from murderous or even cannibalistic.

"My lord, the zombie virus has broken out for many years. Our city is not rich in resources. Coupled with the threat of zombies, our supplies are becoming more and more difficult to obtain, so some ogre demons have emerged! It is said that these The devil came out of Bandle City Death Penitentiary!"

Duan Ziyan explained: "Originally, these demons were vicious murderers. After the end of the world, morality collapsed, and no one could restrain them. As a result, their ferocious nature did not decrease but increased, and they did not hesitate to attack the same kind!"

Having said that, she looked around vigilantly, and tremblingly said: "If I remember correctly, it is rumored that they are active in this area!"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and glanced around, and found that the zombies were extremely rare in this area, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

At first he didn't pay attention, after all, this kind of environment and atmosphere is everywhere in Doomsday, but now that Duan Ziyan reminded him, he paid more attention.

Originally, Duan Ziyan didn't want to talk about this, because she was afraid to say it, but as soon as she stepped into this area, she unconsciously shuddered, and found that it was as if there were two demon eyes staring at her in the dark.

"Demons, they are demons!"

As Lin Chen looked around, Xiaotian kept repeating this sentence.

Xiaotian's voice trembled extremely, and his eyes were filled with intense panic.

Perhaps because of the fear, Duan Ziyan moved closer to Lin Chen, and explained in a low voice: "Xiao Tian escaped from the gathering place of demons. Although she was not eaten, her spirit has been severely damaged. blow."

"So it is!"

Lin Chen nodded, and said to the two women: "Don't worry, no ghosts or monsters will hurt you if I'm around!"

"Quack quack, huh? Fresh ingredients?"

Just as Lin Chen finished speaking, a piercing manic laughter came.

Duan Ziyan screamed, and couldn't help throwing himself into Lin Chen's arms, hugging Lin Chen tightly, his delicate body trembling uncontrollably.

And Xiaotian looked at it twice, and was frightened to death.

This made Lin Chen very surprised and very angry.

Although Xiaotian's nerves were not normal, she was one of the baits Lin Chen used to lure the zombies, and now she was frightened to death by someone who came, which made him furiously burn in his heart.

He looked coldly in the direction of the sound, and saw a man wearing a prison uniform and bare feet coming out of the darkness.

The man's hair was disheveled, his prison clothes were stained with blood, his face was distorted abnormally, and his mouth was covered with dark red dried blood. He looked very terrifying, like a demon in the world.

This person is one of the members of the demon gathering place.

"Quack quack, one man's fresh ingredients, plus two women's fresh ingredients, this time the harvest is very good!"

The man laughed wildly, staring straight at Lin Chen with a pair of scarlet eyes, as if staring at a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

With a wave of Lin Chen's hand, an invisible big hand grabbed the man's neck and lifted him up.

The smile on the man's face suddenly froze, with a trace of horror in his expression, he said in a hoarse voice: "You, are you an awakener?"

Lin Chen didn't answer, but said coldly: "Take me to your gathering place, or die!"

"Ah, my lord, please forgive me!"

Although the man was evil, he was very afraid of death.

When facing Lin Chen, who is so miraculous and powerful, he was already frightened into a fool. How could he dare to disobey Lin Chen?
Lin Chen threw him on the ground, glanced at Xiaotian who was scared to death, and shook his head silently.

After Duan Ziyan found out that Lin Chen had restrained the members of the demon gathering place, he was slightly relieved, and only then did he see the dead Xiaotian.

She had seen so much death that she was numb.

Xiaotian's death didn't make her feel too much.

However, when she heard that Lin Chen was going to the demon gathering place, she became a little nervous.

The fear in that place had penetrated into her bone marrow, even with Lin Chen, she still felt very scared.

Lin Chen gave her a reassuring look.

Then, led by the fearful man, they rushed towards the demon gathering place.

The reason why he went to the devil's gathering place was not to uphold some justice, it was purely because one of his bait Xiaotian was killed by this guy, which made him a little angry.

At this moment, in a low building, 38 men in prison uniforms are busy with something.

The men had messy hair and wore the bucket shoes and plastic aprons of a butcher.

They held all kinds of knives used by butchers in their hands.

In front of them, survivors were suspended one by one.

These people intend to treat these survivors the way a butcher treats livestock.

Fear and despair spread in the hearts of these survivors.

Those survivors who were not hung up, but temporarily held in cages, all huddled in the corners of the cages, with fear on their faces.

They knew what was in store for those who were hung.

I also know that if they can't escape, their fate will be the same as these hanging survivors, and they will become the meal of these demons in the near future.

"Damn devil, even if I become a ghost, I won't let you go!"

A hanging man roared at those people.

However, those people were like a numb butcher, not only didn't care at all, but laughed wildly one by one.

In their eyes, this man is about to turn into a dead man, to become their food and excrement.

How could they care about this kind of man?

"Ahhh, you demons, even if I can't deal with you, sooner or later someone will kill you!"

The man growled again.

At this time, a tall man wearing a ghost mask walked over.

Seeing this man, the rest of the demon members hurriedly stopped their movements, and half-kneeled on the ground in unison to say hello, "Boss!"

"Well, how are the ingredients prepared?"

asked the chief.

One of the vicious-looking bald demon members quickly responded, "Boss, the ingredients for the ten men are already in the process of being processed, and they can be slaughtered after washing them with water later!"

"Well, that's great!"

The leader nodded, looked at the people in the iron cage again, and said with some disappointment, "Why are there so few ingredients now? Have all the ingredients been eaten up by the zombies?"

Their so-called ingredients are these living survivors.

These people were all tricked by them.

Most of them thought that they could be protected here, but they never thought that not only could they not be protected at all, but they would fall into a demon cave that was more terrifying than facing zombies.

"Boss, there are already legends about us outside. Many survivors know what we did in the gathering place. Now few ingredients are fooled!"

The bald man said again: "However, Ah Qi has already gone out to look for ingredients actively, so I think there should be some gains!"

"Damn it, it's because we were not careful enough. We accidentally released a few ingredients before, otherwise what we did would not be known to other survivors!"

One of the demon members said in hatred.

"Okay, when will Xiaoqi come back, you can deal with these ingredients after he comes back!"

The leader seemed to be in a bad mood, waved his hand, and prepared to leave after leaving a word.

At this time, with a bang, their door was knocked open, and a figure flew in.

The figure fell directly in front of the ghost-faced leader, who else could it be if it wasn't the member called "Little Seven"?


For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Ya sparrow is silent!
Involuntarily staring at the broken door.

Even the survivors were staring over there.

They seemed to have a premonition of something, each of them held their breath and concentrated, and a glint of hope appeared in their eyes involuntarily.

Under the eyes of everyone, a man and a woman walked in.

The man had his hands behind his back, his expression indifferent and majestic.

The woman looked terrified and looked very disturbed.

The people who came were Lin Chen and Duan Ziyan.

When Duan Ziyan saw the Shura-like scene with his own eyes, he immediately vomited.

Lin Chen didn't feel anything. He had killed countless people in his life, and such scenes were just unpopular small scenes to him.

"who are you?"

The leader of the demon gathering place stared at Lin Chen and asked.

There was no trace of fear in his eyes because of Lin Chen's forceful intrusion, on the contrary he was very excited.

Because in his opinion, whether it is Lin Chen or Duan Ziyan, it is undoubtedly not the food that is delivered to the door.

"The one who will kill you!"

Lin Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and with a wave of his big hand, thousands of wind blades were formed directly, beheading and killing those demon members.

Seeing that Lin Chen had created so many wind blades out of thin air, the demon members were all stunned.

puff puff puff
Those wind blades quickly cut across the bodies of those demons, cutting off their limbs with incomparable precision, turning them into crawling shrimps with no resistance.

"You, are you an awakener?"

Looking at the 38 members who were seriously injured in an instant, the demon leader's pupils widened in disbelief.

However, there is no room for his disbelief at this moment.

Dozens of wind blades quickly cut through his limbs with the momentum of wind and clouds.

His limbs were cut off in an instant.

Like everyone else, he directly turned into a crawling shrimp, lingering on the ground.

"I'm sure you're all holding your breath, go, let's vent your anger!"

After raising his hand to severely injure the demons, Lin Chen rescued the survivors.

As soon as the survivors were released, they all went crazy, picking up the knives on the ground and crazily taking revenge.

Soon, all the members of these demon gathering places died miserably.

The whole gathering place is like a purgatory on earth.

Those who vented their anger quietly calmed down, and looked at the cruel scene all over the floor, and continued to vomit.

Lin Chen and Duan Ziyan walked out.

It was as if Lin Chen had just done a trivial thing.

"My lord, please stay!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind Lin Chen.

He stopped, turned his head to look, and saw a shirtless man covered in blood hurriedly leading a group of people.

This man was the one who was hung up just now and dared to yell at the demon members.

In fact, he was the leader of a gathering place.

It was his misjudgment of the demon gathering place that brought the whole gathering place into the devil's tale of the devil gathering place, and almost killed the members of the whole gathering place.

Fortunately, Lin Chen arrived in time, otherwise, even if he died, he would not be able to rest in peace.

"What's the matter with you?"

Lin Chen asked.


The people who came came knelt down in unison, kowtowed to Lin Chen continuously, and then said to the man in the lead: "My lord, you saved us and let us avenge our revenge. We don't know what to call you yet!"

"It turned out to be this matter!"

Lin Chen thought for a while, and directly told them his name.

"Lin Chen? Master Lin?"

Those people chewed on the name and said excitedly, "Master Lin, we will remember your kindness forever!"

Lin Chen didn't say much, and left directly.

He knew that from tonight on, these people would be grateful to him, believe in him and worship him.

More importantly, they will spread the news of him destroying the demon gathering place throughout the world.

It can be said that the slaughter of the demon gathering place this time is not only very worthwhile.

"My lord, so your surname is Lin!"

After witnessing the slaughter of the demon gathering place with his own eyes, Duan Ziyan heaved a sigh of relief. He was no longer so afraid, but relaxed.

Right now, she feels that Lin Chen is approachable and approachable, and he is not as lofty as the gods she imagined.

"Well, my name is Lin Chen!"

Lin Chen didn't hide it.

"Lin Chen, Mr. Lin, what a good name!"

Perhaps because of the absence of the pressure of the demon gathering place, the mood has become more relaxed, and Duan Ziyan's words have become more frequent.

She asked curiously: "By the way, my lord, where are you from?"


Lin Chen stopped in his tracks, glanced at the sky, and laughed wryly at himself, "I come from a very far away place!"

"Far? How far?"

Duan Ziyan was very curious, raised his head and asked.

At this moment, Duan Ziyan, the zombie blood stains on her face have been cleaned, and she seems to be in a good mood, she looks like a newly grown girl next door, very pure and charming.

"Do you know the fairy world?"

Lin Chen suddenly asked back.

Duan Ziyan was stunned for a moment. She had heard of the term fairy world from some film and television works, and it belonged to a legendary place.

At first she didn't believe that this place existed, but after seeing Lin Chen's various miraculous methods, she believed most of it.

"Could it be that you are from the fairy world, a legendary fairy?"

Duan Ziyan asked in surprise.

Lin Chen nodded and said with a wry smile: "Strictly speaking, I am the supreme being in charge of the entire fairy world!"

Duan Ziyan gasped.

She never expected Lin Chen to be so powerful.

She didn't doubt Lin Chen's statement at all.

"Then, Your Majesty the Immortal Realm, did you come to our world to save us from the dire straits?"

Duan Ziyan asked boldly.

She and the other survivors were almost desperate, and now that the great man Lin Chen had come, how much she hoped that Lin Chen could save them.

Lin Chen laughed out loud.

In the laughter, there was some bitterness, as well as various emotions such as anger and hatred.

Save the world from its dire straits?
Feel sorry!

He is not a saint!
He did all this just to allow himself to return to the fairyland as soon as possible, and to seek revenge on Fairy Ziyuan and Immortal Emperor Shura.

"My lord, I, did I say something wrong, I deserve to die, please punish me!"

Seeing that Lin Chen just laughed and didn't speak, Duan Ziyan's expression changed, and he fell to his knees in panic.

However, when she was about to kneel down, a powerful force helped her up.

Then, I heard Lin Chen say: "You didn't say anything wrong, I was just laughing at the past, everything is in the past!"

These words were a bit inexplicable, Duan Ziyan couldn't understand, and didn't dare to ask more.

In short, through this conversation, she respected Lin Chen even more.

The two continued to walk forward without saying a word.

Along the way, Lin Chen continued to shake and kill the zombies attracted by Duan Ziyan.

After an unknown amount of time, a piece of text painted with blue paint appeared on a wall in front of them, "One kilometer ahead, the place where the Iron Maiden gathers, men are not allowed, only women are allowed to enter!"

Seeing this text, Lin Chen frowned slightly.

Duan Ziyan quickly said: "My lord in the fairy world, why don't you wait here for a while, and I will talk to their leaders?"

Lin Chen nodded.

He came to the gathering place of the Iron Maiden this time mainly because he wanted to borrow some virgin women to help him lure zombies so that he could kill as many zombies as possible.

The Iron Maiden gathering place is composed entirely of women, with a conservative estimate of more than [-] members. It is relatively easy to find qualified women here.

There are no zombies along the way from this wall to the Iron Maiden gathering place one kilometer away, and it seems that they have been wiped out by the Iron Maiden and the others.

Duan Ziyan did not encounter any danger along the way.

After parting from Duan Ziyan, Lin Chen flew directly to a tall building, where he sat cross-legged and meditated.

After Duan Ziyan entered the sphere of influence of the Iron Maiden gathering place, some members of the Iron Maiden gathering place had already discovered her.

At this moment, a woman lying on the roof with a sniper rifle put away her sniper, went to the edge of the roof and shouted at the people below: "Someone is coming!"

Immediately, two women with submachine guns opened the door and rushed out, walking forward cautiously.

Soon, they met Duan Ziyan.

When they saw that Duan Ziyan was a woman, they first looked up and down, and then the older woman asked, "Sister, where are you from?"

"I'm a survivor! I have something important to discuss with your leader!"

Duan Ziyan said straight to the point.

The two women looked at each other.

They had never met Duan Ziyan before, and they wanted to meet their leader as soon as he came.

At first they thought Duan Ziyan was here to take refuge in them.

Not at all.

Involuntarily, the two women became a little vigilant.

"What important matter do you have to discuss with our leader? Can't you discuss it with us?"

said the older woman.

Duan Ziyan shook his head and said to himself: "I'm sorry, this is really not going to work, please go and inform me that someone wants to discuss with your leader about killing zombies on a large scale!"

"Mass killing zombies?"

The two women immediately thought of the army, and the older woman looked at Fan Duanziyan again and asked, "Are you from City of Hope?"

Because only City of Hope currently has an army in this city.

Only the army can kill zombies on a large scale.

As for the Awakened, they had no hope.

So they immediately thought that Duan Ziyan was from City of Hope.

In fact, they also want to ask City of Hope for help.

It's just that they couldn't break through the zombie's blockade, and couldn't convey the distress message.

"You can think so!"

Duan Ziyan lied.

She knew that if this was not the case, the other party would not be willing to report to the leader.

Sure enough, when the two women heard Duan Ziyan came from City of Hope, their attitudes changed immediately.

The young one among them warmly received Duan Ziyan, and the older one asked Duan Ziyan to wait, and she immediately reported to the leader.

Duan Ziyan naturally has no objection.

Soon, a woman in her early thirties who looked like an iceberg came out.

The woman was very beautiful and attractive, but she gave people a feeling of refusal to be thousands of miles away.

Although she was in her early thirties, she looked like a girl in her early twenties. It was hard to imagine that this girl was actually Leng Moran, the leader of the Iron Lady Gathering!

"The leader, this is the lady, she said she came from City of Hope!"

The older woman introduced.

Leng Moran looked at Duan Ziyan lightly, and asked, "Sister, it is said that you have something important to talk to me about?"

Her voice was also cold, as if she had no emotion.

Under Leng Moran's eyes, Duan Ziyan suddenly felt that he had been seen through.

Moreover, she found that Leng Moran's temperament and appearance were too amazing, even if she was in front of Leng Moran, she still felt like a clown duck.

Even facing Leng Moran, she felt a little ashamed to hold her head up.

But when she thought that Lin Chen was still waiting, she plucked up her courage and said, "Boss, to be precise, it's not me who wants to talk to you, but a supreme god from the fairy world who wants to talk to you!"

"Immortal world? Supreme god?"

Leng Moran froze for a moment, then chuckled lightly.

She felt that Duan Ziyan had mental problems.

How can there be any supreme god in the fairy world?

If there were such people, I'm afraid they would have escaped from this sea of ​​suffering long ago.

"Bring this sister in, let the doctor examine her to see if there is something wrong with her!"

Leng Moran paused and confessed.

Immediately afterwards, she shook her head in disappointment, turned around and was about to leave.

Before she decided to come out, she thought that Duan Ziyan really came from City of Hope, but unfortunately it was obviously not, how could she not be disappointed?
Right now, in the entire Bandle City, only the City of Hope has the strength to save them from the dire straits, and other forces simply cannot.


The two women were about to take Duan Ziyan away when they heard a voice, "Wait a minute!"

Hearing this voice, all the girls were taken aback, and immediately looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw a young man walking slowly towards the sound.

The young man had his hands behind his back and his expression was elegant, giving people a majestic and invincible feeling.

"Master Supreme God?"

Duan Ziyan exclaimed.

When the girls in Leng Moran saw Lin Chen, they were stunned for a moment, and then all of them changed their expressions.

"Who let you in?"

The older woman pointed a gun at Lin Chen and questioned him.

The territory where the Iron Maidens gather only accepts women to enter, and men are not allowed to enter.

Leng Moran stared at Lin Chen coldly, as if he wanted to see through Lin Chen.

"Boss, two sisters, this is what I call the Supreme God. He comes from the fairy world, and he is a god with great supernatural powers! He is the one who wants to talk to the leader about killing zombies on a large scale!"

Duan Ziyan quickly explained.

Leng Moran frowned.

I thought that there was something wrong with these two people.

More and more outrageous!

What fairyland!
What god?
All this is too ridiculous, right?

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