Prehistoric: Opening Awakening Hongmeng Painting Saint System

Prehistoric: Opening Awakening Hongmeng Painting Saint System


603 Chapters Completed Status


Chu Xiao was reborn on the top of the prehistoric mountain, in the midst of a battle between Taoism and demons, activated the Hongmeng scroll system, and became the greatest threat to Hongjun Taoist ancestor.
"Congratulations to the host for completing the Buzhou Mountain Map, with a system rating of S!"
In the prehistoric world, a picture of mountains and rivers spanning millions of miles was unfolded, and countless powerful people in the prehistoric world fell into it, and the shackles of the realm were instantly broken.
Houtu: "This thing must have come from someone who has transcended the great way!"
Ancestor Hongyun: "If I can meet this person, I will worship him as my master and serve him day and night!"
Old Ancestor Minghe: "There is such a big movement as soon as he makes a move. His background must be extraordinary, and he may be able to guide me in the way of killing."
Fuxi: "..."
Nuwa: "..."
Saint Tongtian: "I calculated that the tall man must live in seclusion on the top of Buzhou Mountain, and we can go to pay homage together."
In the future, the three thousand guests from Zixiao will appear on the top of Buzhou Mountain one after another to learn from Chu Xiao.

Main characters: Chu Xiao, Hou Tu,

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