Chen Sheng personally escorted her here, not even a guard,
because I don't want to attract attention,
Chen Sheng wants to carry out a horse training plan here.

He went to the small black room to fight Han Nuan out,
When I walked to Xiaotaoyuan,
Han Nuan also smelled a special smell through the bag, it was the breath of nature,

Then Chen Sheng opened the door of that wooden house, and closed the door after entering.

After putting Han Nuan on the ground, he took off her hood,
Due to too much force, Han Nuan's hair was messed up the moment it was lifted,

"Take it easy~"

The woman said angrily.

Only then did she realize that she was in a new house,
It's just that the architectural style is different from those of reinforced concrete.
It is made of wood, ancient style, and even the bed is covered with gauze curtains.

Although this room is not big, it is very quiet. Being in it, it seems to be much calmer.

"This will be your new cell from now on."

As Chen Sheng spoke, he began to untie her.
Thin hands first, then tender feet,
And the neck and chest, and finally the waist,
Han Nuan didn't quite understand Chen Sheng's operation.

The little black house was closed well, why did you move suddenly?

Chen Sheng said coldly,

"You are not allowed to go out without my permission, understand?"

Han Nuan didn't say anything, she had a temper tantrum for many days and it still hasn't healed.
"do you understand?"

Chen Sheng wanted to slap her, which made her heart beat,


"Hmph!" Chen Sheng smiled triumphantly, and then left.

After the door was closed, Han Nuan felt a little lonely,
She really wanted to stop Chen Sheng, wanted to talk to him,
But I was afraid that people would bother her,
Suddenly there was a sound outside,
"Oh, it hurts, brother!"

Han Nuan recovered from her loneliness,

At this time the door was opened again, it was Chen Sheng,
She looked happy, and wanted to say something quickly,
But as soon as his chest rose and fell, Chen Sheng said,
"Give you a snake, use it to make soup to replenish your body."

Then a little white snake was thrown over,

Han Nuan hurriedly caught it subconsciously, and without waiting for a reaction, Chen Sheng left again.

She stared at the door in a daze for a long time, feeling a little resentful,

Xiaobai's sigh came from her arms, she had already transformed into a human form,
She followed her secretly during this trip, but she was discovered by Chen Sheng unexpectedly.

"Sister, why are you so cowardly?"

"What?" Han Nuan blushed slightly.

"You can ask brother to stay if you want, why are you so polite now?"

"No way!" Han Nuan turned his head away,
"Who wants him to stay, I don't want to."

Xiaobai lay on Han Nuan's lap, revealing the unique charm of the snake demon.
"Sister, you can't please brother like this,

Be submissive in front of men, don't be tough, and don't play dead,
Brother, this person can hold a grudge, although now you have moved to a better place,

But that doesn't mean I forgive you. "

Originally in a good mood, Han Nuan felt aggrieved when Xiaobai said that.
"I know, I'm already hated by him, alas~"

Seeing her like this, Xiaobai covered his face and snickered,
Simply walk up behind her, touch her,

"Sister, next time he comes, give him a good face and take the initiative.

My brother is soft but not hard, don't you want to reconcile with him? "

Han Nuan was a little embarrassed, but in front of her younger sister, she didn't hold it up anymore.
"I think~ But, is he willing to be with me? That Mr. Smelly."

"Sister, look at you, learn to speak nice words, learn to be gentle,
If you keep fighting against him, it definitely won't work! "

Xiaobai began to teach him how to get along with Chen Sheng,
"My brother is a straight man, he is not good at words, his heart is all in action."

The second daughter looked at this paradise,

"Here is his mind,

So sister, just say something nice,

Keep your head down and be cowardly, so what can you do?

No man likes a girl who feels too oppressive,
Even if you are really good, don't show it in front of him,

Tenderness is a woman's greatest weapon. "

Xiaobai said a lot about the shocking three views between men and women,
Han Nuan seemed to have opened up a new world,
Is that so?
Without Xiaobai, she probably would never understand these in her entire life.

As expected of Xiaobai, Xiaobai is someone who has been by Chen Sheng's side for decades.
But Han Nuan still couldn't learn it, and the last arrogance was still supporting her.

Xiaobai looked at his sister meaningfully,

She knew that her sister would inevitably suffer from her brother.

Alas, what should come will always come, so let's be happy first.

As she spoke, she wrapped herself around Han Nuan and tickled her,

She didn't want to do it,

"Aha! Don't!"


Han Nuan grabbed her under control,

"You dare to tease me, don't you? See how I deal with you!"

Then the two sisters started playing in the hut,
The tender voices of the two women echoed, it was simply the sound of nature.

They open with a snap,

After the two girls chased them out, they smelled the fragrance of flowers in the garden and saw the peach color in the garden,
Han Nuan was so excited that she almost cried out,

But she still couldn't hold back and called out.

“So beautiful~”

Xiaobai ran to the peach tree in the yard, burrowed into the peach blossom branch,
"This is a small peach blossom courtyard built by my brother for you.
The flowers and plants here are all cultivated by new technology. "

Han Nuan covered her mouth in surprise, this place is simply the paradise in her dreams,
In the last days, such a vibrant environment is a distant dream for people.
Her admiration for Chen Sheng added a little more.

A gust of wind blew up the peach blossoms in the garden, Han Nuan couldn't help but danced,

Of course, it's just one or two small movements that can't be restrained,

But this aroused Xiaobai's excitement,
"Sister, so you like dancing too!"

She hurried down to get entangled with Han Nuan, and started chasing and playing,
When I was tired, I sat down by the small pool,

The two small stools have already been placed there,
Just waiting for the buttocks of the two little girls to fall.

These two sisters play here every day,
Han Nuan almost forgot that she was a female commander, female military strategist,

The shelves are getting lower and lower, and the clothes I wear are getting more and more floating.
The hip-length ponytail spread out, fluttered in the wind, and swayed on the peach buttocks,
She even wore flowers in her head,
Xiaobai helped her do this, and now she is a perfect peach blossom beauty.

But things won't be that simple,

In the next few days, Xiaobai stopped coming.
Some are Chen Sheng's occasional visits,

Forced luck, fancy luck.

After all, Han Nuan can't decide on this matter.
She was used to it as early as in the small black house,
If you are lucky, you will be lucky.

But what she didn't expect was Chen Sheng's perverted methods.

These days, that man treats Han Nuan hot and cold, good and bad,
Give her a cup of milk tea when she is happy,
When you are not happy, just close the door and make a big deal!

And make her do some very humiliating things,
If you don't agree, don't even think about getting out of bed for three days and three nights!
Han Nuan was in so much pain that she walked around with her body empty every day.

I thought life would be easier when I moved to this little Taoyuan,
Unexpectedly, Chen Sheng got even worse.

She also wanted to escape, but thought that she stayed behind on her own initiative.

If you run away again, what's your face?
For the sake of this face, she insisted on confronting Chen Shenggang,

No matter how you torture me, just keep silent and don't bow your head.

At first she could bear it,

But as time went by, Han Nuan's heart slowly wavered,
My mind is getting more and more confused,

Because Chen Sheng not only tortured her, but also had tender moments!

He even bought food for her, changed the water in her pool himself,
I will also apply medicine to her wound with my own hands,

Although the wound was originally caused by Chen Sheng.

This made Han Nuan emotional countless times,
She really can't stand the feeling of slapping you and giving you candy,

Han Nuan felt a sense of confusion,

She couldn't figure out Chen Sheng more and more.

The more you can't figure it out, the more you like to figure it out.

The more you ponder, the more you go up and sink in deeply.

The result is that it becomes a constant thought,

Eating, sleeping, and going to the toilet are all pictures of Chen Sheng.

If things go on like this, no matter how firm the will is, it will be wiped out.

In the end, she fell madly in love with Chen Sheng,

But also mentally broken.

She didn't know whether it was love or hate, anyway, she couldn't bear this state anymore.

"Sir! Make up with me, I won't dare again!"

She knelt on the ground begging Chen Sheng, pulled his pants,

She didn't know what to dare, in short, she didn't dare anymore,
"Sir, can you stay today, don't go!"

Talking nonsense in my head,
Tears stained his cheeks and flowed into his chest, soaking his whole body.

Chen Sheng looked down at the woman with a blank expression on his face.

Then turned away.

She lay on the ground crying, crying hard,
Shouting to the door, shouting hard.

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