Pan Dengan was puzzled, he didn't know how to tame women,

"Brother Chen, what exactly do you want to do?"

"It's nothing~" Chen Sheng smiled mysteriously,
"I'm just going to punish her severely so that she won't dare to be arrogant anymore. I'll go, I'll go now."

And off he goes.

Climbing An was directly confused, waved his hands and said:

"Hey~ Didn't you just finish going, why did you go again?"

No one knew what Chen Sheng was thinking, but of course he would not let Han Nuan go easily,

This time, I want her to surrender voluntarily.

day by day...

Every time Chen Sheng came to that little black room, he would touch Xiao Bai's heart,

Because seeing his posture, he wished he could eat this woman,
Han Nuan in the little black room was crying, Xiaobai certainly knew what his brother was doing,
She doesn't worry about this, what worries her is that her brother will kill her sister one day if he is upset,
After all, no one knows what this ruthless man is thinking.

But Chen Sheng will not kill Han Nuan,
First, Han Nuan is a bargaining chip, useful,

Secondly, the little girl is still quite moist.

Originally, Han Nuan was quite likable nine years ago, and Chen Sheng would still feel sorry for him,
But this time she made a mistake, so don't blame brother's little leather whip,

After all, a good horse needs to be tamed.

But Xiaobai is still very worried. She has to follow her every time and stay outside.
If there are screams from inside, it means nothing is wrong.

If there is a sudden silence, she will rush in immediately.

Suddenly one day, Chen Sheng walked back from the outside like the wind,
He ran towards Han Nuan's small black room with a blank expression on his face,
This scene frightened Xiao Bai, and she quickly followed.

As soon as Chen Sheng pushed open the door, Han Nuan was meditating, and was startled,
After she regained her composure, she was also not used to seeing it.

Then he skillfully adjusted his posture, ready to meet Chen Sheng...

Just when she closed her eyes tightly and her expression was tense, her hands and feet suddenly relaxed,
Opening his eyes, Chen Sheng had already untied her rope,
Then he said lightly, "Let's go."

Then the man went out, leaving Han Nuan sitting there in a daze.

Not long after Chen Sheng went out, Xiao Bai walked in with surprise on his face.
She knelt down on the ground and helped Han Nuan remove the rope all over her body.

"Sister, that's great, brother promised to let you go,

You see, I'll just say it, and it will be fine when his anger subsides. "

Han Nuan stared at the door in a daze,
Facing Xiaobai's concern and happiness, she did not respond,
Just thinking about why Chen Sheng let her go.

After a while, Xiao Bai walked out of the small black room with Han Nuan on his arm.
She hasn't smelled fresh air for days,

Suddenly there is a feeling of happiness.

"Sister, let's go, it's inconvenient for you to stay here, I'll take you out."

"What do you mean?" Han Nuan asked suspiciously.

Xiaobai is secretive,
"It's okay, sister, let's go, let's go."

Then he took her hand and walked towards the gate of the city.

Along the way, the people in the city saw Han Nuan as if they were seeing a plague god.

hide, hide, fear,
A few more impulsive ones wanted to come up and beat her.

"Dog government, bah!"

"Devil, why didn't the city lord kill her?"

"My child, my child died because of her!"

"Just let her go? What about our dead people?"

The more Han Nuan listened, the more uncomfortable he felt.
She has fought many battles and killed many people,

But it was the first time I felt so guilty, so uncomfortable.

All of this was arranged by Chen Sheng, and his purpose was to punish his heart.

Han Nuan had nothing to say, she was also lifeless along the way,
I was quite happy to get out of the small black house, but this time it was even more uncomfortable.

At the gate of the city, Xiaobai looked at Han Nuan softly,

"Sister, hurry up and go, take care of yourself in the future."


Han Nuan grabbed her hand, not knowing what to say,
"Sister, I don't blame you, and my brother doesn't hate you either,
It's just that you don't come here again. "

The words were very gentle, but Han Nuan almost cried to death,
What do you mean don't come again?This is a bit sad.

The positions of the two sides have become divisive.
This time you don't come again, it's a decision, but also a feeling,
Because Xiaobai didn't want to meet Han Nuan again on the battlefield.

Han Nuan turned his back to the snowy mountains, looked at Xiao Bai with moist eyes,

With this going, Sun City will lose its bargaining chips.
The world government will definitely use all its strength to attack,

Because Chen Sheng has already made the world government lose face,
It is impossible to let this place continue to exist.

Even if Chen Sheng is personally immortal,
But this small city can't resist the regular army of the World Government at all.

As long as a heavy weapon bomb is dropped, the small town will immediately be wiped out.

Then all his hard work for many years will be in vain.

"Sister, let's go, let's go!"

"No!" Han Nuan suddenly said in surprise, "Xiaobai, I can't go."


"As soon as I leave, you are really going to be finished, I can't leave you alone!"

Saying that, Han Nuan walked back to the city resolutely,

No matter how Ren Xiaobai tried to stop her, she just refused to leave.

Han Nuanfei went back to the small black room, locked the door, and tied herself up.

Xiaobai reported the situation to his brother,

Chen Sheng kicked open the door, walked in with a fan,
The two of them just looked at Han Nuan on the ground,
"Are you okay?" Chen Sheng asked sarcastically.

Han Nuan clenched the rope in his hand, then leaned softly against the corner of the wall,

"What I owe you, I will pay you back."

She stretched her waist, revealing her graceful curves,
Then completely relaxed,
"Just stay here for decades, it's okay to be your hostage,

Anyway, what I have is life. "

Saying that, Han Nuan closed his eyes and lay down completely.

Seeing this, both brothers and sisters were speechless for a while,
Never seen one this big.

Xiaobai silently leaned against his elder brother, staring at him meaningfully,

And Chen Sheng was shaking his fan, smiling mysteriously,

"You did it voluntarily."

Then Chen Sheng turned around leisurely and walked out,
and yelled as he went,


"Add double handcuffs to her!"

"Brother, don't do this~"

A woman's scolding came from the small black room,

"Mr. Smelly, don't be too complacent! I'm doing this for Xiaobai! Hmph!"

Han Nuan just stayed, beyond everyone's expectations,
Climbing Ann was originally prepared to deal with the ABCDEF plan of the world government,

Now that Han Nuan stays behind, those plans are all useless.
Because Han Nuan is the best bargaining chip, holding it in your hand is more effective than an atomic bomb.

Sure enough, in the following period of time, Sun City was unexpectedly peaceful,
People expected and expected that government troops would come to sweep Sun City,

As a result, none of them came, not even a plane.

And Chen Sheng's goal has also been achieved, he just wants to conquer this woman from the heart, let her be used by me,
This is just the first step,
Not only is Han Nuan now a bargaining chip that threatens the world government,

It will also be a weapon against the world government in the future,
You have to train and train well.

Let's see how brother can make this woman completely submit to me step by step.

In order to tame her better, Chen Sheng set aside a corner in the city,
Create a secret cell for Han Nuan exclusively for her.

This is the place where Han Nuan was detained!It is a forbidden area in the city!No one is allowed to come,
Except me, Chen Sheng.

He personally built Han Nuan's "prison", and it was completed within a few days.

It's just that here, firstly, there is no prison door, secondly, there are no handcuffs, thirdly, there are no collars and instruments of torture,
Instead, there are singing birds and fragrant flowers, wooden house fences, and peach blossom groves.

Where is this caring about people?It's clearly raising people!

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