The alien species around Yunze dispersed in a rush. No matter how many he had killed before and no matter how fast his reaction was, there were still more than 40 alien species who evacuated.

This is more than 40 nine levels!

If they are allowed to rush into the crowd, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Unless... there is!
Yunze quickly generated a solution in his mind, lifted a corner of the alien corpse that couldn't fit in, and shouted inside: "Turn around, fly towards the gathering place! Don't land!"

"Roger that!"

The little assistant roared, and hurriedly took out the internal communicator and shouted: "Turn around, target gathering place, don't land! Repeat, don't land!"

Yunze vaguely heard the voice of the assistant's order, and felt the plane start to turn, rushing towards the gathering place at a speed close to self-destruct.

At the same time, it rushed towards those alien species!

But soon Yunze frowned...not fast enough.

Even if the speed of the plane is pulled to the limit, it still cannot compare with the speed of those alien species, after all, the size gap between the two is too big.

There are still more than ten kilometers away from the gathering place, and the alien species will invade the gathering place in a few minutes at most.

He didn't even have time to land!

Just as he was frowning and thinking about another solution, eight flashing red dots came into Yunze's eyes, and at the same time accompanied by bursts of roars, they kept approaching the alien species and gradually surrounded them.

That's...Wu Zhi?
Support is here!


"Report, it is close to the heterogeneous group."

Wang Hu sent a message to the Tianxuan Bureau in Wuzhi Nei: "Request fire coverage, repeat, request fire coverage."


Gu Taiping's voice sounded from the communicator.

A frenzy flashed in Wang Hu's eyes, he did not hang up the communicator, but continued to order the other seven Wuzhi: "Fire!"

With an order, countless orange-red rays of light exploded in the night sky, pouring down on those alien species, like a gorgeous fireworks.

That is the crystallization of human wisdom!
When the first round of heavy fire coverage was over, most of the more than 40 aliens were seriously injured, except for a few that were directly killed, and did not die!

Seeing this, Yun Ze frowned...

This is not scientific!
It stands to reason that the damage caused by these firepower is greater than the damage I stabbed with a knife. How can a guy who can be cut in half with one knife be only seriously injured after being bombed like this for a round?

Do these aliens still have buffs that are immune to hot weapons?
If this is the case, then the plan for the alien invasion will have to be redone...

When Yunze was thinking, Wu Zhi had already started the second round of firepower reloading, but at this time, those alien species also found a chance to break through.

Instead of attacking Wu Zhi who was right in front of them, they continued to dive and rushed towards the crowd gathering place!
From this point of view alone, it can be judged that their intelligence is not high.

There is a high probability that the order given by the leader before his death was to attack the crowd, and in their consciousness, this order took precedence over everything else.

"Second round, start!"

Wu Zhi quickly finished reloading, and continued to tilt his fire after chasing the group of alien species. More than 40 of the alien species were seriously injured.

Just when Wang Hu was about to order the third round of fire coverage, Gu Taiping's voice sounded from the communicator.

"Pause the attack! This place is less than one kilometer away from the gathering place. If a stray bullet falls, the loss will be immeasurable!"


Wang Hu frowned and replied, but then asked back: "But Director, there are still about four alien species entering the crowd, and judging from their combat power just now, they are all level nine!
And I don't know why, it's hard for hot weapons to hurt them. Initially, there should be some kind of BUFF or the like. "

"I know, someone will take care of this, you guys should land as soon as possible and check Yunze's condition, I think he... seems to have a lot of blood on his body."


Wang Hu exclaimed, turned his head to look at the private plane that was still diving behind him, and saw the man standing next to the corpse of the alien species at a glance.

Due to the dim light, Wang Hu could only see Yunze's figure, but not the specific situation.

But the figure alone is scary enough!
At this time, he was standing on the top of the plane, without any fixed position around him, just relying on his own control of the body, he was enough to stand on top of the dived down plane.

It looks like it grew out of an airplane!
This is no longer what humans can do, right?
But before he was surprised, he saw the other party making gestures to him, but the distance was too far for him to see clearly.

"Quick! Telescope!"


Chen Zijun was sitting next to Wang Hu, and hurriedly handed him a telescope.

He picked it up and took a look, only to see that Yunze's body was indeed covered with dark red blood, and his clothes had already been torn into countless holes.

In addition to these, he also held the parachute-like umbrella bag in his hand, pointed at it constantly, and closed his lips together.

Wang Hu also learned some lip expressions, Yunze seems to mean... prepare one for me?
Um?Is this necessary?The plane is about to land, with your body control level, do you still need this thing?

Wouldn't it be nice to land with the plane?And even if it is prepared for you, how can I give it to you?
Wang Hu thought so in his heart, but he still took out the loudspeaker and said to the outside: "Got it, prepare an umbrella bag."

After he finished speaking, he took a parachute bag, opened Wu Zhi's hatch, and asked Wu Zhi to approach the special plane, intending to throw it to Yun Ze.

This was the only way he could think of to hand over the umbrella bag to Yunze.

In the binoculars, Yun Ze gave Wang Hu an OK sign and showed a frank smile.

Just when Wang Hu wanted to ask about the other party's situation, the next scene almost made him poke the telescope into his eyes!
Yunze... directly jumped towards Wuzhi!The target seems to be the umbrella bag in his hand!
Now Wuzhi is still some distance away from the special plane, even if the two sides are approaching, there is at least 20 meters away!

What the hell is this guy trying to do!
Wang Hu hurriedly threw the binoculars aside, turned his head to look outside the cabin, and vaguely guessed something.

He didn't dare to move the umbrella bag in his hand, for fear of disturbing Yunze's calculations.

But the moment he turned his head, a black figure flashed past the window, and then he felt that something was missing from his hand.

Umbrella bag, gone.

Wang Hu hurriedly closed the hatch, turned his head and picked up the binoculars, watching the black shadow falling behind him.

Is this guy gambling, or is he really confident that he took the umbrella bag from him?
"Wang Hu."

Gu Taiping's hesitation and question came from the communicator: "Just that Yunze?"


Wang Hu wasn't too sure either, he only saw the 'suspected' figure of Yunze carrying the umbrella bag on his back, and kept swooping towards the gathering place diagonally below!
He suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly picked up the loudspeaker beside him and shouted: "Team Yun! The minimum height for opening the parachute is 300 meters! Pay attention!"

Yunze didn't answer, but just made an OK gesture behind him.


Seeing Yunze's figure, Wang Hu couldn't help roaring, he put an umbrella bag on his back, and jumped down too!

It's not that he doubts that Yunze can't solve the four seriously injured alien species, but that he doesn't want to sit on the plane and watch.

Soldiers should be at the forefront!

Yunze didn't notice the movement behind him.

While landing at high speed, he had no time to be distracted, but focused on the remaining four alien species!

The last four!
He quickly constructed an attack plan in his mind, fully able to ensure that he landed safely while killing the four alien species.

But is this the best solution?
Yunze frowned, and finally made a decision.

He pointed the tooth knife at the alien species farthest from him... to shoot!
The tooth knife drew an arc in the dark night, pierced the alien's chest precisely, and then stayed in the opponent's body.

One head, solve it!

Almost at the same time, he also approached the alien species closest to him, stretched out his hand and twisted the opponent's neck, and at the same time tore off its two claws alive, and threw them in two different directions!

That's where the last two alien species are.

A silver claw directly pierced the head of one of the alien species, killing it on the spot, while the other stabbed into the back of the alien species!
While not hurting the opponent's life, it deprived it of the right to fly!

He intends to leave this alien species to the people below to deal with!
In this battle, Yunze has aroused their self-confidence, and the bloody... They should recover by themselves!

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