The little girl's voice was not low, and many people around heard it.

"Little sister, it's not fun to say that."

"Brother, didn't you say that your daughter likes Team Yun? Why is she still cursed?"

"This... I... Boob."

The father smiled wryly and didn't know what to say, so he looked at Bubu and said, "How about we go back and rest first?"

"I do not!"

Bubu uttered two words, leaning on the armrests of the wheelchair with both hands, trying to stand up and observe the sky closer: "Team Yun took something out of his clothes, it seemed to be a fruit, and he didn't bleed after eating it .”

"But that big monster is still there, and it's starting to get close to Team Yun!"

"Brother, does your daughter want to eat fruit?"

A middle-aged woman asked with a wry smile: "I still have a few apples, how about you use them to coax her?"

"That's the only way to go." The old father also looked helpless.

His daughter was very obedient before. For some reason, this has happened since she reached the fifth level in the dragon vein area.

Not only did the injuries on his body not heal, but other problems appeared instead.

You should know that other people who have entered the dragon vein and upgraded, as long as they have not amputated or cut off a certain part, their physical pains have been relieved.

But my daughter... still couldn't stand up.

"Father! Hurry up! Take me to the soldier uncle! You must tell Team Yun! It's too late!"

Bubu didn't care what the people around him said, while staring at the sky, one hand kept pulling on his father's sleeve.

"Why don't you see a doctor?" The middle-aged woman was full of worry, and she looked at the little girl with pity.

"……no need."

The father stared into Bubu's eyes for a while, then slowly uttered three words, then picked up his daughter and ran towards the nearest soldier.

Now that the world has changed, what if my daughter is so special!

It's about Team Yun's safety, if you say no, it's a waste of resources, but if you don't say... If Team Yun is really injured or even dies because of this incident, then they will be responsible for this matter!
He has to report!
The father ran all the way to the nearest soldier with Bubu in his arms, and roughly told the story.

During the whole process, Boubo kept staring at the sky, his already weak body was still shaking, as if he was afraid.

"Comrade, report quickly!" the father said anxiously to the soldier.

"Comrade, it's not that I don't want to report, it's mainly because you... are so ridiculous!"

The soldier looked helpless, how to report this kind of thing!
If it wasn't for seeing Boo Boo being cute and pitiful, he would have driven her away.

"The big monster is approaching again!"

Bubu pointed at the air, with an anxious expression on his face, he put his hands in front of his mouth like a trumpet, and roared, "Team Yun be careful!"

When these four words roared out from that delicate body, everyone's ears began to tremble, and they fell into a temporary state of deafness.

They turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, their faces full of disbelief.

They still heard those four words, especially... Yunze in the sky!

He just raised his knife to cut down two silver-clawed falcons, and before he could stuff them into the cabin, he felt something approaching behind him.

At the same time, that soft voice exploded in my ears!

Yunze vaguely felt that the voice was a bit familiar, but he didn't think about it, he just turned his head and looked behind him...

In the next moment, he saw a golden eagle claw attacking him!

You are the one!

Not long after he fell into the alien swarm attack, he noticed something was wrong.

These alien species are all only level nine. Judging from the silver bone wild wolves of the same level, they should not be able to reach the point of wisdom, at most they only have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Without command, it is impossible to launch an attack on oneself without fear of life and death.

Unless there is something like the wolf king in it.

So not long after the battle, he deliberately sold some flaws, even at the expense of exposing his back, intending to use his injuries in exchange for that guy's shot, and then wait for the opportunity to cut him down!

But unfortunately, that beast is smarter than he imagined.

It seemed to have sensed Yunze's intentions, and didn't make another shot, but continued to be besieged and consumed by the alien group.

In order to stabilize his injuries, Yunze had no choice but to swallow an upgrade fruit, allowing himself to be promoted to the twelfth level, and continue to kill these alien species.

It's just that he didn't even expect that the beast would attack shortly after he swallowed the fruit, let alone a familiar voice reminding him!
But none of that matters anymore.

When Yunze found the other party, the ending was already doomed.

Judging from the fact that the opponent only stretched out this one claw, it should still be hidden in the alien group, planning to retreat after missing a single blow.

How could Yunze make it go his way?

He first avoided the golden claw's attack on his side, then grabbed the leg with his left hand, and pulled hard, trying to drag the beast out of the alien group!


A mournful cry sounded from within the alien group, and the golden claw began to retreat forcefully.

Unfortunately, it was in vain after all.

With the blessing of various BUFFs, Yunze's combat power at level 12 has already reached [-]!As long as this alien species does not exceed level [-], it is here to deliver food.

It's just that Yunze's combat experience is too little. When he used his left hand to control the opponent, the surrounding nine-level alien species also found a chance to attack.

One paw, another paw!
They all greeted Yunze's head and back.

Although they only have [-] combat power, they can still cause some damage to him, especially under the repeated attacks, Yun Ze still saw blood on his body.

But he didn't have the mind to care about these things now, seeing that one hand couldn't pull the opponent, he simply held the dental knife backwards, held the upper end of the golden claw with both hands at the same time, and pulled hard!
"You give me... come down!"

A huge dark golden eagle falcon was dragged out of the alien group and smashed hard on the top of the plane, causing the whole plane to tremble!
The entire falcon's body is more than ten meters long. If it spreads its wings, it will be at least 30 meters long, which is the height of a ten-story building!
This size can go to the sea to catch sharks.

It is also thanks to the fact that this is a special model developed by the Ministry of National Defense, and the pilot is also a leader in the aviation field, otherwise, the plane would probably crash directly just by this one.

It's too late to change!

Yunze didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, he didn't care about those alien species who were madly attacking, and directly stabbed the tooth knife into the opponent's heart!
After beheading so many of the same species, he can still find the heart.


With the insertion of the dental knife, a mournful cry sounded from its mouth, and the eyes looking at Yunze were full of resentment!

This was the first time he saw such anthropomorphic emotions from the eyes of a different species, and he couldn't help but feel a little lost for a while.

How far have they evolved?
There is this kind of wisdom above the tenth level. If there are alien species at the [-]th, [-]th, or [-]th level, will they also have the same wisdom as humans?Even have their own text, history, and then build their own civilization?

Yunze didn't think too much, but stuck the corpse into the gap on the top of the plane, and swung his knife to slash at the surrounding alien species, without even having time to restrain the corpse.

No way, it's too late now!

When the leader died, these falcons seemed to be crazy, no longer besieged Yunze, but started to fly towards the ground!

Their goals have changed!

Now, they want to avenge the leader and kill those weak humans!
Can't beat the strong ones who are at the same level as the leader, can't they beat the weak ones?
This is also the last order of the leader!

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