"Turn off the camera! Hurry up!" A logistician of the Tianxuan Bureau immediately ordered, and he had the responsibility to ensure that the situation would not spread again.

"Open it for me!"

Yunze exerted his strength again, he stood up from his seat, stopped using the microphone, and suppressed the audience with his own voice alone: ​​"Quiet and listen to me!"

The camera didn't know what to do, but out of professional instinct, they still didn't turn off the camera and continued to broadcast live.

The logistics personnel could only stay in a hurry, so he had to call Director Gu, but before he could speak, the other party said five words.

"Be quiet and listen to him."

Well, the old and the young are all crazy!It depends on how crazy you are!
"Do you still remember what those civilizations said about Yanhuang when the selection of heaven just started?"

Yunze didn't sit down again, but stood in front of the stage, frowning and looking in front of him: "Although Yanhuang is big, he has no gods, no background, no history!

Once the election of heaven is opened, the country will be destroyed sooner or later!
I think those around you who had resources and abilities should have started to go abroad, right? "

Everyone fell into memory.

This is a fact, once the election is opened, the number of people going abroad within seven days will be equal to the usual seven years!And this is when the cost and scrutiny have increased several times.

But what does this have to do with alien invasion?Wouldn't this lead to more people going abroad?

"They were wrong."

There was a hint of ridicule in Yunze's eyes: "Yanhuang has no gods? My Yanhuang gods can open up the world at the top, control the celestial phenomena in the middle, and achieve longevity in the bottom! There are more than a million of them!
Yan Huang has no background?Nine dragon veins run through the world!Only one upgrade can advance civilization!
Yanhuang has no history?There are more than [-] years of human civilization, and I, Yanhuang, enjoy [-] years alone!Passed down to this day! "

These words were heart-wrenching, but all the people in the audience looked at Yunze with strange eyes, and occasionally looked at the people around them, as if they were confirming something.

Yunze knew what they were thinking, so he just smiled: "I know, some of you must think I'm crazy.

When I enshrined the Martial Saint, you... thought the same way, right? "

This sentence hits everyone's heart directly!
Not only the people standing in the audience, but also some high-level officials standing in front of the screen were also shocked.


Didn't they also have the same idea when Yunze chopped off the statue?But what is the result?
The Holy Spirit descends!

It's just that some things that happened later made people too happy, diluting the feeling of being slapped in the face. Now that Yunze mentioned it, they only felt that the old face was burning hot.

"Mr. Yun!"

Li Shu raised his hand again, relying on the advantage of having a microphone in his hand, he asked, "Is there any evidence for what you said?"

"Of course!"

Yunze responded, pointing to his head: "It's all here.

The Yanhuang civilization has been cut off since a hundred years ago, and all traces of history, mythology, and civilization have disappeared, but in the chosen space, I... got all of this.

For some reason, this information came out of my head. This should be the revelation given by the God of Creation!He wants Yanhuang to regain his own glory!
In your opinion, the descending of the Martial Saint is the pinnacle, but in my opinion it is just the beginning! "

Yes, he lied!A big lie to deceive all living beings!
"The God of Creation? You mean the God of Creation who opened up the chosen space, and he is also the God of Yanhuang?" Li Shu asked hurriedly, and even walked to the front of the stage, standing opposite Yunze.

There was no way, the preparation was hasty, and there was only one microphone for questioning. If she didn't take two steps forward, the microphone would be snatched!
"That's right!"

Yunze responded, and couldn't help giving Li Shu a thumbs up.

Good assist girl!
He was worried about how to explain that he knew the history of Yanhuang, so he just took advantage of this matter to solve it!
This pot will be handed over to Chuangshi God!
Anyway, no one would find him to testify, if someone could get him to testify... Yunze would die unjustly.

"Then why would he..."

"Unpredictable gods!"

After Yunze clicked, he immediately interrupted Li Shu's question and brought the topic back: "I've already told you about the matter, and it's time to answer the last question.

Why not apologize. "

Yeah, why not apologize?Is it related to the past of Yanhuang civilization?

The rhythm of the crowd was firmly controlled by Yunze. They just started to think about this question, but before they had time to think about it, they were interrupted by Yunze.

"Because... we are Yanhuang!"

Yun Ze drew out the bone knife beside him, the blade dropped to the ground: "What about alien species? What about level [-]?

Looking at the past, they are not even qualified to be our dinner!Even now, they are just experience rewards from the gods!

It's just that there are still some small tests before getting the reward.

There are still seven days left, as Yanhuang with gods, heritage, and history, you...don't dare to fight! "


All the young people present roared out, but some young and old people did not speak.

It's normal for young people to be bloody, but when people get old, there are obviously more things to consider.

"But didn't you say that you can't deal with level [-] aliens?"

A middle-aged man shouted from the audience: "What if Yanhuang loses! Will the gods you mentioned come to save us!"

"Maybe, maybe not, I can't give a precise answer."

Yunze replied briefly, and scanned all the cameras: "At the moment of the war, I know that you are afraid. You are afraid. It is also because of this emotion that you think my actions are wrong.

That's right, if I apologize for this, there is a high probability that you will forgive me for my previous behavior of beheading the wolf king, even if I only need an attitude.

As long as this is the case, when the alien species invades, no matter how many people die, you will not have too much resentment against me.

Once I don't apologize, these grievances will be concentrated on me.

I understand all this. "

These words were not only addressed to those people, but also to the few 'chess players' behind the screen.

"But...is it okay to apologize? Is that all you ask for?"

Yunze asked back, raised his hand and cut a bloodstain on his palm with a bone knife, clenched his fists tightly, letting the blood fall to the ground: "I, Yunze, swear an oath here!
This test came about because of me. For every Yanhuang sacrificed, I will behead hundreds of aliens!The heterogeneous species will continue, and this vow will continue! "

At this moment, not only was there silence around the mountain gate, but the entire Yanhuang Continent was also silent.

Almost all Yanhuang people stared at Yunze, staring at the drops of blood falling to the floor, as if they were thinking about something.

Aliens...is it really that scary?

At the beginning, Yanhuang Bairen was only level [-], and with Zhu Polong's dispensable BUFF blessing, they could hunt and kill copper-skinned wild wolves alone.

What's more, now that there are second-level dragon veins, seven days, Yunze, millions of gods, and hundreds of millions of compatriots, there are only alien species less than [-]th level, so they can't be killed!
Questions like these are flooding the minds of the people, they have already begun to waver, and now they only need a fire!

A fire that can ignite self-confidence in their hearts!

"Now, let me ask you again."

Yunze spoke again, his eyes scanned the crowd in front of him: "The alien race is coming, you... dare to fight!"

"Dare to fight!"

"Dare to fight!"

"Dare to fight!"

There were three responses in a row, each time getting louder!

The first one was led by Wang Hu and others, with the enthusiasm of some young people; the second one was the mobilized middle-aged people. They were not without fighting spirit, but they were thinking too much. Now Yunze has relieved the thinking and fought. The meaning was naturally monstrous; Yunze didn't even think of the third sound.

That was the sound of the entire Yanhuang Continent, and they didn't care if Yunze could hear it or not, they roared in unison!
This is cultural confidence!
This was what Yanhuang lacked before, that's why he looked forward and backward, and was timid, but now... Yunze will make up for it!
Just when Yunze was about to speak to end the speech, an unexpected surprise came suddenly!


Accompanied by a dragon roar, a prompt popped up in front of everyone's eyes!
[Billions of battle souls, dragon veins resonate!The people of Yanhuang trigger the [Dragon Soul] BUFF, increasing combat power by 30%! 】

Dragon Soul?God help me too!It may be because many people gathered at the dragon veins to make a declaration, so this BUFF was triggered.

Yunze's eyes lit up, and before everyone could react, he spoke again: "I, Yanhuang, have God's help, a favorable location, and people to be with me!
This battle must be won! "


The appearance of [Dragon Soul] BUFF dispelled the last worry of the public.

At this moment, Yanhuang is united as one, without any worries, and even some people began to hope that the seven-day wait would soon be over.

Yunze finally put an end to his speech, and then went to Wuzhi with Wang Hu and his party.

Ever since he boarded Wuzhi, he had frowned and didn't say a word.

Now that the biggest public opinion problem has been solved, how should we deploy it next?
The advent of alien species is by no means limited to thousands of heads, it may be tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even endless!
If only relying on their hundred Chosen Ones, it might not be enough for those beasts to put their teeth between them.

Use a hot weapon?
Not to mention whether thermal weapons have any effect on them, and how effective they are.

God knows how those alien species will come. If they appear in a densely populated city, a large part of the weapons will be unusable, and even if they are not used, it will affect the personal safety and property safety of the people.

The self-confidence and popular support that have been built up with great difficulty cannot be broken just like this.

Yanhuang still needs a big victory!
This is the only way to keep your self-confidence forever!The hearts of the people are forever!
Just when Yunze was worried, Gu Ruchuan handed over the phone: "Captain Yun, Director Gu is on the phone."

"give it to me."

When Yunze answered the phone, he thought that the other party would praise him, but the first sentence that Lao Gu said once again surprised him.

"Xiao Yun, have you ever thought about becoming a god?"

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