The Myth Resurrected: Why Are My Eastern Gods Afraid of Fighting?

Chapter 32 Alien Invasion, The Sooner The Better

Inside the Tianxuan Bureau.

Gu Taiping was sitting in his office at this time, with a lot of goji berries in the thermos.

Instead of sitting on a sofa or an office chair, he sat on his desk, blowing on the hot air from his cup, and watching the real-time projection in front of him.

Beside him, there was a hands-free mobile phone with only two words on the screen.


"Old Gu, have you really thought it through?" A question came from the phone.

"Well, it couldn't be more clear."

Gu Taiping replied, his eyes fixed on the screen: "This kid's ability, fortune, background, and adaptability are all the best choices, but his heart... Sigh.

It is a good thing to be bloody and dare to sacrifice. Unfortunately, the time is too short. I don't know if he has the courage to admit defeat. If he doesn't... At most, he will be a general and does not meet the core of the plan. "

"It's you who are too picky."

The other end of the phone asked: "From a certain point of view, he didn't make a big mistake in this matter, only a minor one.

Even without him, when Yanhuang upgrades to the second level of civilization, there will be alien species coming, he just speeded up the process.

After all, he also promoted Yanhuang to the second-level civilization, and there is nothing wrong with the merits and demerits.

Now more than seventy percent of the people have agreed to take him as the core of that plan, if you come up with it now, if the image he built is broken, we..."


Gu Taiping interrupted the person on the phone: "I know what you mean and understand the truth, if possible, I don't want this to happen either!
Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, in my opinion, he didn't even have a small fault in this matter!

But don't forget, we use the power of the whole country to create gods!
If what we need is the kind of god that we put on the altar to offer, raise, and worship for nothing, then it doesn't matter who comes, but now...

What we want is a god who is willing to protect Yanhuang!If he wants to take on this responsibility, then he can't cherish his wings too much!Failure and mistakes cannot be escaped!
He must give in and admit his mistakes for the sake of some people!That's how you win people's hearts!

I still say the same thing, if he can't be perfect, I won't admit it!There are hundreds of millions of people in my Yanhuang people, I don't believe that I can't find a real core! "

"...Well, it's up to you."

There was a sigh on the other end of the phone, but he didn't hang up.

Holding the thermos, Gu Taiping took countless breaths, but he still didn't take a sip, and his eyes never moved away from the TV screen.

Yunze, I hope you don't let me down.

All you need is an apology, and with your current momentum, nothing major will happen.

The god-making plan is really not all about you!
Soon, Yunze's voice also sounded on the TV.

"First of all, I need to state the cause of this incident, but because it involves some confidentiality, I will replace some words with something."

Yunze's tone was very flat, without the slightest hint of nervousness.

Soon he narrated everything that happened in the Water Curtain Cave, without shirking responsibility, and told all the truth.

Except for the last stone gate I saw, I have said everything else, including the fact that there is a statue of a god in Huaguo Mountain.

Of course, the specific location is naturally not mentioned, so as not to be used by some interested people after hearing about it.

Until he finished telling the story, there was no sound from the audience, only flashing lights.

This surprised Yunze.

He thought that after he finished speaking, the noisy discussion just now would erupt again, but he didn't expect it to be so quiet.

"Well, that's how it happened."

Yunze glanced at the reporters in the audience: "You can start asking questions."

"Just this lady in the brown suit."

The reporter who was the first to spot Yunze just now raised his hand, and Yunze called her name.

The female reporter stood up, picked up the microphone and said, "Hello, Team Yun, I'm Li Shu, a reporter from Yanhuang News.

I would like to ask if there is a level [-] alien descending, are you sure to kill it?If so, how many heads can be killed at one time? "

"Good question, I thought you were going to ask if I wanted to apologize."

That's right, up to now, Yunze has only told the story without any formal apology.

In some people's eyes, his next sentence should be this.

"That's the next question." Li Shu replied with a smile.

"Then I'll answer your question first."

Yunze showed a confident smile: "According to my prediction, the combat strength of the [-]th-level alien species is at least over [-], which is equivalent to the wolf king in his peak period. Now I can't kill any of them."

The noise exploded in an instant.

Yunze is currently the strongest in Yanhuang, and even Bluestar, if he can't kill the twentieth-level alien species, then what a fart!

Li Shu also frowned, and hurriedly asked the second question: "Then are you going to apologize?"

The reason why she asked the first question first was to see if Yunze had the strength to deal with this crisis.

If there is, then naturally there is no need to apologize, but if not, I will hand him a ladder and let him go down, and apologize to the people who are about to sacrifice.

This is the best solution so far.

She wouldn't have thought so much if she hadn't accepted Yunze's favor of killing the wolf king earlier!
"not prepare."

"Then what are you going to do... hmm?"

Li Shu's next question is also a ladder, as long as Yunze is willing to answer it, the topic can be smoothly transitioned to the stage of admitting mistakes.

But what did he just say?
"I said, I'm not going to apologize."

Yunze repeated it again.

The people in the audience quieted down involuntarily. They looked at the man in front of them strangely, as if they had just met him.

In the sky, Yunze who dared to fight for Yanhuang, is this what he looks like in real life?

So disappointed, really disappointed!
A small number of people frowned and roared in the silence: "Yunze! It's just an apology, we will forgive you!"

"Yes! We only want your attitude!"

"Captain Yun! Everyone makes mistakes!"

Such voices kept ringing, and even Gu Rukawa next to him frowned.

He tugged on Wang Hu's clothes: "Brother Wang, why don't you go up and help Team Yun?"

Help him admit his mistake!If it goes on like this, it will cause public resentment, and the image of Team Yun may also be ruined!
"He doesn't need help."

Before Wang Hu could speak, Han Ruier, who had been staring at the stage, spoke first: "Brother Yun knows what he is doing."


Gu Ruchuan wanted to say something else, but Wang Hu next to him also added: "Xiao Chuan, what do you want me to do to help him?
Do you want to apologize?Do you also think that your cloud team is wrong? "

"Of course not! But I think so, other people may not necessarily think so. There are all kinds of birds in this big forest, and there are always people who can't figure it out!"

There were two crisp sounds from the stage. It was the sound of Yunze knocking on the table. He seemed to want to say something, and the crowd became quiet again.

"So, you all think I'm wrong?"

Yunze asked back: "Then where did I go wrong?
Shouldn't the level of civilization be raised now, causing alien species to descend?Not to mention that I didn't know in advance that this would lead to alien invasion, even if I knew, I would make the same decision!

In my opinion, the sooner the alien invades, the better! "

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar!

crazy!Yunze must be crazy!This is a global broadcast!

What the hell is he going to do!

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