As the light gradually receded, Yunze rubbed his eyes several times, looked at the prompt box in front of him, and the thing in his hand several times.

It took me several times to confirm that I was not mistaken, and I was not dazzled!

But just to be on the safe side, he still put the thing in his left hand, and took out the ancient sword with his right hand, held it up in front of the three of them, and asked them: "Look, are these two things exactly the same?"

Whether it's Wu Tianyao or Han Rui'er, even Bubu, who is just eating melons and watching the show, all nodded at the same time.

The ancient sword...another ancient sword!
And it is exactly the same ancient sword as the previous ancient sword!

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the reminder in front of Yunze!
When he got the second ancient sword, he immediately understood why this dog needs to be nourished with essence and blood, and even the golden hoop was afraid of its existence.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the innate spirit treasure——Yuantu (the sword spirit has not awakened)! 】

Innate Lingbao!Yuan Tu!
This is the most precious treasure of the ancestor Styx in ancient times!
Yuan Tuzhu slaughtered, and Abizhu slaughtered.

Since the one I obtained later was Yuan Tu, wouldn't the ancient sword I obtained earlier be... Ah Bi!
These two swords are like twins. It cannot be said that they look alike, but they are exactly the same!
No wonder this guy doesn't kill directly, but sucks the other party up to death by absorbing the essence and blood!

For monsters, this is not cruelty or killing!
I should have thought of it, I should have thought of it!
From the reminder of the mysterious existence in free civilization, one should think of which sword is bloodthirsty like life in this world, and which sword is twins.

The only ones who can meet these two conditions are Yuan Tu and Ah Bi!
Yunze's eyes were full of excitement, but for some reason, when he was holding Yuantu's nose with both hands, a sense of irritability instantly surged into his heart.

Even looking at the three girls in front of him, he felt an indescribable disgust in his heart, as if he could only calm down their emotions by removing their heads from their necks!
The more he thought about it, the more vivid the picture in his mind became, as if it was a picture of future existence.

It seems that only in this way can he suppress the restlessness in his heart!

Only in this way can he be freed!

Just as Yunze was about to move forward, there was a burst of humming!
There was a burst of hotness in his chest, which burned away the evil thoughts in his heart and returned to normal!

Yunze hurriedly looked down, and found that the mysterious golden hoop was trembling constantly, as if reminding him of something.

He couldn't help recalling the thoughts in his mind just now, and suddenly his hair stood on end, and he hurriedly threw the Yuantu Abi in his hand aside!
This prehistoric No. [-] evil weapon really lived up to its reputation!

Now that the sword spirit has not yet awakened, just holding it in the hand can cause evil thoughts. Once the sword spirit wakes up, if the mind is not strong, I don't know what will happen!

"Captain Yun, what's wrong with you?"

Han Rui'er didn't know what happened, but suddenly saw that Yunze became a little strange, and he threw the two swords aside after a while.

To say that this behavior pattern is strange is already an euphemism, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he had a sudden convulsion.

Not only Han Rui'er, but also Wu Tianyao next to him felt strange.

But her level is slightly higher, and she can sense the breath of Yunze.

Just now, he was definitely intent on killing!He wanted to kill the three of them!
Ever since Wu Tianyao changed, her gaze and aura have been locked on him. As long as he takes another step forward, she will strike without hesitation!


At the last moment when Yunze was about to take a step, he threw away the pair of swords, otherwise he really didn't know what would happen.

"Is it because of these two swords?"

Wu Tianyao looked at the ancient swords that were thrown on both sides, and then raised her head to look at Yunze in front of her: "Just now you..."

"I know."

Yunze spat out three words with a wry smile, and also set his eyes on the two ancient swords.

This thing is evil, but no matter what, it is also an innate treasure, and it is absolutely impossible to give up.

But holding two swords is also impossible!
Rather than...

He turned to look at the three women in front of him.

In terms of trust, he naturally trusts the three of them very much, why not let them control one of the swords, then he doesn't have to worry about the impact of the two swords on him, and it can also improve the combat effectiveness of the entire Yanhuang, why not do it ?
But before that, they still need to seek their opinions.

"Let me explain."

Yunze picked up the two swords, put them in front of him, and sat cross-legged: "These two swords are called Yuantu and Abi, the twin swords, and they are also two evil swords from ancient times.

It was once owned by the ancestor of Styx, Master Yuan Tu slaughtered, and Master Abi slaughtered. If the level of spiritual treasures is divided according to the sanctuary, these two swords are innate treasures! "

"Innate treasure!?" Wu Tianyao suddenly exclaimed!

You must know that although there is a level of congenital treasure in the sanctuary, there has never been a treasure of this level, at most it is the acquired treasure, and even the word congenital is a legend!

Now that Yunze said that these two swords are innate treasures, how could she not be surprised!
No wonder... No wonder the sword in his hand is so weird!Now there is a reasonable explanation.

"Listen to me first."

Yunze calmly spit out four words, and raised his finger to one of the ancient swords: "The one that has been with me is called Abi, and the one I got earlier is called Yuantu.

You may have discovered just now that I cannot hold two ancient swords at the same time.

Once I hold them at the same time, I will feel very irritable and irritable, and I even had the idea of ​​killing you just now.

This is where they are evil. "

Yunze did not hesitate to speak out what he had just thought, the only way to let them know the horror of these two swords.


Bubu exclaimed, and hurriedly asked: "Then Team Yun, you now..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine now."

As Yunze spoke, he took out the gold hoop on his chest and showed it in front of everyone: "It was this thing that saved me and restored my sanity.

But I don't know how many times it can save me. Just to be cautious, I still decided to divide one sword. "

After finishing speaking, Yunze glanced at the three of them: "You guys, who wants to try?

Even if you only use one sword, it is best to try the feeling of holding both swords in your hand first, just feel it a little bit.

Once something is wrong, we can save it in time. "

Boob was the first to shake his head.

She knew that she was just making up the numbers, no matter her current biological age or the reincarnation of a fairy, she was not suitable to hold one of the ancient swords.

In terms of being able to choose, there are actually only two people... Han Ruier and Wu Tianyao.

Among them, Wu Tianyao has never touched the ancient sword once, but Han Rui'er has touched it a few times by chance, but nothing has changed.

But now that the two swords meet together, no one can tell what will happen.

Wu Tianyao and Han Ruier looked at each other, and they saw humility in each other's eyes.

Han Ruier thinks that Wu Tianyao is the strongest among Yanhuang no matter what, and it is only natural that he has an ancient sword, but Wu Tianyao thinks that Han Ruier is the native of the ancestral land, and it is safest for her to control it.

Both of them thought so, but neither of them was willing to take a step forward.

Yunze also saw their entanglement, so he had no choice but to say: "Come up and try, one by one.

Ray, you go first. "

To be honest, Yunze also had a little selfishness in his heart.

If the two can only choose one to wield the ancient sword, he naturally hopes that it will be Han Rui'er. Among other things, Wu Tianyao's identity is always a hurdle.

Even if she is a human being, she is also a human in the Sanctuary, not a human born and raised in Yanhuang soil.

Perhaps Yunze didn't care too much about this, but if Lao Gu and the others knew that they had entrusted her with the ancient sword, there would inevitably be some gossip.


Han Rui'er nodded and stepped forward, picking up Ah Bi first.

There was nothing wrong with just an ancient sword, her eyes were still clear, and Ah Bi didn't react at all, not even trembling slightly.

But that's not enough.

Yunze threw out a small piece of monster corpse and threw it in front of Han Ruier.

There is still some blood in it, if Han Rui'er can extract the essence blood while holding A Bi, then she will have no problem holding this sword.


Han Rui'er swiped Abi in front of the meat, not to mention blood, not even blood.

Yunze couldn't help frowning: "Try another handle first."

"it is good."

Han Ruier nodded, put Abi down, and picked up Yuantu.

This time it was not as peaceful as before.

The moment Yuan Tu was picked up by her, the entire blade of the sword began to tremble crazily, as if it was about to come out!
Yunze hurried forward, afraid of any accidents: "Quick! Put it down!"

While he was talking, he even wanted to step forward to grab the sword!

But before he came close, Han Ruier uttered a sentence with a clear mind: "Don't! Don't!"

"I seem to... perceive its emotions."

Han Ruier stared at Yuan Tu in his hand, frowning slightly: "It seems...fearing me."

Would the innate treasure be afraid of you, a level 30 Chosen One?
This fantasy story dare not write like this!

Yun Ze thought so in his heart, but frowned. He knew that with Han Rui'er's temperament, it was impossible to lie about this kind of matter.

There is only one possibility for her to say that, and that is that she really sensed Yuan Tu's emotions.

But Yuantu was slaughtered by the master, how could it be afraid... wait!I seem to have guessed something!
"Don't worry!"

As Yunze spoke, he picked up Ah Bi, stepped forward and handed it to Han Ruier: "Be careful, and try to hold this sword again."

"Tianyao! Come here and stand on Rui'er's right. Once you find something is wrong, take Yuantu away!"

"it is good!"

Wu Tianyao also knew the seriousness of the matter, so she hurriedly walked to Han Ruier's right, stretched out her hand and held the back half of the sword hilt, and if she found something was wrong, she would forcefully grab the sword!

The same is true for Yunze's left side.

Fortunately, Han Rui'er was the lowest level among the three, if it was Yunze, he would have to be careful even when grabbing the sword.

"are you ready?"

Yunze looked at the two people in front of him and asked again.

"All right!"

"I'm fine here."

Hearing the affirmative answers from the two, Yunze nodded and said, "Okay, I'll count to one, two, guys get ready!"

"One two..."


As soon as the words fell, Han Rui'er took Abi from Yunze.

In an instant, a gust of cold wind swept in!

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