Yunze just came in front of Longmai.

The system seemed to know what his purpose of coming here was, and a special task was directly slapped on his face!

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the main mission: Resuscitation Dragon Vein IV!

Mission description: The ancient times do not exist, the ancient times are lost, the Yanhuang dragon veins are reshaped, the levels are unified, and the glory of the past is no longer there!
Mission objective: to increase the level of dragon veins.

Task Reward: Every time a dragon vein is upgraded by one level, you can get a random draw.

Mission time limit: None.

Task Tips: You can increase the level of the dragon vein by awakening the dragon vein node, offering extraordinary items to the node, and improving the civilization level.

The level difference of each dragon vein cannot exceed one level. 】

[Current dragon vein: Zhenhai (awakened node)

Level: 3.

Distance to next upgrade: 0.23%]

This task is still the same as before, except that this time the level of civilization is not raised by upgrading the dragon veins, but by the selection of heaven, so this task reminds Yunze that he has not seen it for almost a month.

Thinking of this, Yunze couldn't help but look at the golden cudgel hanging around his waist.

This thing was obtained from the lottery roulette back then, but it was not so obedient at the time, Yunze accidentally fell for this guy, and petrified for almost a week.

Fortunately, his body had already been strengthened at that time, otherwise, this time would have been enough for him to burp directly.

Thinking of this, Yunze couldn't help pulling up the golden cudgel, and raised his hand to strike.

But after thinking about it, it doesn't hurt to hit this thing, isn't it my own hand that hurts?
And it seems to make me look like a small-minded person.

Isn't everything over?Then let it go.

With a 'kind' smile on the corner of Yunze's mouth, he put the golden cudgel and ancient sword together with his hands.

Immediately afterwards, the golden cudgel turned on the vibration mode, and the heart of fear was undoubtedly revealed!
Since Gu Jian experienced the first awakening last time, Jin Cudgel is no longer willing to approach it. As Gu Jian absorbs more and more blood, Jin Cudgel is more and more afraid of it.

Until later, Yunze had no choice but to separate these two things, otherwise, with the shaking of the golden cudgel, others would think he had some weird little toy in his pocket.

This can be regarded as a small punishment and a big punishment.

With this punitive measure, he didn't bother to take care of the little stick anymore, and turned around to carry the sacrifice.

Just like before, this kind of sacrifice to the dragon's veins can only be done by Yunze himself.

He carried a large number of alien corpses onto the altar, and quickly piled up the progress bar to the last bit!
As long as another corpse of a different species is sacrificed, the level of Zhenhai Dragon Vein will be raised to level four!

One of the dragon veins has been upgraded, and Yanhuang will be upgraded to a fourth-level civilization at that time. Seven days later, there will be another alien invasion.

If it was said that during the first alien invasion, Yunze thought that there would be no opportunities without risks, then by this moment, his mentality had changed.

He has seen alien invasions twice. If the first time was to turn the tide and not witness too much blood, then the second time he fought bloody from beginning to end!

This blood is not his blood, but the blood of those heroes who died for Yanhuang!

Even with so many reinforcements this time, facing the third alien invasion, Yunze is still not sure of zero casualties.

Zero casualties, that's not a miracle, that's called a miracle!

Unless he can randomly find a really powerful ancient god this time, or get some ancient treasure from the lottery roulette, otherwise it is impossible to do this!

Yunze finally gritted his teeth and filled up the last ounce of contribution!

In order not to cause more casualties, for Yanhuang's revival, for those dead heroes... now is the best time to upgrade the dragon veins!

Even if there is a sacrifice, it is worth it!
And I will do my best to minimize this due sacrifice!lowest!
[Detected Yanhuang Dragon Vein (Zhenhai) level +1, civilization background improved, civilization level +1, all creatures level +1! 】

When the reminder came down, Yunze's original level 39 shackles did not break, but there was an extra task reminder!
[It has been detected that you have reached level 39, and you need to complete the following tasks within the specified time, otherwise you will be punished by downgrading!

Advanced task: kill one level 40 creature/kill three level 39 creatures.

Mission time limit: 72 hours.

Tips: The first failure is downgraded by one level, the second failure is downgraded by two levels, and so on. 】

Breakthrough mission.

This was expected, whether it was the last time he broke through level [-] or the last time he broke through level [-], this kind of task was triggered.

It's just that after research, it's found that not everyone will trigger this kind of breakthrough mission.

Some people will no longer trigger the task of breaking through level [-] even after reaching level [-].

According to Wu Tianyao, Sanctuary's description of this reason only has four words - lack of talent!
They can only be stuck at level nineteen for life!And that's still most of it!

I don't know how many people at level 29 can't trigger the task of breaking through level [-]. It is a good thing that they can trigger the task of breaking through level [-].

It's just that you still need to find a level 72 monster to break through within [-] hours.

It doesn't matter, anyway, it's only two days before the opening of the Sanctuary Teleportation Formation, and then go there again, after awakening a new god, get a new BUFF upgrade, isn't it easy to kill a [-]th-level monster?

If it doesn't work, isn't there Danfeng to help?

So now the focus is on... the draw!
He needs to know if something as good as or better than the golden cudgel will appear on the lottery wheel!
Yunze hastily clicked on the lottery roulette, and when the roulette appeared in front of his eyes, a purple-gold light curtain instantly enveloped it!

Same as last time, there are nine options engraved on the roulette, eight of which are fruits, and one is shrouded in purple gold brilliance!

From the lighting effect alone, it is not difficult to judge that the level of this baby is definitely higher than that of the Golden Cudgel!

No matter how Yunze looked at it, even if his eyes were shining brightly, he couldn't see what was behind Zijin Guanghua.

The entire lottery roulette was shrouded in a layer of mist, which made Yunze unable to see clearly what was inside.

Can't see through the piercing eyes?

Your system is somehow targeting me!
But it doesn't matter, anyway, the sacrifice materials for the nine dragon veins are all ready this time, so you have a total of nine lucky draw options, sooner or later they will all be mine!
Yunze didn't pass on his luck this time, letting the lottery roulette step on it repeatedly.

He intends to upgrade all the dragon veins and make nine consecutive draws at once!

In this way, no matter how many times he draws the reward covered by the purple-gold light curtain, he no longer has to doubt his luck.

Since the upgrade of the dragon vein level was announced by the Yanhuang civilization a long time ago, the people did not have any special reaction.

On the contrary, it was because of their victory in the face of the alien invasion this time that they were full of confidence. They had long forgotten any risks and only thought about the benefits brought about by the improvement of their civilization level.

Yunze left the Zhenhai dragon vein and quickly moved towards other dragon veins... Governing the river, nourishing the river, looking at the mountains, looking at the river, Yunhu, cultivating forests, solidifying the land, and surveying the sky!
After raising the level of the remaining eight dragon veins to level four, Yun Ze also found Wu Tianyao, Bu Bu, and Han Rui'er, planning to start a lottery draw.

This is to avoid the same thing as the last time I got the golden cudgel from happening later.

Now Yanhuang's situation is not stable, so he must be fully prepared.

Yunze wasn't worried about exposing anything because of this, anyway, when the Golden Cudgel appeared, the blame had already been thrown to Chuangshi Shen.

Of course it's the same this time.

Everyone came to a bunker that had been prepared in advance, and after making sure that there was no one in the surrounding hundreds of kilometers, they opened the bunker and prepared to start the lottery draw.

There is no way, Yunze is not even mentally prepared now, and he doesn't know what is under the purple-gold light curtain.

In case this is some kind of area-destructive weapon, and he draws a lottery near the dragon veins, then if something happens, he will really be the sinner of Yanhuang!

So there are requirements for the environment, that is inevitable!

"Are you all ready?"

Yunze looked at the people in front of him, and asked one last time: "If you're ready, I'll start."


Wu Tianyao stood at the front and nodded. As the highest ranking person in Yanhuang, she was also a little uneasy.

Even if she has already reached level 61, hearing Yunze's description of what might happen in the future, she is a little afraid of being overwhelmed.

If even she couldn't stand it, unfortunately, she was injured or died in the incident later, and the alien invasion seven days later, I really don't know what to do.

But for Yunze's safety, she had to bite the bullet and go up!
In her opinion, without herself, the ancestral land might survive the monster invasion seven days later, but if there is no Yunze, even if it survives the next round, what will happen next?

In the entire ancestral land and the entire sanctuary, he may be the only one who knows what the ancient civilization of Yanhuang was like.

Nothing will happen to him!
If the 'God's Gift' could be replaced, Wu Tianyao would have volunteered long ago.

"Okay, then I'll start."

The smelly daughter-in-law has to see her in-laws sooner or later.

Yunze looked at the lottery roulette in front of him, gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and silently said four words...

Draw, let's start!
Draw nine times in a row!

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the experience fruit (Level [-]). If you eat it below level [-], you can immediately upgrade to one level. 】

Eight experience fruits that can increase one level below level [-] appear at the same time.

Different from the first-level experience fruit last time, this fourth-level fruit is obviously much larger, and the color has become more pure, like a huge gem, not like a fruit at all.

But everyone's eyes quickly moved away from the fruit.

When the chance of the last lottery draw was reduced to zero, that touch of purple gold exploded in front of everyone's eyes!

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