System: Achieve the first restaurant at the start

Chapter 187 Two Ways of Yin and Yang

It is impossible for Lao Jin to give Cheng Yuan a complete explanation of Yin and Yang, he can only explain while doing it, and Cheng Yuan can only rely on Cheng Yuan to comprehend those things that cannot be done.

This is why even learning how to cook requires talent.

It is not difficult to be a chef, but if you want to be a good chef, a top chef, you can do it by hard work!
Those parts that cannot be concealed require Cheng Yuan to have a certain imagination, integrate his own experience, slowly feel and comprehend!
That's what Lao Jin's master taught him back then!
It is important to be able to master the two ways of yin and yang, but Lao Jin's acquired talent and hard work are even more important!
As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the practice lies with the individual, that's how it is.

The complexity of these two dishes far exceeded Cheng Yuan's imagination.

From nine o'clock in the evening, Lao Jin explained while explaining, until two o'clock in the morning, he still hasn't finished the lecture!

Just a rough idea!
One can imagine how difficult these two dishes are!

Once again, no one will remember it!

But when it comes to this, should we still use memory to remember?

No, it depends on experience, on comprehension, to comprehend!
The most basic thing is which seasoning to put first, how to marinate, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, pepper powder, pepper, onion, ginger, and garlic... These things are simply not feasible to remember by brain.

But if you have studied cooking for a few years and have a high enough understanding, you will naturally understand that you need to add salt at this time, because the salt is used to prepare the way for the water to be added later. This dish is not to highlight the salty taste, so Salt is only the base material for laying the ground and bedding, so it should not be added too much.

After the brine is finished, you must not add chicken essence and monosodium glutamate, because it needs to be heated first, otherwise the taste will not dissolve.

With these knowledge reserves, it will be much easier to understand what Lao Jin has done!
In addition to these, there are many places that need to be memorized by rote!
What are the dog days, the twelfth lunar month, how to deal with it before drying, to what extent, how to preserve it after drying, and what to do if it is not dried or frozen in the first year...

Too many points!

And they are all very important, very crucial!

Or it is difficult to say that the two ways of yin and yang are difficult!

Cheng Yuan can now imagine the extent of the so-called Heavenly God!

It is estimated that it is more complicated than Yin and Yang.

It is enough to make it once in a lifetime, and it is enough to stand out from the crowd and look down on the entire chef world.

"What I said, you should write it down. After you finish watching this video, try to delete it!"

It's a bit impossible to record all the main points with the brain alone, so Cheng Yuan started to record the video halfway.

Lao Jin saw it, but he didn't stop Cheng Yuan's behavior.

He will stay for a month at most, and Cheng Yuan has limited time to study every day, so it is a bit too difficult for Cheng Yuan not to let Cheng Yuan record.

But in this way, the two ways of yin and yang also have the risk of leaking out.

In fact, the method is not a secret, just like shredded potatoes, the ones made at home are different from those made in restaurants. The same ingredients, the taste is different.

Even if it is leaked, not many people can learn it.

But it is always uneasy to spread it out.

It's the same principle as learning martial arts before the feudal period. The master would only pass on the real kung fu to his own disciples, for fear that other schools would steal his master's skills.

But in the end, how many people can really become masters, learn something and master it well?
There are quite a few people who know how to do Yin and Yang, maybe even Li Fushou knows how to do it.

But knowing and being able to do it are two different things.

Cheng Yuan nodded respectfully, "I know!"

He knows in his heart that what Lao Jin taught him today is Lao Jin's housekeeping skills, which has surpassed the friendship of friends.

Lao Jin used ordinary materials to make a simple Yin-Yang method, and Cheng Yuan's heart was shocked after he tasted it.

It is even more delicious than those dishes in his shop!

And it's not just a little bit delicious, it's much more delicious!
At least twice!
This is still a yin and yang duality made of ordinary materials, instead of using fire in the dog days and ice in the three or nine days.

If you use Cheng Yuan's ingredients and use the most standard method to make this dish...

Cheng Yuan couldn't imagine the smell.

What Lao Jin said was a bit mysterious, saying that these two dishes contained yin and yang, concentrated the essence of heaven and earth, and the finishing touch was very good for men, even comparable to medicine!
Feng Dianyan is extremely beneficial to a woman's body, and it is also comparable to medicinal herbs!
Not just a delicacy!
Cheng Yuan didn't believe it at first, but now he believes it!
At the same time, he also had a vague idea about the "Heavenly God".

"Okay, just remember it! It's getting late, go to bed!"

Seeing Cheng Yuan's respectful attitude towards him, and his attitude towards this matter very seriously, Lao Jin was very satisfied.

Cheng Yuan suddenly knelt down at Lao Jin.

Lao Jin was startled, and said, "Cheng Yuan, what are you doing?"

Cheng Yuan said solemnly: "Master! Whether you admit it or not, I will be your apprentice from now on! I will not know how precious and mysterious this yin and yang are after you finish talking about it. Cultural heritage can’t be overstated! You don’t like big fanfare and vain ceremonies, so I’ll kowtow to you here as a teacher!”

The surprise on Lao Jin's face slowly receded, and he put his hands behind his back and smiled slightly, "Okay, I agree! Go to sleep!"

"This old man!"

Cheng Yuan doesn't necessarily know how happy Lao Jin is, but Lao Jin doesn't seem unhappy either!

Even if he was an apprentice, Lao Jin just responded casually, as if he didn't take it seriously at all.

Cheng Yuan complained, tidied up the kitchen, and followed him upstairs.

the next day.

Cheng Yuan received a document from the agency company, which contained ten LOGOs, all of which were driven out overnight by the designer, and Cheng Yuan took a fancy to one of them!
It was a stick figure of a lollipop, with big circles enclosing small circles.

Originally it was just a very common pattern, but after being created by the designer and painted with gold edges, it became a bit full of technology!
A big circle encircles a small circle.

This is the designer's inspiration for "Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan"!
The outer circle is "Tuantuan", and the inner circle is "Yuanyuan".

Cheng Yuan likes the idea, but Cheng Yuan feels that it is not suitable for technology. He is not a technology company, but a catering company. He can process it to remove the sense of technology!

Cheng Yuan chose this pattern, and submitted various certificates of his store and his own ID card, and asked the agency company to handle it on his behalf. After completing the qualification, the agency company will help register, and Cheng Yuan just waits to get the trademark.

And today, Chengyuan restaurant has a few more applicants!

A little girl in her twenties is applying for a job as a waiter and front desk.

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